How to create a View Container within a UIViewController? - objective-c

I can't seem to figure out how to create a container like the one in this answer:
Can anyone provide steps? Thanks in advance.

Create a project using storyboarding and in Object Library you will find the ContainerView, now just drag and drop it on your viewController and It will work for you. screenShot will help you


How to create referencing outlets for a UIScrollView inside View

I'm developing my first App and now I'm stuck at something that I think it could be really simple and that's why I'm asking your help.
Today I'm working with UIScrollView for the first time and now I'm a little bit lost with the Referencing outlets inside the UIScrollView. Here are my "levels" of Storyboard:
Currently I need to reference some Outlets in the second View and I don't know how to reference it in my .m file because I have never done that (I just only reference outlets in the first view level) and I'm lost at the moment.
Can you help me with that problem?
Thanks in advance.
Before you continue, you should make sure you understand the basics of connecting Outlets in Xcode.
Hope this help. From there, just follow the same steps as you do to connect anything but now inside the scroll view.

UIView Subclass in Xcode version 5.1

I am looking to create a subclass for my TableViewController but when I go on the menu bar to create new file then a subclass the option to create it is not there.
Can somebody explain to me why this is the case please?
Should be like this:
And then this:
It is surprisingly simple. Make sure you've selected the right section.

How do I add a new view to a single view application in Xcode

I started my app as a single view application. I have the view with various buttons and labels connected to code. I want to add a button that links to another view.
I found a tutorial that guided me to click on the project and add a UIView subclass. However there is no option for that ( I think because I started it as a single view application).
I'm pretty new to all this so if anyone can outline a simple way for me to do this that would be great! I am using Xcode version 4.3.2.
You need to add a new Objective C class. Please refer to this:
How to create new View Controllers in XCode 4.3
If you started the app as single view using xib file the to add a class just go to name of the project on the left pane and right click on it. Then choose add new file. The pop up will appear to allow you to choose what type of class you want to add. Depending to what the new view is you can choose uiview controller or uitableview controller and so on. Just make sure you check mark with xib for interface user. That should do it. Hope it helps.

iPad SplitView with navigation stack for multiple view controllers

my starting point was this
MultipleDetailViews sample code found on xcode.
I am trying to create a separate navigation stack for the First- and SecondDetailViewController in order to push new view controllers.
A great help was this tutorial but I still couldn't manage to include the navigation stacks.
I have been stuck on this problem for a while and wonder if there exists a simple solution...
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
In the sample code, try to open the MainWindow.xib (en) and remove the 'FirstDetailViewController', replace it with a NavigationController, add the rootViewController for this new detail NavigationController and you are good to go.
I guess that you know what to do next. Hope it helps.
looking at this believe i had exactly the same problem and never found a way around it, until a couple of days when i was watching an unrelated lecture off of iTunes U, anyway in the new view controller that you load, have you implemented the UISplitViewControllerDelegate, (if this doesn't work have you tried moving the UISplitViewControllerDelegate to the master controller)?

What is the easiest way to custom NSTableView cell?

I'm an iOS developer. I recently started my Mac project, but I found that unlike UITableViewCell, which is a subclass of UIView, the cell of NSTableView is NSCell, and I even can't create it in IB. I wonder if there are some easy ways to create subclass like NSTextFieldCell to put it into the NSTableView.
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
Have a look at the open source PXListView class on Github
This has a PXListViewCell that you can use as an example.