__ptr32 to pin_ptr gives compilation error on x64 configuration - c++-cli

I am wrapping a method of dll(c++) in C++/CLI. I am using x86 windows-xp machine with Vc++ 2010.
I have both x86 and x64 configuration in my c++/CLI project.
I am getting a compile error in x64 only. here is code snippet
struct A
int data;
A *__ptr32 next;
pin_ptr<A *>pinned = &obj->next; // A obj
above line is being compiled only in x86 configuration.
In x64 im am getting a compile error: can't convert A * to pin_ptr <Type>
compiler option: /clr

__pt32 constrains the pointer to a 32 bit pointer that only works on x86.
x64 works with 64 bit pointers...
just remove the size constraint and use it like a regular pointer:
struct A
int data;
A* next;


PInvokeStackImbalance was detected

When I use c++ dll in c#, I get the PInvokeStackImbalance error.
Managed Debugging Assistant 'PInvokeStackImbalance' has detected a problem in.....
Here is the c# code I used:
[DllImport("Mydll.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern bool MyFunction(char[] logPath, float f1, float f2);
c++ dll function
EXTERNC MYDLL_API bool WINAPI MyFunction(char[] logPath, float f1, float f2);
c++ environment : VS 2013 (win32)
c# environment : VS 2013 (.net framework 4.5)
I've been searching for this problem, but couldn't find the answer I'm looking for.
How can I solve this?

Class template argument type deduction in C++17 - compilation problems

I'm following Kate Gregory's C++ course on Pluralsight and understand that C++17 introduced a feature for compilers to deduce the type in a template, however the code below returns the error: missing template arguments before 'numbers'
#include <vector>
using std::vector;
int main()
vector numbers{ 0, 1, 2 };
return 0;
I'm using the MinGW gcc compiler (version 6.3.0) and using "g++ -std=c++1z *.cpp" in the command prompt, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
I know I can fix it by declaring the type but I wanted to check in case I miss out on other C++17 features through some basic error I'm making.
Your code is OK (but I suggest not to use using std::vector).
The problem is your compiler, g++ 6.3.0, that is too old to support the feature you're trying to use: class template argument deduction and deduction guides.
You need g++ 7 or newer.

Porting project from ICCAVR to Atmel Studio 7.0 _flash problem

I'm currently porting a large project to Atmel Studio from ICCAVR as I need to use some of the ASF libraries for the project I'm working on.
I'm getting this error with the code example below in regards to trying to convert the following line to Atmel Studio
void debugoutf(__flash char * header, __flash char * msg);
Error pointer targeting address space '__flash' must be const in
function parameter 'header'
I tried using the macro in the documentation so that it can compile in Atmel Studio.
#ifndef FLASHVAR_H_
#define FLASHVAR_H_
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#if defined(__ICCAVR__) // IAR C Compiler
#define FLASH_DECLARE(x) __flash x
#if defined(__GNUC__) // GNU Compiler
#define FLASH_DECLARE(x) x __attribute__((__progmem__))
IAR to AVR Conversion
void debugout(FLASH_DECLARE (char * header), char * msg);
My question is have I done the conversion correctly, as I don't think I've done it correctly as nothing is getting printed out in my UART debugging.
The problem with using __attribute__((__progmem__)) on a variable is that whenever you want to read data from such a variable, you can't just access it in the usual way that you would access a variable from RAM. Instead, you have to use special functions provided by the avr/pgmspace.h header in avr-libc, like pgm_read_byte.
That's pretty annoying, but you don't have to do it that way because why they added named address spaces like __flash to recent versions of GCC (assuming you are using C, not C++). I recommend you stop using __attribute__((__progmem__)) and use __flash instead, if your version of GCC supports it. If the compiler gives you an error or warning because it expects items stored in flash to be marked as const, you can simply add const to the declaration/definition (in the right position). If you have trouble doing that, please post a new question or edit this question so it contains a MCVE.
For the example code you gave, you should try writing:
void debugoutf(const __flash char * header, const __flash char * msg);

c++ clr with ZeroC Ice 3.5.1

I have a need to compile an existing message library generated using ZeroC's ICE with c++ clr.
I've been at this for a while and I'm having no luck.
I have a very simple .ice message file defined.
Upon generating the cpp and h files for this, I try to compile them into a .dll.
My slice2cpp command line args are
C:\Program Files (x86)\ZeroC\Ice-3.5.1\bin\slice2cpp.exe --depend --dll-export=ENABLE_DLL -I"C:\Program Files (x86)\ZeroC\Ice-3.5.1\slice" -I".\.." --underscore "E:\test\platform\platform\testMessage.ice"
This generates me a testMessage.cpp and testMessage.h files.
Upon attempting to compile these, I get the error:
Error 7 error LNK2028: unresolved token (0A00098D) "class IceUtil::Shared * __cdecl IceInternal::upCast(class IceInternal::ObjectFactoryManager *)" (?upCast#IceInternal##$$FYAPEAVShared#IceUtil##PEAVObjectFactoryManager#1##Z) referenced in function "public: __cdecl IceInternal::Handle<class IceInternal::ObjectFactoryManager>::Handle<class IceInternal::ObjectFactoryManager>(class IceInternal::Handle<class IceInternal::ObjectFactoryManager> const &)" (??0?$Handle#VObjectFactoryManager#IceInternal###IceInternal##$$FQEAA#AEBV01##Z) E:\test\platform\platform\testMessage.obj platform
As per usual with Ice, I have to link the Iced.lib and IceUtild.lib files.
I compile with no pre compiled headers and /clr option on (not pure clr or safe)
using VS2013. The body of the testMessage.ice file is very simple.
#ifndef _MESSAGE_ICE_
#define _MESSAGE_ICE_
module messaging {
class Message
string clientId;
string origin;
string destination;
string messageType;
string suffix;
sequence<Message> MessageSeq;
class NonQueuedMsg extends messaging::Message {};
Compiling without the CLR option on results in success.
I imagine this is all caused by my lack of familiarity with c++ clr.
Any help would be appreciated.
I had the same problem after the migration of my projects to vs 2013.
The project c++ with ice compile fine
but the project c++/cli with ice don't links.
I fixed linking problem in ObjectFactoryManagerF.h :
#ifdef __cplusplus_cli
IceUtil::Shared* upCast(ObjectFactoryManager* p) { return (IceUtil::Shared*) p; };
IceUtil::Shared* upCast(ObjectFactoryManager* );
I stopped trying to make C++/CLI and ICE-generated code work together after I read on their forum here that they didn't support it.
What I've done.. I've made native static library on the client's side where I had C++/CLI. Static library fully encapsulated all communication stuff and was referenced from C++/CLI part. As a result I've got a Mixed (C++/CLR) Recommended Rules assembly. It works fine plus I've got easier portable application.

Placing function in .dll causes debug assertion failed error

Hallo fellow members,
I run into a very strange problem today and I am not exactly sure as to what is causing it. Here is a function which I use to get the current working directory :
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <direct.h>
#define GetCurrentDir _getcwd
#error "There is currently no support for non windows based systems!"
const std::string getCurrentPath()
char CurrentPath{_MAX_PATH];
GetCurrentDir(CurrentPath, _MAX_PATH);
CurrentPath[_MAX_PATH - 1] = '/0';
return std::string(CurrentPath);
This function works well as a stand alone function. However if I declare it as a static function inside a class :
static __declspec(dllexport) const std::string getCurrentPath(void);
and a .dll I get "debug assertion failed error" when I try to do
If I instead write :
std::string dir = CUtilities::getCurrentPath();
std::cout<<"Dir is : "<<dir<<std::endl;
it works fine. I am totally confused as to what I am doing wrong. Any ideas?
I finally found out what the problem was. The project was compiled with /MT options , therefore the .dll had a different heap than the original file. So when the string size was bigger than it's initial size (15) then heap was allocated from the .dll's side. However the string had it's destructor called from the main program side and then the destructor was trying to deallocate memory from the .dll's heap thus resulting in "heap corruption error"
The solution was to simply compile with /MD options.