Access: Comparing Memo fields - Not In - sql

Good morning! I am seeking guidance on an issue I have been stuck on since last week, but hopefully there is an easy solution.
As you know, you cannot directly link/join memo fields in MS Access. I created a query last week to return rows where a memo field in one table contained the text field from another table via the Where clause "[memo] LIKE '\*[text]\*'" and this worked out perfectly.
However, now I would like to find out the memo values from the table NOT present in the query. I was hoping it would be simple to do with a "Not in" clause, but this does not seem to be the case.
Is there another method to do this? Is there a way to perhaps convert the data type in a SQL query? Or is the only way to do this type of query in VBA?
Thank you in advance! I can provide more info upon request, but I did not feel the field/table names would be of any use.

Cheers to #HansUp! I added the original primary key to the initial query and just compared those as opposed to trying to compare the memo fields; a much simpler solution! I might make adding the primary key a subquery as to keep the original query only contain fields of interest, but at least it works accurately! Cheers all! I love this community.


MS Access - Age of record calculated field

I am new to Access but I have experience with Excel and Power BI. I could use a little help with what is probably a very simple problem for most of you.
I searched for a simple solution to this same problem quite extensively before posting here. I tried adapting solutions for similar problems to my problem, but I'm just not familiar enough with Access yet to bridge that gap.
I have a [request date] field. I want my [age] field to return the number of days since that request date. Sounds simple enough. o_O
Through trial and error I eventually determined that I cannot do this without a query (please prove me wrong?). And why can't I use datediff() or date() in a calculated field, anyway? Grr.
So I set up an update query for a new field (called [today]) with the expression "date()".
Then I set the [age] field to be calculated with the expression [today]-[request date].
This gives me the result I want for [age]. But now I'm thinking I need to write an autoexec macro to run this query every time the database is opened so that [today] stays current.
At this point I stopped. Seems like a lot of work for such a simple problem. I hate being inefficient. I'm hoping someone out there knows a more elegant solution that might also teach me some new tricks, too.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Calculated fields belong in queries, not tables.
Just use a SELECT query. It could be as simple as
SELECT *, DateDiff("d",[request date],Date()) AS Age
FROM yourTable
and then use that query wherever you would use the table.

SQL: Need to hide a specific word(s) when they are used in a column -

My question right now is whether something can be done or not, as a result, no code has been included in this question. If it can be done what is the correct phrase that I can query and research this further.
I am working with a customer database where the request has been made that if a specific word is used in the comments field, that word is replaced or hidden when the query is used report and viewed using SSRS / Report Builder.
I had also wondered if even an expression can be written to hide or mask that word, and this would then be used in the tablix field that is used on the report.
Any suggestions are appreciated.
The database is Microsoft SQL 2016 with SSRS 2017 and Report Builder 2016.
If there is a specific word, then the answer is simple. You can just use replace(). In fact, you can add this into the table:
alter table t add safe_comments as (replace(comments, '<bad word>', 'XXXXXXX'));
You can extend this to a handful of hard-coded words by nesting replace() values.
I suspect, however, that your problem is that you have a fairly long list of words that you want to replace. If that is the case, such a simple solution is not going to work.
It is possible in SQL Server to remove a list of words, stored in a table, from a given comment. That requires a recursive CTE (or a user-defined function). This probably has acceptable performance for returning a single record or a handful of records. However, for scanning the entire table, it would probably be too slow.

Script to compare two tables in database, from user input

I am very new to VBA and SQL and am trying to learn. I have a MS Access project that requires a VBA script that prompts the user to input two table names and numerous field names and create a SQL query utilizing those the names.
The specific SQL query I'm trying to use is below.
A.user_index, A.input1, B.input1, A.input2, B.input2, A.input3, B.input3, B.input4,
A.input4, A.input5, B.input5
table1 AS A
table2 AS B ON A.user_index = B.user_index
(((A.input1) <> [B].[input1)) OR
(((A.input2) <> [B].[input2])) or
(((A.input4) <> [B].[input4]));
The overall purpose of this is to have a script that will be able to list fields for comparison that is applicable with any database. I know this is probably a relatively easy solution. However, I have no idea where to start.
My first instinct is to say "What have you tried so far?", but as you said, you don't know where to start.
It sounds like you need to first prompt the user for several field and table names, then build a query based on those values. I recommend first outlining exactly what you want your script to do. Maybe something like:
Declare variables to hold the values.
Prompt the user for each of the values and store them in the variables.
2a. After the user enters a value, make sure it is valid. If not, do something accordingly.
Declare a variable to hold your SQL query.
Construct the query.
Run the query.
This is obviously just an example. Break down each step into "baby steps" as much as possible.
It's a good idea to ask yourself how unique these baby steps are to your particular situation (hint: they almost certainly are not unique). If they aren't, then they have probably been solved tens of thousands of times already, so you have a very good chance of googling your questions.
If you still can't find an answer to how to do a particular step, feel free to ask here. Just remember to include your code even if it is broken :)

How to get multi row data of one column to one row of one Column

I need to get data in multiple row of one column.
For example data from that format
ID Interest
to that format
ID Interest
I wonder that we can do that in MS Access sql. If anybody knows that, please help me on that.
Take a look at Allen Browne's approach: Concatenate values from related records
As for the normalization argument, I'm not suggesting you store concatenated values. But if you want to join them together for display purposes (like a report or form), I don't think you're violating the rules of normalization.
This is called de-normalizing data. It may be acceptable for final reporting. Apparently some experts believe it's good for something, as seen here.
(Mind you, kevchadder's question is right on.)
Have you looked into the SQL Pivot operation?
Take a look at this link:
Just noticed you're using access. Take a look at this article:
This is nothing you should do in SQL and it's most likely not possible at all.
Merging the rows in your application code shouldn't be too hard.

Read number of columns and their type from query result table (in C)

I use PostgreSQL database and C to connect to it. With a help from dyntest.pgc I can access to number of columns and their (SQL3) types from a result table of a query.
Problem is that when result table is empty, I can't fetch a row to get this data. Does anyone have a solution for this?
Query can be SELECT 1,2,3 - so, I think I can't use INFORMATION SCHEMA for this because there is no base table.
I'm not familiar with ecpg, but with libpq you should be able to call PQnfields to get the number of fields and then call various PQf* routines (like PQftype, PQfname) to get detailed info. Those functions take a PGResult, which you have even if there are no rows.
Problem is that when result table is empty, I can't fetch a row to get this data. Does anyone have a solution for this?
I am not sure to really get what you want, but it seems the answer is in the question. If the table is empty, there are no rows...
The only solution here seems you must wait a non empty result table, and then get the needed informations.