Where is #Html.MailTo in MVC 4? - asp.net-mvc-4

I read on many forums suggesting to use #Html.MailTo to send emails using local client (i.e similar to "mailto:" in anchor.
But when I try doing that, I simply dont find "MailTo" option in intellisense... Am I missing something, or if its obsolete now, or if its a customer HtmlHelper?

#Html.Mailto is one of the Features of ASP.NET MVC 3 Futures. ASP.NET MVC 3 Futures includes a bunch of features which may become the part of ASP.NET MVC in future.
Inorder to use it you need to download it from codeplex
You can check all the features in Imran Baloch's Blog Post
Hope it helps.

You can use #Html.DisplayFor such as #Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => Model.emailAddress) and it will produce an email link.


How to start ArangoDB-GraphQL-Express?

I looked at the support from ArangoDB, and google search, but it did not help me much...I am fresh in these topic, (but Polish proverb says that you should not be ashamed to ask questions).
my situation is as follows, I have quite a very extensive database, which I created by GUI-HTTP-ArangoDB (by importing further crafted JSONs, as collections of Verexs & Edges) I would like to link this database and dynamically depending on the query, display the resutat, only hmm I do not know how to connect it. is like a tutorial on the arango page to Node, but there is nothing to write like where and what to create, just they only described the next command that do something .. ech ...
I am looking for examples, or a step-by-step guide/tutorial..
I am asking you for help / support..
how in it, to find himself..
Well, there are two options I would use to connect Arango to GraphQL:
1 Use the Foxx micro services that live within Arango to create a Rest API. Then you can use wrap the Rest api in GraphQL. Here is the tutorial for creating the Foxx micro services :
And here is the tutorial to wrap the the rest api in GraphQL:
2 Have the GraphQL Server be part of the Foxx microservices instead of the Rest Api as described here
And here
Hope this helps!

Pagedlist for asp.net core

In MVC 5 (.Net Framework 4.6) i used PagedList.Mvc with following solutions:
It separates query into pages and gets results for needed page (not all query results).
It used HtmlHelper to render group of buttons with needed filter!
I could customize numbers of pager buttons to display (if get large resultset).
In asp.net core 2.0 documentation https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/data/ef-rp/sort-filter-page i can't find 2 and 3 solutions.
Does anyone know better approach?
I tried PagedList from https://github.com/dncuug/X.PagedList it worked!
I used X.PagedList this link was very helpful

Laravel 5.2 custom Middleware Levels on RESTful controllers

So from not using any framework at all, I finally forced myself to use LARAVEL 5.2 because i got tired of re-writing my own "framework" over and over again.
I think I'm pretty familiar with the Laravel framework and its dependencies now.
But now I need guidance on how to do this the smartest way.
I want to create a Middleware based on the companys DC.
Now every user is AUTHED by php's envget("username"); with a re-written "auth" middleware. So far, so good. (The server is not in the DMZ btw).
The thing is, our team thought that we should populate a database-table with all the users and give them a "Privilege-level", lets say 1 through 3 where 1 is "read only", 2 is "read+modify" and 3 is "read+create+modify" with our restful controllers. But.
since we use restful controllers i cannot really give them individual Middlewares? do I manually have to change every RESTful resource in my routes.php to make this happend? or can i do this another way? I would like to keep it as simple as possible.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance
(reserved for typsos )
#Tarre Tan
You can achieve this by adding your middleware in a parent controller's constructor.
All your controllers that require permissions will inherit from that controller.
You have one place to adjust your permissions if you want.
Hope this helps

How to use Entity Framework in DotNetNuke7?

I want to use Entity Framework for make Module in DotNetNuke7.I search on the internet but don't exist Helpful document in this case.
Please advice.
There is a nice little tutorial at DNNCreative.com. You have to subscribe to the site, though.
I don't recall, off the top of my head, whether there are similar tutorials at DNNHero.com, also a subscription site.
I sew DNNHero.com site .In this site exist a video tutorial for in this case but it is premium . In my country we don't access to Paypal , ... account for payment . At the result I can not use this tutorial. In DNNCreative.com have a little tutorial I use it but it is not complete tutorial and I have a problem that you see in this LINK

Why do my T4MVC generated links have "Area=" when I do not use or define areas?

Using ASP.NET MVC 4 and T4MVCExtension 4.0, I generate a link with #Url.Action(T4Controllers.EnhancementList.ByVotes()) and get http://localhost:1025/Enhancements/EnhancementList?Area=. Any ideas on how to get rid of that extra-ugly url parameter?
Note: I thought of titling this "Areas? We don't need no stinkin' Areas."
Mostly the same as T4MVC #Url.Action(MVC.Controller.Action()) Renders "?Area=" Parameter in QueryString. Though I thought that was fixed earlier. What T4MVC version are you using?