Windows 8 Metro style Fonts for arabic - windows-8

I searched for the fonts used in windows 8 modern metro style i found segeo but it appears different in arabic characters than that on windows 8, i'm using windows 7.
simply i want to get all fonts of win 8 segeo (new version) and the one used for arabic in this image
thanks for help

I found they are segoe ui light the same as english but the version coming with windows 8 not same one in windows 7. you can copy them from windows 8 from the fonts folder any segoe font to your fonts folder and replace old.


VB.NET Application re-sizing by itself?

I am having this problem for the first time. I recently bought a Macbook and is now using bootcamp to run Windows 10. Whenever I debug my program, the layout will move away causing something like this. (On the right is the running program)
The project folder is copied from my old asus laptop to this new macbook running bootcamp windows 10. The project was created using the same version of VS as well on the old laptop.
The above image is when I use the font setting for the form : Microsoft Sans Serif, 8pt
And below image is when I use a different size font : Microsoft Sans Serif, 10pt
Why is the debugged application re-sized by itself so much by just adjusting the font size?
Here is my computer(Windows 10) specs if necessary :
Windows 10 Pro
Visual Studio 2015 Pro
Display resolution using 2650 x 1600

Can you have a universal app that targets Windows 10 and 8.1?

I have a universal app for Windows 8.1 and Phone 8.1 and am looking to make the jump to Windows 10.
Looking at the guides, I need to recreate the projects, but does this mean this new project will only work on Windows 10?
What is the strategy for this setup? Keep a Windows 8.1 version and a Windows 10 version? Or does the Windows 10 version work on 8.1?
You can't.
Windows 10 introduces several new API and also included old API's those work in Windows 8. but you just simply can't run Windows 10 app in Windows 8 environment.
if you look at this site:
he tells us that Win 8 app runs Win 10 but lack of some feature such as charm bar and splash screen.
of course this concerns many developer but in my honest opinion, you should just move on to developing app for windows 10. everyone will upgrade, eventually.
there's so many advantages for developing win 10 app, one of them is your app will run on broader device and market.
more info:

Any ways to open Office(.doc,.ppt,.xls etc.) and PDF files in Windows Phone 8.1 application?

I am developing a Windows Phone 8.1 Viewer application.I need to open Office files such as .ppt,.xls,.doc etc and pdf files.I got pdf support from ComponentOne,but for Office types I did't get any supported library.There are GDocs,
Isilo,i-Clickr,Presenter's View Pro available in Store.How did they build such apps?
Also,I found that Good's Discussion
Leadtools Imaging SDK that I found is also related to this but converts docs to image then displays it.
I need a solution such that I can directly open .doc,.ppt,.xls,.pdf etc files using any paid/free library/Control available.
Any help is appreciated.
Syncfusion's windows phone controls contain libraries for dealing with word and excel files.

App for Windows 8 pro

I need to create an application that runs on windows 8 pro.
When building my application with phonegap I get a resulting .xap file for Windows8 phone.
This can't be executed so I assume I need a .exe.
I also read about .appx files.
Can anyone clearify the difference between all the extensions and what my options are for a windows 8 PRO - application. Is it possible to use phonegap or is this only for windows phone?
Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 are different platforms with some common roots. XAP is the deployment vehicle for phone, and .appx is for Windows 8.
Since PhoneGap is just a JavaScript library, it can be used with Windows 8 applications, but you'll need to incorporate it into a Windows 8 HTML5/JavaScript application. Here's a blog post that should get you on your way:

Windows store apps not displaying in windows 8

I installed windows 8 release preview. In my windows store i cant see many windows 8 apps like Skype.It displaying only 420 apps from starting. Not displaying any new apps. I dont know why ?.
Please upgrade to the RTM version. You can download it from MSDN