How to use Entity Framework in DotNetNuke7? - module

I want to use Entity Framework for make Module in DotNetNuke7.I search on the internet but don't exist Helpful document in this case.
Please advice.

There is a nice little tutorial at You have to subscribe to the site, though.
I don't recall, off the top of my head, whether there are similar tutorials at, also a subscription site.

I sew site .In this site exist a video tutorial for in this case but it is premium . In my country we don't access to Paypal , ... account for payment . At the result I can not use this tutorial. In have a little tutorial I use it but it is not complete tutorial and I have a problem that you see in this LINK


Expression Engine to Craft CMS

Hello I've recently migrated a website from EE to Craft using this guide :
However the migration did not cover blog posts comments, and the client wants the comments for each post migrated as well, could you please advise me how to do that ?
Here is the information from the JSON file (I replaced the text to protect my client privacy )
As seen in the json there is no comments saved anywhere.
And here is the code from the guide that I used
Please let me know if there is any other way of doing that.

How to start ArangoDB-GraphQL-Express?

I looked at the support from ArangoDB, and google search, but it did not help me much...I am fresh in these topic, (but Polish proverb says that you should not be ashamed to ask questions).
my situation is as follows, I have quite a very extensive database, which I created by GUI-HTTP-ArangoDB (by importing further crafted JSONs, as collections of Verexs & Edges) I would like to link this database and dynamically depending on the query, display the resutat, only hmm I do not know how to connect it. is like a tutorial on the arango page to Node, but there is nothing to write like where and what to create, just they only described the next command that do something .. ech ...
I am looking for examples, or a step-by-step guide/tutorial..
I am asking you for help / support..
how in it, to find himself..
Well, there are two options I would use to connect Arango to GraphQL:
1 Use the Foxx micro services that live within Arango to create a Rest API. Then you can use wrap the Rest api in GraphQL. Here is the tutorial for creating the Foxx micro services :
And here is the tutorial to wrap the the rest api in GraphQL:
2 Have the GraphQL Server be part of the Foxx microservices instead of the Rest Api as described here
And here
Hope this helps!

Twitter API oAUTH

I have implemented twitter API (oAUTH) by going through this tutorial . Its working and I can update my status (which I am guessing its kinda sharing) . The problem I am facing now is how can I add pictures , few words and a link to this $twitteroauth->post('statuses/update', array('status' => 'Hello Nettuts+'));. Something like twitter cards.
Is there another good tutorial which explains and demonstarte all the functions of Twitter API (oAUTH).
Thanks. :)
You can include a link/URL in your status update in the same way that you have included the other words (Hello Nettuts+).
However, you cannot add pictures in this manner - you will need to use the statuses/update_with_media endpoint as opposed to the statuses/update endpoint that you are using in your existing code. You can learn more about how to do this by reading Twitter's API documentation:
And you can see some example code here:

Apple Appstore name search via the API?

Is it possible to do a search for apps by title via the API? For example, the equivalent of "Return a list of apps (if any) with the word 'dog' in the title".
I've seen two access points that come close, but don't seem to offer this:
The RSS feed; it lists apps, but apparently only groupings like, "top 100..."
The query interface; but it doesn't seem to query over the app media type. (?)
I found the answer. Although not explicitly documented, it's possible to search by app name.
You're right, it wasn't very clear on that iTunes page at all. The parameter entity=software is the key. For example, here's a search for my app, TypeLink:
If you're wondering what the callback is for, here's some more info on the JSONP format it uses:
For any future person who wants to link to the App Store keyword search result page directly from a web link - this format works as of April 2013:
Was a PITA to figure out but finally got the syntax right... Needed this because a client has apps made by multiple developers so I couldn't just use the suggested link to return all their apps.
Thanks all for sharing wisdom. Hope this helps someone.

Search Engine Optomisation

My neighbour popped over last night to ask me for help with regards to his company's website. He said that it used to be ranked pretty high on Google but has since fallen off completely.
Now, I'm a Windows App programmer hence my request for help. I took a look and there the meta tags seem ok. I recommended that he add a <h1>heading</h1> to the pages with a page title to help reinforce the content.
I also suggested that finding related websites and getting them to link to his site was good for search ranking.
Are there any other general strategies / tools that could help?
He site is:
ps. BTW: this isn't just an attempt to have StackOverflow link to my neighbour's site - I'm aware that links from SO don't add to its ranking.
Go to and read it. Then go to and read it. Then go to your friends site and look at it with that information in mind. Off the top of my head, I would add flip the company name and page title in the "title" tags. Look at the google analytics account and see how people are coming to the site. That will give you an idea of where you should start your efforts to build a workable base.
First of all he needs to be make sure that his website contents are well managed and to the point. Then Page title has to be pin point, meta tags are obsolete so try meta description. Then Main Heading should be under h1 tag, sub heading under h2 and further sub heading h3. Try to update your website one in a month.
Use community websites like Facebook, Twitter and linkidin and other related forums for posting updates about completed projects and must give inbound links. You can use your company name as an inlink to your primary website and project name as an inlink of subpage of your company website.
Keep on posting at least once in a week. Post website URL to online directories will be a great help. Do not use Blackhat SEO techniques like cloaking. Do not use any invisible text/div in your website. Make sure that whenever you give your website link any where, give the most to the point and appropriate link.
Your link should have to have that stuff against you are posting your link/sublink. Make a section on your website for tag clouds/google tags, this will be a great attraction for search engines and they will link your website to other popular websites.
Make sure these tags should be directed to top ranking website which should have relevant material. I hope this will help. Feel free if you have trouble to understand anything i have mentioned above. Best of Luck