why does the multiple "find" doesn't work in SC query - servercontrol

I wrote a command line
sc query PlugPlay | FIND "SERVICE_NAME" | FIND "STATE"
to list only the service name and its status but it's not giving any output.
Please correct me how to list the service name and its STATE (running or stopped) only.

You can do this with Windows' built-in findstr command. If you give it multiple words to find, separated by spaces, it will print lines that match any word (i.e. findstr "a b" is equivalent to grep -E 'a|b').
sc query plugplay | findstr "SERVICE_NAME STATE"

Running two pipes like that is not an "or" operation, it is an "and" operation. It will only output lines that include both SERVICE_NAME and STATE (which will be none, so no output is correct). If you run just the first find it gives
C:\>sc query PlugPlay | FIND "SERVICE_NAME"
and thus the STATE information is already removed.
The windows find command is too simple and limited to do what you want, but it can be achieved using the unix grep command. From cygwin for instance:
$ sc query PlugPlay | grep -E 'SERVICE_NAME|STATE'


Filter word in a string in batch script

I created a batch script for windows that I use for mux mkv files.
When launch this command:
ffprobe -v 0 -select_streams s -show_entries stream=index:disposition=default -of compact=nk=0 file.mkv | findstr disposition:default=1
Output is:
How can filter and print only number "3" and put it in a variable?
I submit a new command that simplify output:
ffprobe -v 0 -select_streams s -show_entries stream=index:disposition=forced:stream_tags=language -of csv=nk=1:p=0 file.mkv | FINDSTR /C:"1,ita"
Output is:
"3" is track id, "1" is forced flag, "ita" is track language. To create a variable that contains only the track id (e.g. 3) to be inserted in a mkvmerge command, I ran this command:
FOR /F "delims=, tokens=1" %%# IN ('ffprobe -v 0 -select_streams s -show_entries stream=index:disposition=forced:stream_tags=language -of csv=nk=1:p=0 file.mkv ^| FINDSTR /C:"1,ita"') DO SET subid=%%#
But nothing happens! Mkvmerge report this error: Error: Invalid track ID or language code in '-s '.
I don't really know where the mistake is!
Batchfile approach
You need to execute your command inside a for statement inside a batch file to be able to capture the output lines and process them further. Check for /? on the command line and the part with for /f and learn about "usebackq".
The key point is, that you need to escape several special characters from your command, if it is executed in the for statement and not on the command line prompt directly.
Try getting this piece to work and post your solution as update to your answer if you like. Then we can get to the second part of extracting the number.

Store my "Sybase" query result /output into a script variable

I need a variable to keep the results retrieved from a query (Sybase) that´s in a script.
I have built the following script, it works fine I get the desired result when I run it
isql -U database_dba -P password <<EOF!
select the_name from table_name where m_num="NUMB912" and date="17/01/2019"
echo "All Done"
"EXECUTE_DAILY" 97 lines, 293 characters
user#zp01$ ./EXECUTE_DAILY
(1 row affected)
But now I would like to keep the output(the_name: NAME912) in a variable.
So far this is basically what I'm trying with no success.
variable=$(isql -U database_dba -P password -se "select the_name from table_name where m_num="NUMB912" and date="17/01/2019" ")
But, is not working. I can't save NAME912 in a variable.
You need to parse the output for the desired string/piece-of-data that you wish to store in your variable. I tend to make my life a bit easier by making sure I can easily/quickly search/parse out what I want.
Keeping a few issues in mind ...
I tend to use isql -s"|" -w10000 to ensure (most of the time) that a) the result set has all columns delimited with the pipe ('|') and b) a single row of data does not span multiple rows; the pipe delimiter makes it easier to parse out columns that may contain white space; obviously (?) use a different delimiter if a pipe may be part of your actual data
to make parsing of the isql output a bit easier I tend to add a unique, grep-able (literal) string to the rows that I'm looking to search/parse
some databases (eg, SQLAnywhere, Oracle) tend to mimic a literal value as the column header if said literal string has not been assigned an explicit alias/header; this means that if you do a simple search on your literal string then you'll get a match for the result set header as well as the actual data row
I tend to capture all isql output to a temporary file; this allows for easier follow-on processing, eg, error checking, data parsing, dumping contents to a logfile, etc
So, with the above in mind my code typically looks something like:
$ outfile=/tmp/.$$.isql.outfile
$ isql -s"|" -w10000 -U database_dba -P password <<-EOF > ${outfile} 2>&1
-- 'GREP'||'ME' ensures that 'GREPME' only shows up in the data row
select 'GREP'||'ME',the_name
from table_name
where m_num = "NUMB912"
and date = "17/01/2019"
$ cat ${outfile}
... snip ...
|'GREP'||'ME'|the_name | # notice the default column header = 'GREP'||'ME' which won't match my search for 'GREPME'
|GREPME |NAME912 | # this is the line I want to search/parse
... snip ...
$ read -r namevar < <(egrep GREPME ${outfile} | awk -F"|" '{print $3}')
$ echo ${namevar}

Using SQL LIKE predicate in Db2 comand line processor CLP

I am trying to use the CLP to call an SQL query that uses LIKE:
With DB2 CLP, i run per the IBM documentation:
db2 "SELECT NAME, PLACE, ANIMAL from ZOOTABLE where NAME like 'TIG\%' or NAME like 'LIO\%'";
I get this error:
SQL0104N An unexpected token "%" was found following "where NAME like
TIG". Expected tokens may include: "". SQLSTATE=
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Why not just use the syntax, the statement without any escaping...? Also remove the semicolon after the closing quote or put it before the ending quote. The Db2 error comes from the attempted escaping (\%).
db2 "SELECT NAME, PLACE, ANIMAL from ZOOTABLE where NAME like 'TIG%' or BNAME like 'LIO%'"
I was never able to make this work, with Escape or anything else. However, i did manage to export the output to a CSV (Excel) file and that gave me the output i needed:
Logged in as DB2 user:
#!/bin/bash -xv
set -vx
export Host=$1
export sid=$2
sed -n '/TIG/p' /tmp/db2select.csv | tee /tmp/zooselect.csv
sed -n '/LIO/p' /tmp/db2select.csv | tee -a /tmp/zooselect.csv
This gave me the base output i needed and i then could manipulate the Excel file as needed

Execute an Impala query and get query time

I want to be able to execute a number of Impala queries and return the time it took for each query to execute. Using the Impala shell, I can do this with the following command:
impl -q "select count(*) from database.table;"
This gives me the output
Using service name 'impala'
SSL is enabled. Impala server certificates will NOT be verified (set --ca_cert to change)
Connected to *****.************:21000
Server version: impalad version 2.6.0-cdh5.8.3 RELEASE (build c644f476b774db9db87a619628f7a6ecc5f843e0)
Query: select count(*) from database.table
| count(*) |
| 1130976 |
Fetched 1 row(s) in 0.86s
I want to be able to fetch that last line and extract the time. It doesn't really matter how, which is why I haven't tagged a language. I have tried using grep like this:
impl -q "select count(*) from database.table" | grep -Po "\d+\.\d+"
But that does nothing but remove the table. Putting the query in a python script and using subprocess couldn't find impl as a command, and same for scala.
The weird thing is that impala-shell dumps those messages to stderr rather than to stdout, so to fetch the last line, you would have to append a 2>&1 to redirect stderr to stdout
impala-shell -q "query string" 2>&1 | grep -Po "\d+\.\d+(?=s)"
Notice that a positive lookahead (?=s) is probably required to avoid capturing version numbers

How to store a command output in OpenVMS

Im having an issue writing a DCL in OpenVMS in that I need the DCL to call a command and capture its output (but not output the output to the screen) Later on in the DCL I then need to print that output I stored.
Heres an example:
ICE SET FASTER !This command sets my environment to the "Faster" environment.
The above command outputs this if executed directly in OpenVMS:
Initialising TEST Environment to FASTER
Using Test Search rules FASTER
Using Test Search rules FASTER
So I created a DCL in an attempt to wrap this output in order to display a more simplified output. Heres my code so far:
$ !* Wrapper for setting ICE account. Outputs Environment
$ !************************************************************************
$ on error then goto ABORT_PROCESS
$ ice set 'P1'
$ say "Error ICING to: " + P1
$ EXIT 2
[End of file]
In the lines above ICE SET 'P1' is setting the ice environment, but I dont want this output to be echoed to VMS. But what I do want is to write the output of $ICE SHOW into a variable and then echo that out later on in the DCL (most of which ive omitted for simplification purposes)
So what should be outputted should be:
current Test Environment is DISK$DEVELOPERS:[FASTER.DEVELOP]
Instead of:
Initialising TEST Environment to FASTER
Using Test Search rules FASTER
Using Test Search rules FASTER
current Test Environment is DISK$DEVELOPERS:[FASTER.DEVELOP]
Ive had a look through the manual and im getting a bit confused so I figured I tried here. Id appreciate any pointers. Thanks.
Here is what ive come up with after the comments, the problem im having is when I connect to VMS using an emulator such as SecureCRT the correct output is echoed. But when I run the DCL via my SSH2 library in .NET it doesnt output anything. I guess thats because it closes the SYS$OUTPUT stream temporarily or something?
$ !************************************************************************
$ !* Wrapper for setting ICE account. Outputs Environment
$ !************************************************************************
$ on error then goto ABORT_PROCESS
$ ice set 'P1'
$ ice show
$ say "Error ICING to: " + P1
$ EXIT 2
[End of file]
So I guess really I need to clarify what im trying to do here. Blocking the output doesnt so matter so much, im merely trying to capture it into a Symbol for example.
So in C# for example you can have a method that returns a string. So you'd have string myResult = vms.ICETo("FASTER"); and it would return that and store it in the variable.
I guess im looking for a similar thing in VMS so that once ive iced to the environment I can call:
$ environment == $ICE SHOW
But I of course get errors with that statement
The command $ assign/user_mode Thing Sys$Output will cause output to be redirected to Thing until you $ deassign/user_mode Sys$Output or next executable image exits. An assignment without the /USER_MODE qualifier will persist until deassigned.
Thing can be a logical name, a file specification (LOG.TXT) or the null device (NLA0:) if you simply want to flush the output.
When a command procedure is executed the output can be redirected using an /OUTPUT qualifier, e.g. $ #FOO/output=LOG.TXT.
And then there is piping ... .
You can redirect the output to a temp file and then print its content later:
$ pipe write sys$output "hi" > tmp.tmp
$ ty tmp.tmp
VMS is not Unix, DCL is not Bash: you can not easily set a DCL symbol from the output of a command.
Your ICE SHOW prints one line, correct? The first word is always "current", correct?
So you can create a hack.
First let me fake your ICE command:
$ create ice.com
$ write sys$output "current Test Environment is DISK$DEVELOPERS:[FASTER.DEVELOP]"
and I define a dcl$path pointing to the directory where this command procedure is
so that I can use/fake the command ICE
$ define dcl$path sys$disk[]
$ ice show
current Test Environment is DISK$DEVELOPERS:[FASTER.DEVELOP]
Now what you need, create a command procedure which sets a job logical
$ cre deflog.com
$ def/job/nolog mylog "current''p1'"
And I define a command "current" to run that command procedure:
$ current="#deflog """
Yes, you need three of the double quotes at the end of the line!
And finally:
$ pipe (ice show | #sys$pipe) && mysym="''f$log("mylog")'"
$ sh symb mysym
MYSYM = "current Test Environment is DISK$DEVELOPERS:[FASTER.DEVELOP]"
On the other hand, I don't know what you are referring to C# and Java. Can you elaborate on that and tell us what runs where?
You can try using: DEFINE /USER SYS$OUTPUT NL:.
It works only for the next command and you dont need to deassign.
Sharing some of my experience here. I used below methods to redirect outputs to files.
Define/Assign the user output and then execute the required command/script afterwards. Output will be written to .
$define /user sys$output <file_path>
execute your command/script
assign /user <file_path> sys$output
execute your command/script
deassign sys$output
To re-direct in to null device like in Unix (mentioned in above answers), you can use 'nl:' instead of
define /user sys$output nl:
assign /user nl: sys$output