Compare Dates in Kotlin - kotlin

How can i compare Dates in Kotlin?
I have the Date of an Event as a String (Format:dd/mm/yy) and I want to check if it is within the next 7 Days of the current Date.
The time in this case is not relevant or if needet I would use midnight.
Can someone please help me with this?
In my current code i got both Dates by this:
val date =["Date"].toString() //Example: 22/08/22 (dd/MM/yy)
val today = SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yy").format(Date()).toString()
this is within a Android environment.
I can't get the date more specific because i am getting it from a Database.

Parse string into LocalDate using its parse method. There’s no out-of-the-box DateTimeFormatter for dd/mm/yy format, but you can trivially create one using DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern.
Get current date using
diff = ChronoUnit.DAYS.between(now, date1)


java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01843: not a valid month error - date format conversion issue

I'm having a strange issue here with a query from which I'm trying to pull data queried by start and end date parameters.
I'm conducting the following.
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
FROM FORM_REDUCVU WHERE to_date(TIME_REQ,'yyyy-mm-dd') >= ? AND to_date (TIME_REQ,'yyyy-mm-dd') <= ? ORDER BY ID DESC";
java.util.Date util_StartDate = sdf.parse( request.getParameter("time_req_date") );
java.sql.Date timreq_datevar1 = new java.sql.Date( util_StartDate.getTime() );
java.util.Date util_EndDate = sdf.parse( request.getParameter("time_req_date2") );
java.sql.Date timreq_datevar2 = new java.sql.Date( util_EndDate.getTime() );
out.println("datestamp java time vals "+timreq_datevar1 + " " + timreq_datevar2);
PreparedStatement prepstmt = connection.prepareStatement(preparedQuery);
prepstmt.setDate(1, timreq_datevar1);
prepstmt.setDate(2, timreq_datevar2);
And the out.print values will give something like 2018-10-09 and 2019-02-20.
This does match the date picker selections I'm making, which are in mm/dd/yyyy format, i.e. 10/09/2018 and 02/20/2019.
Now the above returns no errors in the log, but no data either. But I did have the SQL query as "
WHERE to_datechar(TIME_REQ,'mm/dd/yyyy') >= ? AND to_char(TIME_REQ,'mm/dd/yyyy') <= ?
When changing to this above, I get the error in the topic of not a valid month.
I would have thought the SimpleDateFormat class would have parsed the date to mm/dd/yyyy in pattern, but it seems to make the java.slq.Date object pattern hyphenated, like yyyy-mm-dd.
Am I not parsing it correctly? Or is this going to require a different class or package, like java.Time? I would thought this would work, but there has to be some small conversion method not working.
Bottom line - I'd really prefer to keep the jQuery date pickers with their mm/dd/yyyy formats in tact, and be able to query by these entries.
Any input regarding this is welcomed.
Thank you!
Do NOT use to_date() on a column that is alread a DATE to_date() will convert the date to a varchar just to convert it back to a DATE which it was to begin with.
So your condition should be:
You are correctly using setDate() so Oracle performs a date to date comparison - there is no need to convert the date in the database to a string value.
Ideally you should use java.time.LocalDate and setObject() instead of java.sql.Date though (however not all Oracle driver versions support that)

How to fix for getting wrong date while change the time zone in react native?

I'm using new Date("2017-01-12") for string to date conversion. Its working fine for IST, If I change the device time zone like Chicago(CST), then the date shows as previous date. Because CST is GMT-0600 so it reduces -6 hours and shows previous day date("2017-01-11"). Any other way to convert the date string to date using Moment?
Date(year, month, day) is the valid constructor here.
2 things to know, when you pass the month it starts in 0, so if you pass January it is the month 0, don't to confuse with 1.
Then if you have a string format date like YYYY-MM-YY you have to do this supposing that your string is named stringDate:
var stringDateSplited = stringDate.split('-');
var dateResult = new Date(stringDateSplited[0], (stringDateSplited[1] -1) , stringDateSplited[2]);
This could be the result you want!

I need to use VB date and read data from sql base to compare results

I have written a unit test where I need to use general date from VB using system.
What I want is to using system data and read some from Sql base where is date format yyyy-mm-dd, and here is
What I did:
Dim startdate As Date = Date.Now.AddMonths(-2)
Dim enddate As Date = Date.Now
I am trying to do assert that there is data between 2 dates, reading (from today -2 month) and read that from base, but I got error because is different format of dates.
This is under testmethod, public sub

how to check linq comparing date format in

Say I want record of all employees of date "07/03/2013" where format is "MM/dd/yyyy".
my expression in linq will be :
_dbContext.EmployeeDetails.Where(Function(f) f.EmpId = _empId And f.Date="07/03/2013")
here how linq manage the date format as "MM/dd/yyyy". OR how to compare "f.Date" with MM/dd/yyyy ?
if i does
_dbContext.EmployeeDetails.Where(Function(f) f.EmpId = _empId And f.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")="07/03/2013")
It does not allow me. suppose my date will "07/13/2013" then we can consider it matches and sync the format with "f.Date" but what about date is under 12 ? In fact by using first expression, m getting march month records, rather July.
How to figure out this issue?
You are comparing string representations of the date/time, which depend on the current system's formatting options. Use a date literal (must be in 'M/d/yyyy') to create a new DateTime object:
_dbContext.EmployeeDetails.Where(Function(f) f.EmpId = _empId And f.Date=#3/7/2013#)
If it's a variable, say dte:
_dbContext.EmployeeDetails.Where(Function(f) f.EmpId = _empId And f.Date=dte)
It should be this:
(Function(f) f.EmpId = _empId And
You where passing Month first, so it parses March. Change toString order so you pass days before and then month. (July)

Not able to get month from current date

Am trying to extract month from the current date but in vain. I am using the code:
Format(Today.Date, "mmmm")
However when I try to run it to display month like January it instead displays 00. I thought that this would work but it isn't. What can I do to get the month from current date in using a simple approach like a single function?
Try This :
Check out This for detailed date formatting options.
try this
msdn: Custom Date and Time Format Strings
Format(Today.Date, "MMMM")
EXTRACT(MONTH FROM NOW()) , getting month of current date