Make RabbitMQ wait for message consumption, and then raise exception - rabbitmq

Is there any way I can achieve this:
Write a message to a queue
Block the producer process until there is a consumer on the other side
If there is no consumer after 10 seconds, raise an exception
If there is a consumer, unblock the producer process
When the 10sec timeout is reached and an exception is raised on the producer side, the message should be kept in the queue, so that a consumer can consume it later
I want to be able to notify a consumer in an asynchrone way.
Until now I'm sending a message. I want to know if there is an immediate consumer, but if there is not, the message should still be on the queue. It doesn't seem to be the behavior of the "immediate" amqp thing

Interesting problem, unfortunately there isn't an elegant solution.
From the RabbitMQ documentation the "immediate" flag works like this:
This flag tells the server how to react if the message cannot be routed to a queue consumer immediately. If this flag is set, the server will return an undeliverable message with a Return method. If this flag is zero, the server will queue the message, but with no guarantee that it will ever be consumed.
You could solve your problem in part using the immediate flag, I'm thinking something like this:
When the producer is ready to queue a message it fires it off with the immediate flag set
If the message is returned then start a timer and keep retrying for 10 seconds with the immediate flag set
If after 10 seconds of trying it has still failed to be picked up, then publish it with the immediate flag set to false (so that your consumer will pick it up when the consumer comes online)


Consume message from queue after service complete the processing of previous message

I am doing a POC to work with RabbitMQ and have a questions about how to listen to queues conditionally!
We are consuming messaging from a queue and once consumed, the message will be involved in an upload process that takes longer times based on the file size. And as the file sizes are larger, sometimes the external service we invoke running out of memory if multiple messages are consumed and upload process is continuing for the previous messages.
That said, we would like to only consume the next message from the queue once the current/previous message is processed completely. I am new to JMS and wondering how to do it.
My current thought is, the code flow will manually pull the next message from the queue when it completes the process of previous message as the flow knows that it has completed the processing but if that listener is only used in code flow to manually call, how it will pull the very first message!
The JMS spec says that message consumers work sequentially:
The session used to create the message consumer serializes the
execution of all message listeners registered with the session
If you create a MessageListener and use that with your consumer, the JMS spec states the listener's onMessage will be called sequentially, i.e. once per message after each message has been processed by the listener. So in effect each message waits until the previous has completed.

managing lock on message in RabbitMQ

I'm trying to use RabbitMQ in a more unconventional way (though at this point i can pick any other message queue implementation if needed)
I have one queue (I can have more if needed) that where customers are fetching N messages asynchronous. After they do their work I send the results from the client to the db.
I have two problems: first I don't want that they will work on the same message, second I want to grantee that I wont lose messages in case that my customer will close the browser or just stop working.
I looked at the documentation and saw the TTL which was perfect for me if I could alter that message that got timeout isn't going to be deleted but to move to another queue. can't find a way to alter this.
Moreover I looked at the confirmation option which in the first glance looked what I wanted,that mechanism is working like this: when the consumer gets a message he send confirmation to queue, I thought I can delay this confirm and send it when the work is done on the client side.
my problem was that I can't program the queue that if any message didn't get confirm then return it to the queue (or to another).
I also find how to do a scheduled message but it didn't help either because I don't want that the message will be inserted to the queue in five min,I want that when a customer will receive a message it will be locked in the queue for 5 min until confirm to delete is set otherwise return it to the queue.
Can I do temporary queue that enables my mechanism?
If someone can help with one of the problems or suggest another architecture or option to do it in another MQ it would be great.
post about locks but his problem was a batcher component:
Locks and batch fetch messages with RabbitMq
Schedule a message:
my problem was that I can't program the queue that if any message
didnt get confirm then return it to the queue (or to another).
RabbitMQ does this anyhow, so all you have to do is switch off the auto-ack flag, you figured this out
I thought I can delay this confirm and send it when the work is done
on the client side.
so just send the ACK once you've finished with processing the message.
All the unacknowledged messages remain in the queue and are re-delivered to next consumer (or the same one when it's up again, depending on your setup)

Cancelling an un-acked message in RabbitMQ

I have a service which tasks worker processes via RabbitMQ. The messages are sent with a TTL, and the worker will not ack the message until it successfully completes the task sent in the message.
The tasking process will monitor workers for timeouts, and if a worker exceeds the timeout it will be terminated. Since the message isn't ack'd, the message is re-queued immediately and the next worker will pick up the message (this is useful in my scenario, as workers are unreliable and may fail but subsequent attempts typically succeed.
However, I would also like the ability to cancel a message. Terminating and re-creating the worker process is the normal procedure (it's single threaded, so I can't send a separate 'cancel' message to the worker). However, doing so leads to the message immediately re-queueing if the TTL has not been exceeded.
The only suggested solution I've found is here, which suggested a separate data source which checks if a message is still valid. However, that answer is both a) old and b) inconvenient.
Does RabbitMQ offer a means to cancel a message once it's been placed into the queue?
Unfortunately rabbitmq does not have a way to cancel a message.
Without the ability to send a "cancel" message to your consumer, you may have to do something like what that other post suggests.
Another option to consider: message processing should be idempotent. That is, processing the same message more than once should only cause the desired result to occur once (the first time it is processed).
Idempotence is often achieved through the use of a correlationid in messaging. You can attach a correlationid to your message, then check a database or other service to see if that message should still be processed. If you want to "cancel" the message, you would update the other database/service with that specific correlationid to say "this one has been processed already" or "has been canceled" or something like that.

rabbitmq with spring amqp - messages stuck in case of AmqpException

I am throwing an AmqpException inside of my consumer.
My expectation is that the message will return back to the queue in FIFO order and will be reprocessed sometime in the future.
It seems as if Spring AMQP does not release the message back to the queue. But instead tries to reprocess the failed messages over and over again.
This blocks the newly arrived messages from being processed. The ones that are stuck appear in the "unpacked" state forever inside of the AMQP console.
Any thoughts?
That's the way rabbitmq/Spring AMQP works; if a message is rejected (any exception is thrown) the message is requeued by default and is put back at the head of the queue so it is retried immediately.
... reprocessed sometime in the future.
You have to configure things appropriately to make that happen.
First, you have to tell the broker to NOT requeue the message. That is done by setting defaultRequeueRejected on the listener container to false (it's true by default). Or, you can throw an AmqpRejectAndDontRequeueException which instructs the container to reject (and not requeue) an individual message.
But that's not the end of it; just doing that will simply cause the rejected message to be discarded.
To avoid that, you have to set up a Dead Letter Exchange/Queue for the queue - rejected messages are then sent to the DLX/DLQ instead of being discarded. Using a policy rather than queue arguments is generally recommended.
Finally, you can set a message time to live on the the DLQ so, after that time, the message is removed from the queue. If you set up an another appropriate dead letter exchange on that queue (the DLQ), you can cause the message to be requeued back to the original queue after the time expires.
Note that this will only work for rejected deliveries from the original queue; it will not work when expiring messages in that queue.
See this answer and some of the links from its question for more details.
You can use the contents of the x-death header to decide if you should give up completely after some number of attempts (catch the exception and somehow dispose of the bad message; don't thrown an exception and the container will ack the message).
Here is a solution I used to solve this. I setup an Interceptor to retry the message x number of times while applying a backoff policy.

Re-queue Amqp message at tail of Queue

I have a project setup using Spring and RabbitMQ. Currently it is possible for my application to receive an amqp message that cannot be processed until another asynchronous process has completed (legacy and totally detached, i have no control). So the result is i may have to wait on processing a message for some amount of time. The result of this is an exception in a transformer.
When the message is NACK'd back to rabbitMQ it is putting it back into the head of the queue and re-pulling it immediately. If i get unprocessable messages equal to the number of concurrent listeners my workflow locks up. It spins its wheels waiting for messages to become processable, even though there are valid processable messages waiting behind in the queue.
Is there a way to reject and amqp message and have it go back to the tail of the queue instead? From my research rabbitMQ worked this way at one time, but now i appear to get the head of the queue exclusively.
My config is rather straight forward, but for continuity here it is...
Connection factory is: org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.connection.CachingConnectionFactory
RabbitMQ 3.1.1
Spring Integration: 2.2.0
<si:channel id="channel"/>
queue-names="commit" channel="channel" connection-factory="amqpConnectionFactory"
acknowledge-mode="AUTO" concurrent-consumers="${listeners}"
<si:chain input-channel="channel" output-channel="nullChannel">
<si:transformer ref="transformer"></si:transformer>
<si:service-activator ref="activator"/>
You are correct that RabbitMQ was changed some time ago. There is nothing in the API to change the behavior.
You can, of course, put an error-channel on the inbound adapter, followed by a transformer (expression="payload.failedMessage"), followed by an outbound adapter configured with an appropriate exchange/routing-key to requeue the message at the back of the queue.
You might want to add some additional logic in the error flow to check the exception type (payload.cause) and decide which action you want.
If the error flow itself throws an exception, the original message will be requeued at the head, as before; if it exits normally, the message will be acked.