sql select a column if - sql

Within SQL is it possible to select a column only if it meets my Criteria?
IF p.Amount != 0.0
{ select p.Amount from Price p }
This is part of a much larger SQL will be used to filter the column from being displayed if there are values over 0.0

SQL criteria are used to select rows, not columns. I have generally found it makes life easier to always select the same columns for a specific query, and later choose whether or not to display them using view logic.

You need to use the CASE statement. Transact-SQL - CASE
USE AdventureWorks2012;
SELECT ProductNumber, Category =
CASE ProductLine
WHEN 'R' THEN 'Road'
WHEN 'M' THEN 'Mountain'
WHEN 'T' THEN 'Touring'
WHEN 'S' THEN 'Other sale items'
ELSE 'Not for sale'
FROM Production.Product
ORDER BY ProductNumber;

Do you want it to not be visible at all? Or just display some other predefined value inside it?
Because if you want the column to not appear at all, but only in some cases, that can not be done.
However, you can return a different result in the column, should it suffice for you. Use CASE WHEN:
CASE WHEN p.amount< 700 THEN p.amount
FROM Price p;

If you only want to show values greater than 0.0, you can use a where clause:
select p.amount
from t
where p.amount > 0
If you want non-positive values to be shown, and blanks (NULLs) for the rest, then do:
select (case when p.amount > 0 then p.amount end)
from t
If you only want rows returns when all values are greater then zero, then here is one way:
select p.amount
from (select t.*,
sum(case when p.amount > 0 then 1 else 0 end) over () as Pgt0
count(*) over () as cnt
from t
) t
where Pgt0 = cnt
If you actually want to remove the column when, say, all the values are the same, then you need a more complicated expression. SQL SELECT queries define the columns and don't have dynamically configurable columns.

You can use IFF function in SQL Server:
SELECT IIF(p.Amount != 0.0 ) as amount
FROM price p


SQL: identify if there are multiples (not duplicates) in a column

I am currently struggling in identifying a possibility to identify certain patterns in my data using SSMS.
I wish to identify rows that contain multiples (x2, x3, or x*4) of an entry within the same column.
I really have no clue on how to even start my "where" statement right now.
SELECT [numbers], [product_ID]
FROM [db].[dbo].[tablename]
WHERE [numbers] = numbers*2
My problem is that with the code above I can obviously only identify zeros.
Google only helps me out with finding duplicates but I can't find a way to identify multiples of a value...
My desired result would be a table that only contains numbers (linked to product_IDs) that are multiples of each other
Anyone can help me out here?
If a column contains multiples, then all are multiples of the smallest non-zero value. Let me assume the values are positive or zero for this purpose.
So, you can determine if this is the case using window functions and modulo arithmetic:
select t.*
from (select t.*,
min(case when number > 0 then number end) over () as min_number
from t
) t
where number % min_number = 0 or min_number = 1;
If you want to know if all numbers meet this criteria, use aggregation:
select (case when min(number % min_number) = 0 then 'all multiples' else 'oops' end)
from (select t.*,
min(case when number > 0 then number end) over () as min_number
from t
) t
My desired result would be a table that only contains numbers (linked to product_IDs) that are multiples of each other
You'll need to test all pairs of rows, which means a CROSS JOIN.
Something like this:
with q as
SELECT [numbers],
cast(a.numbers as float) / coalesce(b.numbers, null) ratio
FROM [tablename] a
CROSS JOIN [tablename] b
select *
from q
where ratio = cast(ratio as bigint)
and ratio > 1

Why does this not return 0

I have a query like:
select nvl(nvl(sum(a.quantity),0)-nvl(cc.quantityCor,0),0)
LEFT JOIN (select c.shipment_line_id,c.oe_order_line_id,nvl(sum(c.quantity),0) quantityCor
group by c.shipment_line_id,c.oe_order_line_id) cc on (a.shipment_line_id=cc.shipment_line_id and a.shipment_line_id=7085740)
where a.transaction_type='DELIVER'
and a.shipment_line_id=7085740
group by nvl(cc.quantityCor,0);
The query runs OK, but returns no value. I want it to return 0 if there is no quantity found. Where have I gone wrong?
An aggregation query with a GROUP BY returns no rows if all rows are filtered out.
An aggregation query with no GROUP BY always returns one row, even if all rows are filtered out.
So, just remove the GROUP BY. And change the SELECT to:
select coalesce(sum(a.quantity), 0) - coalesce(max(cc.quantityCor), 0)
I may be wrong, but it seems you merely want to subtract CORRECT quantity from DELIVER quantity for shipment 7085740. You don't need a complicated query for that. Especially your GROUP BY clauses make no sense if that is what you are after.
One way to write this query would be:
sum(case when transaction_type = 'DELIVER' then quantity else 0 end) -
sum(case when transaction_type = 'CORRECT' then quantity else 0 end) as diff
from rcv_transactions
where shipment_line_id = 7085740;
I had a query like this and was trying to return 'X' when the item is not valid.
SELECT case when segment1 is not null then segment1 else 'X' end
--INTO v_orgValidItem
FROM mtl_system_items_b
WHERE segment1='1676001000'--'Jul-00'--l_item
and organization_id=168;
..but it was returning NULL.
Changed to use aggregation with no group by and now it returns 'X' when the item is not valid.
SELECT case when max(segment1) is not null then max(segment1) else 'X' end valid
--INTO v_orgValidItem
FROM mtl_system_items_b
WHERE segment1='1676001000'--'Jul-00'--l_item
and organization_id=168;--l_ship_to_organization_id_pb;
Here is another example, proving the order of operations really matters.
When there is no match for this quote number, this query returns NULL:
..reversing the order of MAX and NVL makes all the difference. This query returns the NULL value condition:

Using SQL SUM with Case statement containing inner SELECT

I have two tables, an Orders table which contains a list of a users orders and a OrderShippingCosts table which contains a price for shipping each item based on the OrderTypeID in the Orders table.
I am running a query like below to calculate the total shipping costs:
WHEN OR.OrderTypeID = 1
THEN (SELECT CostOfShippingSmallParcel
FROM OrderShippingCosts)
ELSE (SELECT CostOfShippingBigParcel
FROM OrderShippingCosts)
END) AS TotalShippingCost
Orders AS OR
But I'm getting the following error:
Cannot perform an aggregate function on an expression containing an aggregate or a subquery
Does anyone know what is wrong with my query?
Function SUM takes an expression on input, which evaluates into single data value, not a dataset. Expression definition from MSDN:
Is a combination of symbols and operators that the SQL Server Database Engine evaluates to obtain a single data value.
You trying to pass to SUM function a dataset (which is result of subquery), not a single data value. This is simplification of what you trying to query:
It is not valid. The valid query would be:
SELECT SUM(Value) FROM SomeTable
In your particular case looks like you missing JOIN. Your original logic will result in summary of entire OrderShippingCosts table for each row of Orders table. I think, it should be something like this:
WHEN ord.OrderTypeID = 1 THEN ship.CostOfShippingSmallParcel
ELSE ship.CostOfShippingBigParcel
) TotalShippingCost
FROM Orders AS ord
JOIN OrderShippingCosts ship ON /* your search condition, e.g.: ord.OrderID = ship.OrderID */
By the way, it is not a good idea to use reserved symbols as aliases, names and so on. In your query you use OR as alias for Orders table. Symbol OR is reserved for logical or operation. If you really need to use reserved symbol, wrap it into [ and ] square braces. Look here and here for more details.
The error message is clear, you can avoid it with a join:
SUM(CASE WHEN [OR].OrderTypeID = 1
THEN CostOfShippingSmallParcel
ELSE CostOfShippingBigParcel END) AS TotalShippingCost
FROM Orders [OR]
CROSS JOIN OrderShippingCosts
You can try like this...
CASE WHEN OR.OrderTypeID = 1
THEN (SELECT SUM(CostOfShippingSmallParcel) FROM OrderShippingCosts)
ELSE (SELECT SUM(CostOfShippingBigParcel) FROM OrderShippingCosts) END AS TotalShippingCost
Let me know
select sum (or.TotalShippingCost)
(CASE WHEN OR.OrderTypeID = 1
THEN (SELECT CostOfShippingSmallParcel FROM OrderShippingCosts)
ELSE (SELECT CostOfShippingBigParcel FROM OrderShippingCosts) END) AS TotalShippingCost
Try this
WHEN O.OrderTypeID = 1 THEN C.CostOfShippingSmallParcel
ELSE C.CostOfShippingBigParcel END
), 0
) AS TotalShippingCost
OrderShippingCosts C ON O.Id = C.OrderId -- Your releation id

T-SQL Group By; Contains or IfAny

SQL2005 and/or SQL2008
Is there any kind of built-in aggregate, within T-SQL, for Contains or IfAny or whatever? Something where any in the group equals a value?
Similar to Max(xyz)=value except not limited to max.
Select custID, case when Min(ProductGroup)= "A" then 'Have Ordered Group A' else 'Haven't Ordered Group A' end hasOrdered
from orders
inner join products on ordPoductId = productID
group by custID
This works for a single value comparison, if it is min/max, but instead I want something like:
Select custID, case when contains(ProductGroup, "G") then 'Have Ordered Group G' else 'Haven't Ordered Group G' end hasOrdered
from orders
inner join products on ordPoductId = productID
group by custID
I could use Min(ProductGroup)="A" if the value I'm concerned about is a min/max or change the from-clause to (case when 'G' then 0 else 1 end) to create a fake maximum. Currently I am only concerned with a single value, but I would like something more intuitive and flexible if possible.
Any ideas?
Your examples at the end are close to what I'd normally do. Something like:
WHEN 1 THEN 'Have Ordered'
ELSE 'Haven''t ordered'
Where the inner CASE expression will obviously be evaluated against each row, whereas the outer CASE expression determines whether the inner expression ever succeeded.

sql query: subtract from results the corresponding USD, YEN value which has Type='r'

I need help with a query. Consider the following table:
I need to select first the sum of each Code from table. I am doing it with simple sum and group by statement. Then I have to subtract the results from each code sum where type='r'
1) Say for first part of query, we will get 2 rows from SUM (one with total USD and one with total YEN)
2) Now I need to subtract from these results the corresponding USD, YEN value which has Type='r'
I have to do it inside SQL and not a stored procedure.
Why not use a WHERE statement to say WHERE Type != 'r' so that those values never even get added to sum in the first place...
SELECT `Code`, SUM(`Amount`) AS `Total`
FROM `Table`
WHERE `Type` != 'r'
BY `Code`;
Something like that.
select code, l.amount - r.amount
(select code, sum(amount) as amount from my_table group by code) l
left join (select code, sum(amount) as amount from my_table where type = 'r' group by code) r
on l.code = r.code
You can do this in a single, simple query:
sum(case when type = 'r' then (-1 * amount) else amount end) as sum
group by
Basically, you're changing the sign of the rows that have type = 'r', so when you sum all rows for a particular code you'll get the correct answer.
Does it have to be a single query?
I'd say SUM the total, then SUM the subcategory where Type='r', then subtract one from the other.
You could do this in one line of SQL, but I'm pretty sure it would be either joining the table with itself or using a subquery. Either way, it's doing the same amount of work as the above.
select code,
sum(amount) gross_total,
sum(case when type = 'r' then amount else 0 end) type_r_total,
sum(case when type != 'r' then amount else 0 end) net_total
from yourtable
group by code;
to see the overall totals, type R only totals and non-type R totals for each currency on one row per currency, in a single pass.