Advice on database model for ecommerce with custom products - nhibernate

I need some advice on modeling an ecommerce domain.
The client sells two products:
Custom art work, the design specified by the customer.
Prints of art with a message on the back specified by the customer.
Here is my cut down database model so far.
The products table will have the 2 products from above.
The order line links the selected product to an order.
The attributes holds the custom field names for each product.
For example the custom artwork product would have the attribute design.
The order attributes links the ordered product to it's customs attributes and has the value.
For example custom artwork product, with an attribute of design, with a value of paint a house.
I would also like to map this database model to code as well using nhibernate.
Is there a better way of modeling this data?

A couple of suggestions:
The Orderlines table should contain the price (and possibly the description) of the product so that item prices can change without affecting existing orders. Similarly, the Orders table (not shown) should contain customer information (e.g. shipping address) that may change. The data that makes up an order can't change and the easiest approach is to flatten and denormalize it.
The OrderAttributes structure is called an entity-attribute-value model and it has many drawbacks. In general I recommend avoiding it and adding the needed columns to the Orderlines table. If needed, your application can subclass Product and OrderLine so that a CustomArtWorkProduct creates a CustomArtWorkOrderLine when it's added to an order.

In an object-oriented program relations are expressed as associations.
That is:
If Product has Orders then Product must have a collection of Orders.
If an Order is for a Product, the Order must have a property Product.
and so on.
In object-oriented programming you don't associate by an identifier: you don't need this because this is a different world ruled by hierarchical data.
Honestly, if you follow what I said before, NHibernate will be a very powerful tool as it'll be able of loading objects and properties without your intervention.
Think about "getting all orders of some product": you're not going to intentionally execute an SQL Join but you're going to access to the Orders property of Product and NHibernate will translate this access to the database world.
This is the point of using an OR/M. It's not just "I map tables as is". It's about joining two very different worlds: the object-oriented hierarchical world with relational data with no pain.
Check this very old (2004!) CodeProject article and how it creates the Northwind SQL Server database-based model:
Don't pay attention to how maps the model to the database but to the model design.
Check this article, it's more modern than the other one:


Database design advice needed on custom fields

I have a table that stores general information about a customer (name, address, etc) that is common to all customers. I have a field called CustomerType (list of types) that drives what other fields I need to capture. So if they are a government customer then they will see a different set of custom fields than a non-profit customer would see. I need to create forms that each different CustomerType will be fill out. On the SQL side, I need to figure out the best way to store the data so that when I do reporting it is simple. I don't know the best way to attack this problem.
On the SQL side, I need to figure out the best way to store the data so that
when I do reporting it is simple. I don't know the best way to attack this
There are many possible approaches each with different strengths and weaknesses, here's some to think about:
Create separate customer detail tables for each of the customer types, each containing the fields specific to that customer type. Each detail table keyed on the customer Id. The customer type does not have to be an attribute of the detail table, only of the parent Customer table.
(+) The correctly normalized solution (although you may find awkward situations
where attributes are common to a subset of customer types). The tables will be fairly easy to maintain.
(-) Reports harder to write - you may find yourself using a LOT of unions or outer joins. Development against this schema is more complex, the extra logic to insert/update attributes in the correct tables for particular customer types must be encoded somewhere. This might become unmanageable if you have many customer types, or if you're adding/changing them frequently.
Expand the customer table to contain the super-set of columns required by all customer types, keyed on the customer Id.
(+) Simple, very easy to report on, simple programming logic.
(-) The customer-type specific fields are only partially dependent on the key of the customer table (customer Id) - they are really dependent on the combination of customerId/customerType.
If there are many extra fields, and if there are few fields common between customer types then this denormalization may result in a very wide table with an unmanageable number of columns. It could be a maintenance nightmare - the table must be modified every time a new customer type is added/change.
You might find this a good solution if the number of unique fields required by each customer type is small and they don't change often and if ease of programming and reporting is an overriding concern.
Store the customer specific values as name/value pairs in a generic customer Details table, keyed on customerId/customerType/key.
(+) Very simple to maintain - No data model changes are required to add a new customer type.
(-) Non-relational, makes pure SQL reporting near impossible and makes integrity constraints very difficult to add. You might see this in specialized use cases e.g. where the data will only ever consumed as JSON and direct reporting will never be a requirement, or in some corporate environments where it may be appealing if database changes are very hard to push through.
First of all, have a look at some good tutorials on database design and object relational modelling (ORM) A beginner's guide to SQL database design
My personal suggestion for your design would be to create one table to store all costumers, together with some kind of unique customer id and the CustomerType. Next create a separate table for each of the CustomerTypes and for each user that belongs to that type, store that users unique id in a column together with its customertype specific fields.

How to link these database items? (ERD)

just need a bit of help as to how to link a table to my database ERD.
I have two tables, Make and Model that store information about Car Makes (Ford,VW) and Model which stores information of Car Models such as (Focus, Golf).
These are linked together in this diagram, however I also need a showroom table that displays information such as Name of the Car in the format: Make, Model, Price
screencap of ERD
The showroom table needs to get information from the model table, such as Model Name and Price, and also it needs to link through MakeID to get the name of the Make of the car, I just need a bit of help as to what fields to put into the showroom table and how to link it to the rest of the ERD (do I need a table inbetween Model and Showroom?).
Thanks for reading I appreciate any help.
I think you are missing a very important table here which is CAR (or Product). Each product in your database will have ModelID and CAR.ID, as you can have many cars of the same model. You can also put some car specific information (as color or configuration ID to that table).
Then your ShowRoom will actually have reference to Car.ID.
I'm not going to look at your E/R diagram, but MODEL should be one-to-many with MAKE.
SHOWROOM is an interesting table, because it sounds like it should contain what's currently in stock. I'd call it INVENTORY. It would have specific VINs - these are the instances that you can actually buy.

Modelling the Domain from Two perspectives

I'm trying to model the domain of my system but I've come across and issue and could do with some help.
My issue is one of perspective. I'm modeling a system where I have a Customer entity which will have a number of Order entities and the system will be required to list all the Orders for a selected Customer (perspective 1). I therefore modeled a Customer class which contains a collection of Orders... simple. However I've just realised that the system will also need to list all Orders with the details of the Customer (perspective 2) which would mean that I had a single Customer reference from each Order.
The problem is that from each perspective I will be taking time to create object which I will not be interested in E.g. When I will display a list of Orders a Customer instance will be created for each order; in turn the Customer instance will then hold a collection of Orders they have made (which from this perspective I'm not interested in!!).
Could anybody help with suggestions? I've come across this issue before but I've never taken the time to design a proper solution.
I have seen this before. The trick is to differentiate between Customer-Identity and Customer-Details (e.g. Orders). You can then link from all Order-Objects to the Customer-Identity-Object, and in the other view link from the Customer-Identity-Object to the Customer-Details-Object which further links to Order-Objects (you probably want this ordered chronologically).
The implementation can be held as on Object-System or as a relational Database (in which case you would have a table "Customers" with CustomerID as Key, their addresses etc; and a table "Orders" with OrderID as key, and CustomerID as another column.

Products database design for product lines, categories, manufacturers, related software, product attributes, etc

I am redeveloping the front end and database for a medium size products database so that it can support categories/subcategories, product lines, manufacturers, supported software and product attributes. Right now there is only a products table. There will be pages for products by line, by category/subcategory, by manufacturer, by supported software (optional). Each page will have additional filtering based on the other classifications.
Categories/Subcategories (multi level)
Products and product lines can be assigned to multiple category trees. Up to 5 levels deep should be supported.
Product lines (single level)
Groups of products. Product can only be in single product line.
Manufacturers (single level)
Products and product lines can be assigned to single manufacturer.
Supported software (single level)
Certain products only work with one or more softwares, so a product/line can be assigned to none, one or more softwares.
Attribues (type / options - could be treated so each type is a category and items are children)
Products and product lines can be assigned attributes (eg - color > red / blue / green). Attributes should be able to be assigned to one or more categories.
Since all these items are basically types of subcategories, do I put them all together in a master table OR split them into separate tables for each one?
Master table idea:
ClassificationTypes (product line, category/sub, manufacturer, software, attribute would all be types)
I would still need at least one more table to link types together (eg - to link attributes to a category) and a way to link product lines to various types.
If I go with a table for each type it can get messy quick and I will still need a way to link everything together.
Multiple table setup:
-ProductLineID ?
-ParentAttributeID (use this as the parent would be "color" and child would be "red")
-CategoryID (do I also need to link the category to the parent attribute?)
-ProductLineID ?
Other option for associations is to have a single associations table to link the tables above:
Master Associations
What is the best solution?
Go for multiple tables, it makes the design more obvious and more extensible, in my opinion. While it may fit your solution now, further changes may be more difficult.
I agree to Paddy. It makes your life easier in the future and you are much more flexible. You might want to put in stock control and other stuff. To link everything together use the id's (integer) parent/child of the tables.
I think multiple tables is the way to go, but to really know, do this: Flesh out the design for both ways and then take a sample of 5-10 products.
Populate the tables in both designs for the 5-10 products.
Now start writing the queries for both ways. You will start to see which is easier to write (the single table I bet), and you might find cases that only work in one design (the multi-table I bet.)
When you are done you have not lost the work -- you can use the table schema to move forward and some of your queries will already be written.
If you get to a query that does not make sense, seems to complicated, or such you can post it here and get feed back -- having real code always gets better comments.
Just wanted to post my decision and since I was not satisfied with any of the answers provided, I have elected to answer my own question.
I ended up setting up a a single set of tables:
Classification Types (eg - product lines, categories, manufacturers, etc)
Classifications (supporting parent/child adjacency list, nested sets, and materialized path all at once in order to take advantage of strengths of each. I have a SQL CTE that can populate all the fields in one go when the data changes)
Classifications Relations (with ability to relate products to classifications, relate classifications to other classifications and also relate classifications to other types)
I will admit that the solution is not 100% normalized, but this setup gives me ultimate flexibility to expand by creating new types and is very powerful and easy to query.

Define Generic Data Model for Custom Product Types

I want to create a product catalog that allows for intricate details on each of the product types in the catalog. The product types have vastly different data associated with them; some with only generic data, some with a few extra fields of data, some with many fields that are specific to that product type. I need to easily add new product types to the system and respect their configuration, and I'd love tips on how to design the data model for these products as well as how to handle persistence and retrieval.
Some products will be very generic and I plan to use a common UI for editing those products. The products that have extensible configuration associated with them will get new views (and controllers) created for their editing. I expect all custom products to have their own model defined but to share a common base class. The base class would represent the generic product that has no custom fields.
Example products that need to be handled:
Generic product
Light Bulb
Type (with an enum of florescent, incandescent, halogen, led)
Style (enum of flood, spot, etc.)
Style (with an enum in the domain model)
Water Filter information
Part number
I expect to use MEF for discovering what product types are available in the system. I plan to create assemblies that contain product type models, views, and controllers, drop those assemblies into the bin, and have the application discover the new product types, and show them in the navigation.
Using SQL Server 2008, what would be the best way to store products of these various types, allowing for new types to be added without having to grow the database schema?
When retrieving data from the database, what's the best way to translate these polymorphic entities into their correct domain models?
Updates and Clarifications
To avoid the Inner Platform Effect, if there is a database table for every product type (to store the products of that type), then I still need a way to retrieve all products that spans product types. How would that be achieved?
I talked with Nikhilk in more detail about his SharePoint reference. Specifically, he was talking about this: It actually seems pretty attractive. No need to parse XML; and there is some indexing that could be done allowing for simple and fast queries over the data. For instance, I could say "find all 75-watt light bulbs" by knowing that the first int column in the row is the wattage when the row represents a light bulb. Something (NHibernate?) in the app tier would define the mapping from the product type to the userdata schema.
Voted down the schema that has the Property Table because this could lead to lots of rows per product. This could lead to index difficulties, plus all queries would have to essentially pivot the data.
Use a Sharepoint-style UserData table, that has a set of string columns, a set of int columns, etc. and a Type column.
Then you have a list of types table that specifies the schema for each type - its properties, and the specific columns they map to in the UserData table.
With things like Azure and other utility computing storage you don't even need to define a table. Every store object is basically a dictionary.
I think you need to go with a data model like --
Product Table
ProductId (PK)
Property Table
PropertyId (PK)
ProductId (FK)
ParentPropertyId (FK - Self referenced to categorize properties)
Property Value Lookup Table
PropertyValueLookupId (PK)
PropertyId (FK)
And then have a dynamic view based on this. You could use the PropertyValueTypeId coloumn to identify the type, using a convention, like (0- string, 1-integer, 2-float, 3-image etc) - But ultimately you can store everything untyped only. You could also use this column to select the control template to render the corresponding property to the user.
You can use the Value lookup table to keep lookups for a specific property (so that user can choose it from a list)
Summarizing lets look at the options under consideration for storing product information:
1) some xml format in the database
2) similar to the post above about having x number of type defined columns (sharepoint approach)
3) via generic table with name and type definitions stored in lookup table and values in secondary table with columns id, propertyid, value (similar to #2 however this approach would provide unlimited property information
4) some hybrid of the above option where product table would have x common columns (for storage of properties common with all products) with y user defined columns (this could be m of integer type and n of varchar types). This may be taking the best of #2 and a normalzied structure as if you knew all the properties of all products. You would be getting the best sql performance for the properties that you use the most (probably those that are common across all products) while still allowing custom columns for specific properties with each product.
Are there other options? In my opinion I would consider 4 above as the best hybrid of the combinations.
Put as much of the shared anticipated structure in traditional normalized 3NF model, then augment with XML columns as appropriate.
I don't see MEF (or any other ORM) being able to do all this transparently.
I think you should avoid the Inner Platform Effect and actually build tables for your specialized entities. You'll be writing specific code to manage them so why not have proper backing tables too?
It will make your deployment slightly harder - drop in an assembly and run a script - but it will probably save you a lot of pain in the long run.
we currently use a XML field in the Products table to handle all product-specific data. So our Products table has a few common fields that all products share, an XML which contains whatever a particular product needs additionally, and a few computed fields that grab into the XML and surface some of the frequently queried fields as "virtual" fields on the Products table (e.g. "Style" would be set to whatever the current product defines, or NULL, if the product doesn't have a Style property).
So far, we've been quite flexible with that approach - if you create some decent XSD schemas for your XML, you can even create C# proxy classes for these fields.
Works nicely for us - joining the best of both the relational and XML worlds.