Not able to get month from current date -

Am trying to extract month from the current date but in vain. I am using the code:
Format(Today.Date, "mmmm")
However when I try to run it to display month like January it instead displays 00. I thought that this would work but it isn't. What can I do to get the month from current date in using a simple approach like a single function?

Try This :
Check out This for detailed date formatting options.

try this

msdn: Custom Date and Time Format Strings
Format(Today.Date, "MMMM")

EXTRACT(MONTH FROM NOW()) , getting month of current date


Compare Dates in Kotlin

How can i compare Dates in Kotlin?
I have the Date of an Event as a String (Format:dd/mm/yy) and I want to check if it is within the next 7 Days of the current Date.
The time in this case is not relevant or if needet I would use midnight.
Can someone please help me with this?
In my current code i got both Dates by this:
val date =["Date"].toString() //Example: 22/08/22 (dd/MM/yy)
val today = SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yy").format(Date()).toString()
this is within a Android environment.
I can't get the date more specific because i am getting it from a Database.
Parse string into LocalDate using its parse method. There’s no out-of-the-box DateTimeFormatter for dd/mm/yy format, but you can trivially create one using DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern.
Get current date using
diff = ChronoUnit.DAYS.between(now, date1)

Selecting week / ISO week number from a date/time field

Sorry - this may be a basic question, but I have been banging my head against this for a week.
I have a database field with the format "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss" called UpdateTime and referencing max(AuditHistory.ActionedDateTime) in the database.
I am trying to identify the Week / ISO Week from the date part of this field only using the dataset in ReportBuilder3.
I am trying to achieve an integer entry in a column called "WeekNo" giving me the week of the year that a transaction was made so I can use this for grouping results by year | by week number on a report for senior management.
I have tried many combinations of:
,DATEPART(WEEK,DAY(max(AuditHistory.ActionedDateTime)) AS WeekNo and
,DATEPART(WEEK,MONTH(max(AuditHistory.ActionedDateTime)) AS WeekNo.
If I use a static date, e.g. , DATEPART(WEEK,DAY('1900-01-20')) AS WeekNo, it returns perfectly as "4" but I cannot for the life of me get the datepart format correct to identify the week from the format of the field.
I believe my issue is getting SQL to accept that the field is "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss" and work out the week from the date element.
Before I go mad - I thought I'd ask if there is a quick way to achieve this.
The DATEPART function expects a date / datetime / datetime2 value. You are passing in an integer representing the day or month number.
Assuming you're storing your dates correctly, you just need to pass in the date value directly:
DATEPART(WEEK, Max(AuditHistory.ActionedDateTime)) As WeekNo

Error when grabbing rows within current month

I'm trying to grab all rows that fall into the current month. For now, I'm just hard coding the month since I can't even get that to work properly.
I did the following to convert my dates to the format "DD-MON-YYYY'
Which gives me the correct date output I want. But now, when I try to grab all the dates that fall into this current month with the following code, it's a no go. Getting the error "invalid number".
WHERE to_char("FLASK_START_DATE",'Mon-YYYY')='JUN-2017';
Any help would be appreciated. I want to end up grabbing all values from a current month based off the system clock. So if you can do that... That would be cool.
EDIT: Turns out some of the dates in the date column turn out to have incorrect data, such as "Molecule" or "Sequence". So words instead of a date. Is there any way to ignore those values?
If you want data from the current month, why not just do:
WHERE "FLASK_START_DATE" like TO_CHAR(sysdate, 'MM') || '/%/' + TO_CHAR(sydate, 'YYYY')
WHERE "FLASK_START_DATE" like '06/%/2017'
Why go back and forth on string and date conversions? Also, you should be storing date in the proper data type -- called DATE.

Returning just the date portion of =NOW()-(WEEKDAY(NOW(),1)) in Excel 2007

I need to return just the date portion of the following formula: =NOW()-(WEEKDAY(NOW(),1)). Any ideas? I am using this formula to get the current date and then return the previous Saturday's date, but I am also getting the time component and I need to drop that portion.
This is the solution I used:

Storing just Month and Year in SQL Server 2008?

Is it possible to save the month/year in SQL Server 2008 with a regular datetime? I don't need a time stamp and the column is going to store unique mo/yr combinations (i.e. 10-11, 11-11, 12-11, etc,.).
Any recommendations?
Without knowing the intended use, it is not possible to advise correctly. However, storing month and year is easily done in at least three ways:
use a date field, but always store into it the first day of the month at midnight; then always custom format the date field for display
add integer year and month fields, and populate them by splitting a date
add an integer field where you encode it as year * 100 + month or some other useful scheme
Sql Server will store the datetime data in its entirety (year-month-day hour:min:sec.milliSec) no matter what.
When you store your dates, you can make the day the 1st of the month. Just format the dates how you want when you do your queries.
From SQLServer 2008 and onwards:
Save as a Date column and add the following check constraint to make sure the value is always the first of the month:
datepart(month, MyDate)<>datepart(month,dateadd(day, -1, MyDate))
You cant only store year and month in a DateTime column. Well, what you can do is default the rest of the values. ie: 2011.10.1.1 , 2011.11.1.1 like that.
Or you can store it as string.
You should try this