Expression for calculated member - ssas

How to get the data between two dates. I used the following expression:
{[campaign].[campaign start date]:[campaign].[campaign end date]},
but it is giving null as result.

It would help if you posted the full MDX you are using.
In the meantime, I'm guessing you need to put the time dimension into a filter (WHERE) and the measures onto rows or columns, with another dimension (just it's top-level member) present in order to return a single results cell:
SELECT {[Some other dimension].defaultMember} ON ROWS,
{[Measures].[sales]} ON COLUMNS
FROM [MyCube]
WHERE (AGGREGATE({[campaign].[campaign start date]:[campaign].[campaign end date]}))
Since the WHERE clause accepts only tuples, you have to use AGGREGATE to compress your date range from a set into a single item.
You can also try creating a calculated member and filter on that:
WITH MEMBER [Actual Time].[6th to 30th Nov 2006]
AS 'Aggregate([Actual Time].[All Actual Time].[2006].[December].[6 December 2006] : [Actual Time].[All Actual Time].[2006].[November].[30 November 2006])',
SELECT {whatever} ON ROWS,
{[Measures].[sales]} ON COLUMNS
FROM [MyCube]
WHERE ([Actual Time].[6th to 30th Nov 2006])


Calculated measure to find the datediff using timedimension

I need to find out the number of days in Month based on Time dimension. Time dimension is Month when Jan is selected it has to return 31 as value.
If you have Time dimension and Time hierarchy, this should work:
WITH MEMBER measures.NumOfDays AS
SELECT Measures.NumOfDays ON 0,
[Time].[Time].Month on 1
FROM [MyCube]
The below sample shows how to get the count.
Please note the below query only show the idea how to do this. Your cube will note have these attributes you you need to replace them
with member
measures.t as Count(([Date].[Month of Year].&[1],[Date].[Day of Month].[Day of Month].members))
select {measures.t}
on columns
from [Adventure Works]

MDX: return last value for selected items in Power BI

This is a question regarding SSAS Cubes, MDX formulas and Power BI.
I have a measure with the active members per each month. So when I select for example 2018 it shouldn´t aggregate but return the last available month with active members, and if I break down by month it should give the active members for each month.
So I have this formula which works almost fine if querying in MS Management Studio:
with member [Measures].[Last existing SOCIOS] AS
EXISTING [DIM FECHA].[Jerarquía].[MES NOMBRE].members,
iif([Measures].[ACTIVOS] = 0,null,
select {[Measures].[Last existing SOCIOS]} on columns,
[DIM FECHA].[MES NOMBRE].members on rows
from [cubo_Compromisos]
where [DIM FECHA].[AÑO].&[2018]
I would prefer to have the november value returned at the 'All' level. But this is not my main problem. The real issue is that when I use this measure in Power BI it behaves differently: when selecting multiple months it ignores the selected values and just returns the last value for the whole year.
In the screenshot below I have added the value returned by the KPI Card because that is the value that I want returned:
If I select items like this it does it right, but I need it to select all months, and not just one because I am using this measure along others:
Does anyone know the right MDX function to use or an alternative?
Edited: 23-11-2018
It does the same in a Pivot Table connected to a SSAS Cube.When I add the date dimension to the table it works fine. But when using the date dimension and filtering it without the dimension added as rows it returns the value for the whole year.
The function you are looking at is LastChild. Last Child on the upper level of the hierarchy will return the value you are looking at.
I think that function can be used in the Cube design in SSAS - then this will be the standard behavior. If you want to do it with a query you need to do something like:
SELECT [Date].[Fiscal].[Fiscal Quarter].[Q1 FY 2002].LastChild ON 0
FROM [Adventure Works]
To get the last month of the 1st quater (I used example from microsoft and another post on the subject )

MDX - Filter different measures using different date intervals

This is similar to another question I made (MDX - Running Sum over months limited to an interval) but I feel that I was going off track there.
Let me start again.
I have a calculated measure
MEMBER [Measures].[m_active] AS ([Measures].[CardCount], [Operation].[Code].[ACTIVATION])
That I want to filter on a short interval (let's say from 10 January 2016 to 20 August 2017, those are parametrized)
and another calculated measure that i want to filter since the beginning of date dimension (1st January 2010) to the end of last filter (20 August 2017 in this case), this measure is running sum of all the precedent
MEMBER [Measures].[tot_active] AS (
SUM({[Calendar.YMD].[2010].Children}.Item(0):[Calendar.YMD].CurrentMember, ([Measures].[CardCount], [Operation].[Code].[ACTIVATION]))
On the columns I have this calculated dimensions and on the rows I have months (in the small interval range) and another dimension crossjoined
{[Measures].[m_active], [Measures].[tot_attive]} ON COLUMNS,
{Descendants([Calendar.YMD].[2016].[Gennaio]:[Calendar.YMD].[2017].[Agosto], [Calendar.YMD].[Month])},
{Descendants([CardStatus.Description].[All CardStatus.Descriptions], [CardStatus.Description].[Description])}
) on ROWS
If I put a date range in the WHERE clause the first member is perfect but i ruin the second, how can I make the second member ignore the WHERE clause? Or is there another solution?
Without testing I'm a little bit unsure of the behaviour, but did you try moving the filter from a WHERE clause into a subselect?
Subselects are formed like this:
<date range for filter> ON 0
FROM cubeName

How can I write an mdx query that slices by both a date range and dimension member value

I need to write an mdx query that limits its results by the value of a dimension but also by a date range. I know how to do one or the other but I can't figure out how to do both at once.
This works for the date range:
SELECT {[Measures].[Hours]} ON COLUMNS, [Time Type].[Type].Members ON ROWS
FROM [cube]
WHERE {[Date].[Date ISO].[2013-01-26]:[Date].[Date ISO].[2013-06-25]}
And this works for the member slicer:
SELECT {[Measures].[Hours]} ON COLUMNS, [Time Type].[Type].Members ON ROWS
FROM [cube]
WHERE [Time Type].[Allocation Type].[Direct]
How do I constrain the results by both of these WHERE clause values at the same time? I've tried putting them both in the same WHERE like so:
SELECT {[Measures].[Hours]} ON COLUMNS, [Time Type].[Type].Members ON ROWS
FROM [cube]
WHERE ([Time Type].[Allocation Type].[Direct],
{[Date].[Date ISO].[2013-01-26]:[Date].[Date ISO].[2013-06-25]})
but Mondrian replies with: No function matches signature (, ).
Note that Mondrian does not support subqueries or I would do it that way.
I think I might need to use a filter function on my rows for my member constraint but I need to filter on something that I don't want to display, which I am not sure how to do.
I think crossjoin is the answer like so:
SELECT {[Measures].[Hours]} ON COLUMNS, [Time Type].[Type].Members ON ROWS
FROM [cube]
WHERE CROSSJOIN([Time Type].[Allocation Type].[Direct],
{[Date].[Date ISO].[2013-01-26]:[Date].[Date ISO].[2013-06-25]})
CROSSJOIN creates all the combinations of the 'Direct" member and the dates in my range as tuples for my WHERE slicer. I think this is the right answer.

How to groupby and filter on the same dimension in MDX

I want to create a barchart with a bar for each month and some measure.
But i also want to filter on a range of day which might not completly overlap some of the month.
When that happen I would like the aggregate count for those month to only aggregat over the days that fall in my date range not get the aggregate for the whole month.
Is that possible with MDX and if it is how should the request look like?
Create a second time dimension, using a virtual dimension of the original dimension. Use one dimension in the WHERE and another in the SELECT.
This often happens anyway if some people want 'Business Time' of quarters and periods, and others prefer months. Or if you have a financial year which runs April-April.
You can use subselect. You can find more information on this page and this page:
When a member is specified in the axis clause then that member with
its ascendants and descendants are included in the sub cube space for
the subselect; all non mentioned sibling members, in the axis or
slicer clause, and their descendants are filtered from the subspace.
This way, the space of the outer select has been limited to the
existing members in the axis clause or slicer clause, with their
ascendants and descendants as mentioned before.
Here is an example:
SELECT { [Customer].[Customer Geography].[Country].&[Australia]
, [Customer].[Customer Geography].[Country].&[United States]
} ON 1
, {[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount], [Measures].[Reseller Sales Amount]} ON 0
FROM ( SELECT {[Customer].[Customer Geography].[Country].&[Australia]
, [Customer].[State-Province].&[WA]&[US]} ON 0
FROM [Adventure Works]
The result will contain one row for Autralia and another one for the United States. With the subselect, I restricted the value of United Stated to the Washington state.
One way I found to do it with Mondrian is as follow
WITH MEMBER [Measures].[Units Shipped2] AS
exists([Store].[Store Country].currentmember.children,{[Store].[USA].[WA],[Store].[USA].[OR]})
},[Measures].[Units Shipped]
MEMBER [Measures].[Warehouse Sales2] AS
exists([Store].[Store Country].currentmember.children,{[Store].[USA].[WA],[Store].[USA].[OR]})
},[Measures].[Warehouse Sales]
{[Measures].[Units Shipped2],[Measures].[Warehouse Sales2]} ON 0,
NON EMPTY [Store].[Store Country].Members on 1
FROM [Warehouse]
I am not sure if the filtering will be done in SQL like below and give good performance or be run locally
select Country, sum(unit_shipped)
where state in ('WA','OR' )
group by Country