How to implement both scroll and paint in a sencha touch based application - sencha-touch-2

I have a sencha touch 2.0 web application which I used on tablet(accessing from website address). It is a small application to paint on a canvas layer over an existing image.
I was unable to scroll the image instead just kept on painting on the canvas when I accessed it from tablet.
In browser I get this scroll bar but on tablet I generally need to touch the image and move it to scroll which doesn't work instead it paints on canvas. How can I have both of them? Is there any work around for this on Android browser?


Item vertical scroll interferes with carousel horizontal scroll (Android only)

I have a carousel (using react-native-snap-carousel) where each item is a card that has a title and a WebView. On Android, when attempting to scroll the web page loaded in the webview, the gesture handler of the Carousel gets fired first most of the time. On iOS, everything works fine.
So on Android it's virtually impossible to scroll the webpage vertically without triggering the horizontal Carousel scroll.
I have created a small Demo project where you can see the issue
The question is: is there a way to fix this behavior for Android?
Thanks for your time

React native responsive side menu

I am using the library react-navigation-drawer for my app side menu.
My app should be working on iphone and iPad as well.
The default side menu of this library is working well on iPhone.
But on iPad, side menu should be always visible on my app.
I could implement this by drawerLockMode:'locked-open' on some pages.
But Side menu has been overlayed on content screen. and could not doing any actions on content screen.
Even content screen has been pushed aside as width of side menu.
Anyone help me how to implement the responsive side menu on iPhone and iPad?
whenever app is running on iPad, set drawerType={'permanent'} for Drawer.Navigator

IntesectionObserver API fails to fire event upon horizontal scrolling on small screen

When laying elements horizontally (with horizontal scroll bar), and scrolling left/right,
IntersectionObserver API does not always fire event when an observed element enters the viewport.
This happens on mobile devices or when testing on desktop chrome while setting small dimensions of Responsive screen or mobile screens (iPhone 6/7/8 etc.)
Is there a way to overcome this?
Thank you

Windows Phone 8.1 Create a Swipeable Scrollable Control

I am trying to create an animation to a control.
So think of the animation and control of a now playing page on most touch screen devices. You see the control (album photo) and swipe either way and get it to slide off the screen and then the next control (album photo) slides on in its place.
I am not asking for you to code me this, but I am having trouble wrapping my head around a way that this could be done.
The control content is always changing, when you swipe one way, an image is removed from the view and then the next is added.
What you need is FlipView control which can get you the interface you described.
Here are some references:
Quickstart: Adding FlipView controls (XAML)
XAML FlipView control sample

Recreating the iPad home screen icon rotation / orientation effect

I am creating a grid of icons in Objective C / Xcode.
Is there anyway to re-create the iPad Home screen, the one filled with a grid of icons for each App you have on your iPad.
What I am most interested in is reproducing the effect on the icons when the device is rotated. On rotation, a new grid icons (which matches the new orientation) swings around to the right orientation, and the icons themselves transform (I'm guessing its an alpha fade from one icon to the other) into the new icon that would appear at that position.
Ive looked at this SO question, and also at this blog. But I am wondering if there is a class (hopefully one developed by Apple, but third party solutions will do) which recreates this effect?
If there isn't such a class, can anyone suggest to me how I would do the icon transformation effect whilst the screen is swinging around to the correct orientation?
iOS 6 offers a class called UICollectionView that handles the creation of these grids for you. The API is fairly similar to that of UITableView and allows you lots of control for customization.
Check out the UICollectionView class reference, as well as this introductory tutorial.