Unable recognize an object on a Silverlight app using Ranorex automation - automation

I am not able to recognize an object on a Silverlight app using Ranorex automation. Whole app is identified as a single window. Objects like dropdown, buttons etc inside an silverlight app is not recognized with ranorex tool. With this I am not able to continue my automation. Please provide the solution for the same.

A similar question was already answered in the following thread in the Ranorex Forum.http://www.ranorex.com/forum/not-able-to-detect-ui-objects-inside-a-silverlight-applicatn-t4335.html


Microsoft Teams Desktop application Automation with Selenium

Was following the Article https://applitools.com/blog/automating-electron-applications-using-selenium/ to automate MS Teams Desktop application. Able to start, perform actions on elements, but got to the point when new popup appears and it is a "webview". Would appreciate any advice to find a way to locate elements in the webview, is Selenium able to switch to it? Or some other tool to use for automation this type of applications?

Initialize UIautomation tree from an element whose ClassName is Chrome_RenderWidgetHostHWND. Accessability Insights

I need for get UIelements using "UIautomation" technology from another programms in windows OS.
Some programms has "chrome-like" browsers for content rendering.
The methods are get element (like c# AutomationElement.FromPoint / FindAll) return browser element with ClassName "Chrome_RenderWidgetHostHWND" and Name like a "Chrome Legacy Window". But i need the content elements in that browser.
I found out that, programm "Accessibility Insights" can do it!
Run application, "Microsoft Teams", for example
Run "Accessibility Insights"
Move mouse on "Microsoft Teams", we get "Chrome Legacy Window"
After any mouse click (left/right) on target programm ("Microsoft Teams") provoke rebuild UI tree
Then UIautomation technology can get all inner UI elements in browser.
"Accessibility Insights" source code is https://github.com/microsoft/accessibility-insights-windows
I studied it very carefully, but not found code, that provide rebuilding (or, initializing?) inner UI elements.
Any one can help me?
What i should to do for win my task - get inner UI elements in chrome-like browsers at another programm on windows OS?
If you've read to the end, thank you
Accessibility Insights for Windows doesn't interact directly with the UI Automation system. It builds on Axe.Windows (Source code), which queries and exposes the UI Automation properties. In the case you're describing, Axe.Windows is walking the UI Automation tree in response to a UIA_AutomationFocusChangedEventId message from the UI Automation framework. That notification gets handled by the onFocusChangedEventForSelectingElement method of FocusTracker.cs. Hopefully that will be enough to get you started.
--Dave Tryon (Accessibility Insights team)

UI Designer not in Solution Explorer and unable to get the tool

First of all, I am developing an application in VB.NET, till yesterday it was all good. I saved the project and closed it, now when i started working on that application, i found that there was no way to open the UI area for the application. I am able to see the code behind it i.e. on dashboard.Designer.vb but not the UI. I am able to see the the application after running it using F5. What would be the possible reason for it, and how i can solve it.
Secondly, i tried to find search a lot for this tool but unable to get any, if somebody can tell me what tool is this or any similar tool, it would be of great help.
I was searching for long and found the answer:-
What we need to do is just add the following code in the blank dashboard.vb file
Public Class dashboard
End Class
And this will get the form back.
The second question was answered by #Code Gray
1. Outlook like sidebar and display in Outlook
2. Outlook navigation bar control for .NET application

QTP 11 does not recognise silverlight popup element

I'm a tester and currently evaluating QTP 11 on my company's Silverlight 4.0 browser application. I have encountered an issue where QTP does not recognize the popup elements within the Silverlight application.
Is this a known issue with QTP and are they looking into a solution?
try to record the operations in QTP 11 and then the object is identified, but Using Or or Spy it takes object behind it on main page.
Once you record you can use the script with appropriate changes in Silverlite 4 with QTP 11.
Silverlight pop up screens are not identified using Object spy. But we can use sendkeys and perform limited validation on the objects in pop up screens.
ASked the question here

Adding an item to the system context menu

How do you add an item to the system context menu? I would like to let my users be able to right click anywhere and launch this program. I cannot seem to find it documented anywhere either.
Thanks for your help!
I am coding in vb.net
What you're looking for is creating a Shell Extension Handler for Windows Explorer.
Reference: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb776881(VS.85).aspx
Unfortunately doing this in a .Net application is a bit of a problem due to the way in which the CLR is loaded for COM plug-in style extensions. Raymond did a great job of exploring this problem here