Glassfish Logs in Idea 12 - intellij-idea

I am using GF 3 with Idea 12, and am unable to see the Glassfish logs without tailing them (Ubuntu) in the file system.
I have the checkbox activated as per the screenshot, but I still only see basic messages like these, but no debug or println messages.
Did I miss a step, or misread the doc?
Admin Port: 4848
Command start-domain executed successfully.
Connected to server

You can edit your application server's run/debug configuration in IDEA to automatically tail a particular log file (see the "Logs" tab in your server's run/debug config).
Also make sure that you did not filter logs using the "Log level" combobox in the upper right part of the tab which displays your logs.


Intellij / Websphere run config says "address localhost:8880 is already in use"

This is my first attempt at creating a Websphere Local run configuration in Intellij and obviously I need some help.
First question: is Websphere supposed to be running when I run the configuration?
Second question: when I run the configuration and Webshpere is not running Intellij will say 'cannot ping localhost:8880', so probably Websphere should be running. When I start Websphere and then start the Intellij run config it says "address localhost:8880 is already in use" and then "Unable to open debugger port ( 'socket closed'".
Here is my setup:
Third question: from the Websphere admin console I got that port 8880 is configured as the SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS. Is Intellij supposed to use that?
The following worked for me:
Go to run/debug configuration and click on +
Choose Remote (and not Websphere Server)
Change port to the port you want to use(I choose 7777)
To answer your question: no, if you want to start the server from IntelliJ, you should first check the server is stopped.
For solving the problem: Have you checked if WebSphere is running as a service automatically?
For doing it on Windows:
Open a "File Explorer" window
Right click on "My Computer"
Click on "Manage"
Click on "Services and Applications"
Click on "Services"
Look for "IBM WebSphere Application Server"
Check if it's running and stop it, change it to manual if you want to start server from IntelliJ without repeating this whole process everytime you log in Windows.

How to reset WebSphere wasadmin password

I have tried following this tutorial but the new password doesn't take effect after security is enabled again, still have to use old password to login as wasadmin:
I even tried the guide from IBM:
But I'm lost at this step:
_Navigate via command prompt to /ConfigEngine
Because in my WebSphere it doesn't have this ConfigEngine folder in order the run the rest of the commands.
Can anyone help me?
EDIT: This is WebSphere 7 for Maximo 7.5
Have you tried the following?
To disable security, please perform the following steps via wsadmin:
/bin/> wsadmin -conntype NONE
wsadmin> securityoff
wsadmin> exit
Restart the servers.
Enable the security from administrative console.
Once the needed corrections are made, you can re-enable security in the admin console and then restart WebSphere.
NOTE: To restart the servers, you will first need to manually kill the java process since security is still enabled in the currently running process.
Or editing the xml file
Following this link you have 2 optiont:
This is for the standalone version
Make a backup of the security.xml file:
Edit the security.xml file by searching for the first instance of " enabled= ". You should see enabled="true" as in:
Change to enabled="false".
Save the security.xml file.
Restart server1 and the WebSphere_Portal servers. If you get authentication exceptions while trying to stop the servers, you may have to manually kill the server processes and then restart them.
In the file, make the following changes:
Refer to the Information Center link for specific instructions.
Save the wpconfig.propeties file.
Try to disable security again using the disable-security task:
./ disable-securit y
At this point, security should be disabled. You can verify by accessing the WebSphere Application Server admin console. You should be prompted for only a user name, not a password.
Follow these instructions for a clustered version:
Make a backup of the security.xml file on the Deployment Manager machine:
Edit the security.xml file by searching for the first instance of "enabled= ". You should see enabled="true" as in:
Change to enabled="false".
Save the security.xml file.
Copy the security.xml file to the nodes:
Restart DMGR, NodeAgents, and WebSphere_Portal servers. If you get authentication exceptions while trying to stop the servers, you may have to manually kill the server processes and then restart them.
In, make the following changes:
Refer to the Information Center link for specific instructions.
Save the wpconfig.propeties file.
Try to disable security again using the disable-security task. Note that the DMGR and the nodeagent should be running:
./ disable-security
At this point, security should be disabled. You can verify by accessing the DMGR AdminConsole. You should be prompted for only a user name, not a password.
Or more option is explained here
Note: I haven't tried this myself yet
Goto DMGR bin directory and follow the below process.
[root#localhost bin]# ./ -connType NONE -lang jython
wsadmin>AdminTask.changeFileRegistryAccountPassword('-userId saddam -password saddamm')
Please restart dmgr.
If you have forgotten the password, then you have to directly kill the dmgr process id and start dmgr.
Login to WebSphere Console -> Users and Groups -> Manage Users -> click on <user_name> -> change the password value -> save the configuration.

Can't start worklight server due to ports already in use?

When I try to start Worklight server in Worklight 6.2 on mac OS. I keep getting:
Several ports (10080, 10443) required by Worklight Development Server are already in use
When I change the port to a different number in the server config, I just get the same error (with the new port).
How I can resolve this?
Run Activity Monitor and search for "java" process. Kill it.
Try TCPView software and delete the port number as you mentioned in the above.Then clean project and Run the server.
Hope this helps.
Try this out:
Finder -> Go -> Go to folder. Type in the following location /etc
Search for a file named hosts. Copy it to your desktop.
Check for a line containing localhost and remove that line, and add a new line as follows: (If no such line is present, no problem add a new line) localhost
Save the file and replace the file in /etc.
Close eclipse and now start the server.
Note: Try this only if using lsof command or killing the java process didn't solve your problem.

How to Test DataSource connection in JBoss EAP 6.2 Managed Domain

I am trying to port an application from WebLogic to JBoss EAP 6.2.
When running the standalone server in JBoss, in the admin console there is a button and in the command line interface there is a command line option to check the data source connection.
These options do not appear to exist in either place when running the "domain" server. Am I missing something? Is there some further setting I must make to enable it? I tried a technique which is sometimes an analog in the domain server and it doesn't work here.
JBoss docs are much weaker for "domain" model than for "standalone".
You are absolutely correct that while running the standalone server in JBoss, in the admin console there is a button and in the command line interface there is a command line option to check the data source connection butThese options do not appear to exist in either place when running the "domain" server.
You still can use the command line of jboss-eap-6.x to test the configured data source connection in domain server. You need to navigate to $JBOSS_HOME/bin/ and execute script:
Connect to the domain server controller with: connect :PORT_NO and execute the following commands:
For XA-DataSource:
For Non-XA-DataSource:

Pentaho bi server and administration-console communications

I was deploy pentaho bi server on my running tomcat server ref from here.
Now I want to create JNDI bases datasource so I login through pentaho administration console but in that web page nothing to shows users lists, user role. After googling some times I was found that change console.xml then I was changed my console.xml file as below
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- comma separated list of roles (no spaces) -->
then I was stopped administration console and then again start but still it not shows me any user lists, role lists. After that I hard coded as below
DIR_REL=`dirname $0`
cd -
. "$DIR/"
setPentahoEnv "$DIR/../biserver-ce/jre"
but running at it shows not found but in my first steps deploying pentaho bi server on existing tomcat it not mentioned anything about where to copy or set. Can any one knows how to solve this problem?
Short answer: Pentaho 5.0 doesn't have an admin console because both user roles and database connections are easily configured in the user console. It seems you just started to deploy your biserver so I suggest you upgrade to the new version and leave admin console behind. Trust me. You will like it.
Long answer: If you still wish to stay with 4.8 for some strange reason:
Don't change anything in Pac-start.bat, revert to the original version before your changes. If you need to change the default URL or port, then
find biserver-ce\tomcat\conf\server.xml
the default for pentaho user console is 8080, and the default admin console port is 8443. Change those to your preference. Once done,
find biserver-ce\tomcat\webapps\pentaho\WEB-INF\web.xml
change here:
then find the list of trusted Ip's and add additional trusted IP's here (this is somewhere around line 133)
<description>Comma separated list of IP addresses of a trusted hosts.</description>
(Also covered in this article:
Make sure when you start the admin console, pentaho biserver is running already. Admin console will not work if the biserver is not running.
Make sure you use the correct JDK, because a wrong java configuration, or wrong java_home_path can also cause admin console to not stand up.
Really, just go with Pentaho 5.0.1.