gecko in, objectreference needs objectinstance? - webbrowser-control

I want to implement a Webbrowser in my (2008)-project, however, I don't like the inbuilt IE.
I also remembered that is was kind of easy to implement a mozilla-tool like the gecko-webbrowser in the past...
It was kinf of more complicated than I remember, as I had to dwnload xulrunner and Skybound.Gecko.dll which both probably have to be included in any publishing of the finished project... I also defined x86 as target CPU and made all the needed steps to use a GeckoWebBrowser within my Application. I also called Skybound.Gecko.Xpcom.Initialize(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "/xulrunner") before compiling it.
However, when I try GeckoWebBrowser1.navigate("http://...") (The element was inserted with this name per designer) the IDE tells me that an objectreference is not set to a objectinstance as if GeckoWebBrowser1 isn't defined yet... but the GeckoWebBrowser1.Created attribute is giving back true.
Does anybody know why it isn't working yet?

I have the same error in my solution. Try to use GeckoFX assembly. I use 15 version dll and error fix.


How can I support older xaml version and still use new controls from the newer version.

I got a warning while building my xaml project:
The type ‘SvgImageSource’ is not available in the target platform
minimum version (10.0.14393.0)
I understand that I'm getting this because 14393 does not have an SvgImageSource control.
I still want to use the control and I also want to support 14393. Is that possible? Is there a way for me to create an alternative control for the older version?
This will be possible starting from the Creator's Update (15063) with Conditional XAML.
Conditional XAML provides a way to use the ApiInformation.IsApiContractPresent method in XAML markup. This lets you set properties and instantiate objects in markup based on the presence of an API without needing to use code behind. It selectively parses elements or attributes to determine whether they will be available at runtime.
I suppose you're using the control for SVGs. If you really need to run on older Windows 10 versions, have a look at this post from Igor Ralic on the Mntone.SvgForXAML library. That will be a lot easier than trying to create the control yourself.
Extra note: if you're still working on the app and are not releasing in the next few weeks, then it might be an option to skip straight to the Creator's Update. Already over 65% of the devices are on 15063 or higher in August and it's raising every week.

Runtime error 429 in VBA, but class is registered

I'm trying to recreate a program that uses javascript to open a connection to a PLC and then display all sorts of information on a web page. I'd rather have it in a form in MS Access for various reasons, and have spent forever trying to find the right dll to use (Jet32X.dll, if anyone is curious). I finally tracked the CLSID called out in the javascript back to a registered class for the PLC, and I'm trying to create that object in VB code. It won't get any further than the Dim As New line, however, throwing runtime error 429: "Active X Component Cannot Create Object." Really wish I had some more information about why.
I know the class is registered, since that's how I found it in the first place. I know the DLL file isn't corrupted, since the program runs fine from the JS version. I have a sneaky suspicion that there's some sort of incompatibility going on here, since the PLC and supporting software is pretty old, and I'm working in Microsoft Access 2013 (and its associated VBA). I can't really think of a good way to verify this, however. Does anyone have any other ideas? Could anything else be causing this problem?
Figured it out; in case anyone else runs into this sort of issue:
32bit COM dlls will not run in 64bit applications. If you don't want to go back and reinstall 32bit versions of whichever application you're using, one of the easiest workarounds is using dllhost.exe as a surrogate.
You can read a little about it here, but I found this tutorial easier to follow.
I send a new reply just to recap the information and avoid anyone that stumbles in the same problem again after me wasting precious time. All the steps involved assume that you already correctly registered the dll you are trying to use.
How to make a 32bit COM Dll work in a 64bit application
The "easy" solutions involve using the Dll Surrogate method, which runs dllhost.exe and as an intermediary process in 64bit to expose the underlying 32bit dll. When done correctly this works seamlessly without any special measure needing to be taken in neither in the 32bit dll nor in the 64bit application.
There are two main approaches to this:
Using Oleview.exe (i.e. using a GUI)
Oleview can be obtained downloading the Window 10 SDK.
In order to use Oleview it you have to:
Download the Window 10 SDK at the following link:
Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.19041.0\x86 to find the 32bit version of oleview.exe
ONLY THE FIRST TIME: run it as administrator to avoid see the message related to the impossibility to load iviewer.dll
In the left pane, Object Classes -> All Objects and find your dll name.
WARNING: you may find many entries for your dll. In particular each class has got its own entry such as YourProjectName.YourClassName
In the right pane, go to Implementation -> Inproc Server, and tick Use Surrogate Process. Leave the Path to Custom Surrogate empty to use the system default surrogate, that is dllhost.exe.
You can check the procedure went correctly by returning to the Registry tab, always in the right pane of the Oleviewer and make sure that now under CLSID = {yourAppIdHere} [DllSurrogate] = is listed among the entries.
Edit manually the Windows Registry
The Oleview method is recommended, but the manual method may be ok if you need to do this only once. The tutorial that NickGlowsinDark mentions was moved to .
In order to avoid problems in the future with the page going offline I copy and paste here the most important steps involved. All credit goes to Emmanuel Carabott that is the original author of the tutorial, I added the first two steps in order to facilitate you in the process.
Open the Registry Editor (Windows+R -> regedit), and follow the following steps:
You first need to find your dll GUIDs. You will probably have many GUIDs, one for each of the classes that your dll exports. I find it's easier to find the GUIDs if you go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\YourProjectName.YouClassName. It is the (Default) String Value you find under the Clsid key.
I recommend you find all the GUIDs first and make a note of them in order to have an easier time with the steps after this one.
Then, as Emmanuel Carabott kindly explains in his article, you have to do the following for each of the GUIDs you found:
Locate your COM object GUID under the HKey_Classes_Root\Wow6432Node\CLSID\[GUID]
Once located add a new REG_SZ (string) Value. Name should be AppID and data should be the same COM object GUID you have just searched for.
Add a new key under HKey_Classes_Root\Wow6432Node\AppID\
The new key should be called the same as the com object GUID
Under the new key you just added, add a new REG_SZ (string) Value, and call it DllSurrogate. Leave the value empty.
Create a new Key under HKey_Local_Machine\Software\Classes\AppID\
Again the new key should be called the same as the COM object’s GUID. No values are necessary to be added under this key.
That’s it, your COM Object should now be accessible from a 64bit environment and can be used like a regular COM Object.

VB .NET, check if dll exists

In my VB .NET project, I have several functions that use unmanaged code from within winusb.dll. I tested the code on some machine which haven't drivers installed at all (winusb) and of course errors appears: "Unable to load winusb.dll...."
Now I don't want to try/catch every function imported since will drop performances (or not?) and instead, I'm thinking to use some check in my component constructor for presence of winusb.dll, raise error event and inhibit all functions until next program start. All functions are pointless without that dll. This is a good approach?
Now how can I check reliable for all platforms (xp, wista,7,8) for presence of that dll?
I need a expert opinion to optimum solve the problem and thanks very much in advance.
If System.IO.File.Exists("C:\Windows\System32\winusb.dll") Then
' go ahead
' abort
End If
A better approach however would be to install the winusb library along with your application. An installer that doesn't install all required libraries is pretty worthless.

Having trouble debugging class library plugin

I have a windows form application in which I'm attempting to utilize a plugin (class library). In the code I have it load the assembly from a dll file, which means I have not been able to debug. Furthermore I have not found out how to compile the library so I've had to use the debuged dll version for testing. I've run into a bug in which I create a new object and send that data through an interface to the plugin in an attempt to retrieve a blank slate group box from the plugin. However instead of reading the parameter as a new object i managed to step through the code once (don't ask me how, I don't know and I haven't been able to repeat it) and it appeared that the code was registering the parameter as "nothing" thus why I received a null reference error in the main program.
Is there a better way to debug this mechanism and find out where the problem is? Any ideas on what the problem could be. As I read over this is seems somewhat vague and I'm not sure how to describe it, but I'm willing to host a connect now meeting if anyone is willing to look at what is going on and I'm not making myself understood very well.
I'm not sure if I follow exactly what you're doing but I usually find that the best way to debug a class library is by in the solution for the class library I add a new project, either a WinForms one or a Console one, I then set this new project as the start up project and add a reference to the Class Library project (via the Project tab in the Add Reference dialog).
You'll then be able to call the methods in the class library from the other project and you can put breakpoints anywhere to see what's really going on easily.
Ok, so the problem was that any time you edit the class library you have to compile (and the only way I know how is debugging, I can't find a compile button and the publish button doesn't work and building doesn't appear to make a dll). But anyways you have to compile, transfer the file so you are reading the most recent one. If you edit the code during runtime it does NOT update the dll in use...which was my problem.

Bizarre VB6 Make Problem - Previously working identical code won't recompile

I've got a really strange error and any light that anyone can shed on this would be greatly appreciated.
I made some changes to some VB6 source which builds a COM object. The automated build which builds our app returned an error. No problem I thought--I'll just back out my changes. Well backing out my changes isn't making the problem go away.
Specifically when I attempt to build the app via a .vbg file, with a command line like path\to\vb6\vb6 ProjectFile.vbg /make
I get a message
"Compile Error in File '', Line : Object library
invalid or contains references to object definitions that could not be
As I said, I reverted the source code so I'm really stumped as to why this error is still occurring. Any VB6 gurus around who might be able to point me at an answer?
I can post the exact code in question but the fact that it was building correctly, stopped building correctly and now refuses to build correctly makes me think this is not a problem with my code but rather some problem in the environment. Like something got put in the registry as a result of the previous build error.
Any tips, hints, or suggestions greatly welcome. I realize my question is a bit sketchy but I'm not even sure what's important to include and what isn't.
Thanks for the excellent suggestions guys. I think it is something to do with VB6 doing some sort of auto-registration.
Just to add a bit more detail: this problem does not occur when I build the referenced vbp file from the IDE. It only happens on the make on the .vbg which contains the vbp. Also the build tool in question automatically pulls latest source and the error happens on both my local box and the dedicated build box.
Hi again all,
The release engineering fellow figured out how to get this to build in his build environment so it's currently ok. Once we're past this crunch, I'll try to interrogate him about what he did and share the details with everyone.
Thanks again for all the great suggestions. This is what's so great about SO; that is, I asked about a 10-year-old technology and I got several great and on-point ideas.
Make sure that the VBG and all the VBP's got rolled back as well. That error is consistent with a project trying to reference a CLSID that is no longer valid for the dependency. Have you tried loading up the project group and building from the IDE, if that works and you save and check in all the changes to the group and project files, you might be fixed up.
I'm guessing the fact that you mention that it was a COM component might be the source of the problem. If any of the public method's or properties have changed then I seem to remember that VB6 will change the interface GUIDs and auto register the new ones.
My suggestion would be to check the registry to look for any mention of the component name, make a note of any associated CLSIDs, back up the registry, and then delete the references.
As cmsjr mentions it could also be a bad CLSID reference in your .vbp files.
The other option is that the failure has caused a problem with some .tlb (type library) or olb (object library) files.
The best thing to do is move all your compatibility DLL to a separate and combined directory. The reason for this is control over what VB6 is using to check for binary compatibility. In addition the Typelibs that are generated IMPORT the references. So if you using Binary DLL Ver 10 for compatibility however the import is pulling in Binary DLL Ver 9 you will have issues. By keeping all the libraries in a single folder and pointing your projects to the DLLs in that folder you ensure that the respective TypeLib Import the correct version.
Finally if you have multiple levels of DLL reference each other. You may run into mysterious error where the VB6 is unable to compile using binary compatibility. In such cases you need to compile the lowest DLL in the hierarchy (Utility DLL perhaps) copy it over into the compatibility folders. Work your way up the chain until everything compiles in one shot again.
This is because if have DLL A reference DLL B which Reference DLL C. VB6 will get sometimes get confused if you make a change to A and C. will compile fine but A will not until the compatibility libraries are updated.
Hunt down and delete any .obj and .exp files that may be lying around from the previous failed build.
You will have to open the project & re-type in the lines that you changed.
Save the project alongwith VBG and re-compile after that.
I think that will fix it.
EDIT: The idea is that the cls/bas file remember the class (CLSID) that you used. So, if you change the references but don't change the lines in the cls/bas - it is a mismatch of type (what was referenced vs what is typed in cls/bas file).