How to invoke simultaneously two methods of my DomainService in WCF Ria services - silverlight-4.0

I’m working with silverlight 4.0 WCF Ria services and I want to invoke simultaneously two methods of my DomainService.
In my GUI i have two buttons:
The first one invokes method1 which takes many time to achieve treatment (there is an iteration in treatment and there is a counter variable).
The second one invokes method2 which return a counter value indicating progression of first treatment.
When I invoke method1 then method2
I can obtain the result of method2 only when method1 complete
But I want to follow progression of treatment whenever I clicked on button2
Thank you for your help

Please correct me if I understood the question wrong. When you click button 1, I would call both Method1 and Method2 with same 'on complete event' which will wait for both the method to complete. On the other hand, when button 2 clicked, you need to call only method 2, with different on complete event, with this, method 1 is never called and you will get your progression indicator directly.


Do I have to check the InvokeRequired and use the Invoke function with every control I want to update?

I'm writing a scheduler. It has a single form frmMain, which shows jobs that are currently running, and a history of job steps that have run. It has an object of class Scheduler that manages running new jobs. Scheduler keeps a collection class, List which contains objects of class RunningJob. RunningJob executes each step in turn through a series of sub-classes.
When a job is started, the Scheduler creates a new BackgroundWorker with the DoWork, ProgressChanged and RunWorkerCompleted methods setup with handlers that point back into the instance of RunningJob.
Each time a job/step starts/ends, one of these handers in RunningJob raises an appropriate event into Scheduler and Scheduler raises an appropriate event into frmMain. i.e.:
frmMain (1 instance) <---- Scheduler (1 instance) <---- RunningJob.WorkerProgressChanged (many instances)
The RunningJob executes correctly, but the reporting going up to the interface is not working correctly. Also any logging to files I do is suspect (I'm using a single function: LogInfo to do this). I have a number of questions:
When I use InvokeRequired() and Invoke() within frmMain, do I have to do this with every single control I want to update (there are several). Can I just check InvokeRequired() on one control and use Invoke on all of them based on that result.
Why bother checking InvokeRequired() at all and just use Invoke() every single time? It will make for simpler code.
There is only one instance of Scheduler and I am raising events to get execution back into it from each Job. I think this is part of the problem. How is multithreading handled doing this? Is there some sort of InvokeRequired/Invoke check I can do on the events before raising them? Can I raise events at all in this situation? I like events, rather than calling methods on the owner class, because it improves encapsulation. What is best practice here?
In general, if I'm calling a piece of code from many different threads, not necessarily to update a form, but just to perform some function (e.g. add a line of text to a file for logging purposes), how do I block one thread until the other has completed?

How make a Sub to Address a [New Thread] Call?

I have a BackgroundWorker routine that performs a lot of things and call ThreadSafe functions to update UI controls. In some points of that routine I call some subroutines to write log information into a SQL table, using the Parallel Library to make them in another Thread. It´s functioning like a charm.
The threaded LOG calls are like this, where Log_Compressed_File() is a subroutine:
Dim Log_Threaded as Thread = New Thread(Sub() Log_Compressed_File(Username, UserAreaCode, Filename))
Log_Threaded.IsBackground = False
Log_Threaded.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest
As shown above, each log call is made using 5 lines of code, defining the new thread itself and some important parameters.
My questions are:
1) can I produce a Sub to address these calls, trying to reduce the lines of the main routine?
Just to make it clear: I have more than 35 LOG calls within the main routine and, if each one would utilize 5 lines of code, I will have 175 lines, when I could have only the original 35 calls to a new subroutine that could address the new thread.
2) Can I call that subroutine from within the BackgroundWorker without to call a delegate function (ThreadSafe) like I use in UI updates?
The function like shown above can be performed within the BackgroundWorker without to a DELEGATE function (the LOG_COMPRESSED_FILE is a normal Sub, not a Delegate call).
Thanks in advance for any help!
Yes. Just write a method with the same three parameters as your Log_Compressed_File method and then put that code into that method.
Yes. Do you understand why you need to use a delegate at all? The point is that you cannot access the Handle of a control on any thread other than the one it was created on. Invoking a delegate ensures that code accessing the control's Handle is executed on the correct thread. If you're not accessing a control then there's no Handle so why would it matter what thread you execute the code on?

what is the best use of BusyIndicator?

Just want to understand the usage of busy indicator does it alternate to timeout/putting wait etc.
for example have following line of code in mainfunct()
2. callcustom(); --asynch function without callback this is calling xmlhttpRequest etc.
3. busy.hide();
4. callanothercustom(); -- asynch function without callback
now question is
does line 4 will be executed only when busy.hide() completes and
line 3 only when line 2 is completed while without busy all (2,4)
will be called inside mainfunct() without waiting line 2 to
when busy.hide() is being called is there any timer setup which
holds until line 2 finishes and then hide and call line 4.
A busyIndicator's show and hide functions only control when to display the indicator and when to hide the indicator. They have no effect what-so-ever on anything else going on in your code.
In other words your code is basically:
In your customcode you can still make sure that callanothercustom will be called only when it's finished by adding your own callback... I assume this is AJAX inside of it, so: jQuery ajax success callback function definition
function callcustom() {
url : '',
type: 'GET',
success : callanothercustom
And then in callanothercustom you can busy.hide...
Or any other combination of business logic - it really depends on what's going on in your code.
In my opinion, the only main use case for using a busy indicator is a Long running synchronous task that's blocking UI. Let's say greater than 2 seconds long. Hopefully, these are few are far between.
If you have asynch tasks, then the UI is not blocked and user can interact. If you are relying on the results for next steps as you imply above, then you must have a callback/promise to trigger the next steps. If you want the user to be blocked until the async task is complete, then treat it as a synch task and show the Busy.
Be aware, use of Busy Indicator is now seen mostly as an anti-pattern. Its basically yelling at your user "See how slow this app is!". Sometimes you cannot avoid dead time in your app, such as fetching a large block of data to generate a view, but there are many ways to mitigate this. An example may be to -- get something on the view as fast as possible (< 1 sec), and then backfill with larger data. Just always ask yourself WHY you need this Busy, and can I work out a way to avoid it, but not leave the user wondering what the app is doing.

Method Interception, replace return value

We’re using Ninject.Extensions.Interception (LinFu if it matters) to do a few things and I want to know if its possible to return a value form the method being intercepted.
A Call is made into one of our repository methods
Our Interceptor gets the BeforeInvoke event, we use this to look into the ASP.NET Cache to see if there is any relevant data
- Return the relevant data (this would cause the method to return immediately and NOT execute the body of the method
- Or Allow the method to run as per normal
Extra points if in the AfterInvoke method we take a peek at the data being returned and add it to the cache.
Has anybody done something similar before?
From your question I assume that you derive from SimpleInterceptor. This will not allow to return imediately. Instead you have to implement the Iinterceptor interface. You can decide to call the intercepted method by calling the Proceed method on the invocation or not.

Use of deferred execution method in Objective-C

My purpose is as follows: I want to create a deferred calling method. I might need to create a block for this, but I'm not sure. Can you explain me how to create a block for this?
This is the code:
- (IBAction)buyItem:(id)sender {
BOOL purchase = ... /*call purchase method use block*/
In this method I make a purchase and after the purchase has completed successfully I want to get result in my variable purchase.
To be more clear:
Step 1: Call the buyItem method.
Step 2: Wait for a response to the purchase (I've omitted the actual methods for the purchase)
Step 3: After the StoreKit object return a response about the purchase, write a value into the variable purchase.
Step 4: After writing the value into purchase, my method buyItem completes execution (go to the } and release).
My question is not about StoreKit specifically (meaning the StoreKit response method - this is an example only). The purchase variable is an example, too. For this variable I will use a data model and it will change after the deferred method executes.
Thanks all!
You do need a block, but maybe a different kind than you're thinking about. You don't need a 'closure', you need a function that will block until it receives the response from the store kit/server.
You can just write a normal buyItem method, but inside you either make a synchronous call to store kit, or if that's not possible, you use threading techniques to achieve what you want. For example, you could wait on a condition variable and then signal it when the store kit call returns.
For both cases, you'll want to perform the 'buyItem' call on a thread other than the UI thread, otherwise your UI will freeze. Given that constraint (if you're even dealing with a UI), I would say this entire approach doesn't make sense. Instead, you'll want to launch the store kit call, set some indicator or spinner or something in your UI, and then when the store kit call returns, unset the spinner or whatever. Make sense?