Reduce/Reduce conflict when introducing pointers in my grammar - grammar

I'm working on a small compiler in order to get a greater appreciation of the difficulties of creating one's own language. Right now I'm at the stage of adding pointer functionality to my grammar but I got a reduce/reduce conflict by doing it.
Here is a simplified version of my grammar that is compilable by bnfc. I use the happy parser generator and that's the program telling me there is a reduce/reduce conflict.
entrypoints Stmt ;
-- Statements
SDecl. Stmt ::= Type Ident; -- ex: "int my_var;"
SExpr. Stmt ::= Expr; -- ex: "printInt(123); "
-- Types
TInt. Type ::= "int" ;
TPointer. Type ::= Type "*" ;
TAlias. Type ::= Ident ; -- This is how I implement typedefs
-- Expressions
EMult. Expr1 ::= Expr1 "*" Expr2 ;
ELitInt. Expr2 ::= Integer ;
EVariable. Expr2 ::= Ident ;
-- and the standard corecions
_. Expr ::= Expr1 ;
_. Expr1 ::= Expr2 ;
I'm in a learning stage of how grammars work. But I think I know what happens. Consider these two programs
int a;
int b;
a * b;
typedef int my_type;
my_type * my_type_pointer_variable;
(The typedef and main(){} part isn't relevant and in my grammar. But they give some context)
In the first program I wish it would parse a "*" b as Stmt ==(SExpr)==> Expr ==(EMult)==> Expr * Expr ==(..)==> Ident "*" Ident, that is to essentially start stepping using the SExpr rule.
At the same time I would like my_type * my_type_pointer_variable to be expanded using the rules. Stmt ==(SDecl)==> Type Ident ==(TPointer)==> Type "*" Ident ==(TAlias)==> Ident "*" Ident.
But the grammar stage have no idea if an identifier originally is a type alias or a variable.
(1) How can I get rid of the reduce/reduce conflict and (2) am I the only one having this issue? Is there an obvious solution and how does the c grammar resolve this issue?
So far I have successfully just been able to change the syntax of my language by using "&" or some other symbol instead of "*", but that's very undesirable. Also I cannot make sense from various public c grammars and tried to see why they don't have this issue but I have had no luck in this.
And last, how do I resolve issues like these on my own? All I understood from happys more verbose output is how the conflict happens, is cleverness the only way to work around these conflicts? I'm afraid I'll stumble on even more issues for example when introducing EIndir. Expr = '*' Expr;

The usual way this problem is dealt with in C parsers is something generally called "the lexer feedback hack". Its a 'hack' in the sense that it doesn't deal with it in the grammar at all; instead, when the lexer recognizes an identifier, it classifies that identifier as either a typename or a non-typename, and returns a different token for each case (usually designated 'TypeIdent' for an identifier that is a typename and simply 'Ident' for any other). The lexer makes this selection by looking at the current state of the symbol table, so it sees all the typedefs that have occurred prior to the current point in the parse, but not typedefs that are after the current point. This is why C requires that you declare typedefs before their first use in each compilation unit.


ANTLR4 No Viable Alternative At Input

I'm implementing a simple PseudoCode language with ANTLR4, this is my current grammar:
// Define a grammar called PseudoCode
grammar PseudoCode;
param: VARB | VARB ',' param ;
assignment: VARB '=' NUMBER ;
FUNCTION: 'function' ;
VARB: [a-z0-9]+ ;
SIGNATURE: [a-zA-Z0-9]+ ;
NUMBER: [0-9]+ | [0-9]+ '.' [0-9]+ ;
WS: [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip ;
The problem is after compiling and generating the Parser, Lexer, etc... and then running with grun PseudoCode prog -tree with the input being for example: function bla{bleh}
I keep on getting the following error:
line 1:9 no viable alternative at input 'functionbla'
Can someone point out what is wrong with my grammar?
bla is a VARB, not a SIGNATURE, because it matches both rules and VARB comes first in the grammar. The way you defined your lexer rules, an identifier can only be matched as a SIGNATURE if it contains capital letters.
The simplest solution to this problem would be to have a single lexer rule for identifiers and then use that everywhere where you currently use SIGNATURE or VARB. If you want to disallow capital letters in certain places, you could simply check for this condition in an action or listener, which would also allow you to produce clearer error messages than syntax errors (e.g. "capital letters are not allowed in variable names").
If you absolutely do need capital letters in variable names to be syntax errors, you could define one rule for identifiers with capital letters and one without. Then you could use ID_WITH_CAPITALS | ID_LOWER_CASE_ONLY in places where you want to allow both and ID_LOWER_CASE_ONLY in cases where you only want to allow lower case letters.
PS: You'll also want to make sure that your identifier rule does not match numbers (which both VARB and SIGNATURE currently do). Currently NUMBER tokens will only be generated for numbers with a decimal point.

How to make a simple calculator syntax highlighting for IntelliJ?

I'm making a custom language support plugin according to this tutorial and I'm stuck with a few .bnf concepts. Let's say I want to parse a simple calculator language that supports +,-,*,/,unary -, and parentheses. Here's what I currently have:
package com.intellij.circom;
import com.intellij.lexer.FlexLexer;
import com.intellij.psi.tree.IElementType;
import com.intellij.circom.psi.CircomTypes;
import com.intellij.psi.TokenType;
%class CircomLexer
%implements FlexLexer
%function advance
%type IElementType
%eof{ return;
WHITESPACE = [ \n\r\t]+
NUMBER = [0-9]+
{WHITESPACE} { return TokenType.WHITE_SPACE; }
{NUMBER} { return CircomTypes.NUMBER; }
expr ::=
expr ('+' | '-') expr
| expr ('*' | '/') expr
| '-' expr
| '(' expr ')'
| literal;
literal ::= NUMBER;
First it complains that expr is recursive. How do I rewrite it to not be recursive? Second, when I try to compile and run it, it freezes idea test instance when trying to parse this syntax, looks like an endless loop.
Calling the grammar files "BNF" is a bit misleading, since they are actually modified PEG (parsing expression grammar) format, which allows certain extended operators, including grouping, repetition and optionality, and ordered choice (which is semantically different from the regular definition of |).
Since the underlying technology is PEG, you cannot use left-recursive rules. Left-recursion will cause an infinite loop in the parser, unless the code generator refuses to generate left-recursive code. Fortunately, repetition operators are available so you only need recursion for syntax involving parentheses, and that's not left-recursion so it presents no problem.
As far as I can see from the documentation I found, grammar kit does not provide for operator precedence declarations. If you really need to produce a correct parse taking operator-precedence into account, you'll need to use multiple precedence levels. However, if your only use case is syntax highlighting, you probably do not require a precisely accurate parse, and it would be sufficient to do something like the following:
expr ::= unary (('+' | '-' | '*' | '/') unary)*
unary ::= '-'* ( '(' expr ')' | literal )
(For precise parsing, you'd need to split expr above into two precedence levels, one for additive operators and another for multiplicative. But I suggest not doing that unless you intend to use the parse for evaluation or code-generation.)
Also, you almost certainly require some lexical rule to recognise the various operator characters and return appropriate single character tokens.

Jison: Reduce Conflict where actually no conflict is

I'm trying to generate a small JavaScript parser which also includes typed variables for a small project.
Luckily, jison already provides a jscore.js which I just adjusted to fit my needs. After adding types I ran into a reduce conflict. I minimized to problem to this minimum JISON:
%start SourceElements
// This is up to become more complex soon
// Can be a list of statements
: Statement
| SourceElements Statement
// Either be a declaration or an expression
: VariableStatement
| ExprStatement
// Parses something like: MyType hello;
: Type IDENT ";"
// Parases something like hello;
: PrimaryExprNoBrace ";"
// Parses something like hello;
Actually this script does nothing than parsing two statements:
As this is a extremly minimized JISON Script, I can't simply replace "Type" be "IDENT" (which btw. worked).
Generating the parser throws the following conflicts:
Conflict in grammar: multiple actions possible when lookahead token is IDENT in state 8
- reduce by rule: PrimaryExprNoBrace -> IDENT
- reduce by rule: Type -> IDENT
Conflict in grammar: multiple actions possible when lookahead token is ; in state 8
- reduce by rule: PrimaryExprNoBrace -> IDENT
- reduce by rule: Type -> IDENT
States with conflicts:
State 8
Type -> IDENT . #lookaheads= IDENT ;
PrimaryExprNoBrace -> IDENT . #lookaheads= IDENT ;
Is there any trick to fix this conflict?
Thank you in advanced!
This looks like a Jison bug to me. It is complaining about ambiguity in the cases of these two sequences of tokens:
The state in question is that reached after shifting the first IDENT token. Jison observes that it needs to reduce that token, and that (it claims) it doesn't know whether to reduce to a Type or to a PrimaryExpressionNoBrace.
But Jison should be able to distinguish based on the next token: if it is a second IDENT then only reducing to a Type can lead to a valid parse, whereas if it is ";" then only reducing to PrimaryExpressionNoBrace can lead to a valid parse.
Are you sure the given output goes with the given grammar? It would be possible either to add rules or to modify the given ones to produce an ambiguity such as the one described. This just seems like such a simple case that I'm surprised Jison gets it wrong. If it in fact does, however, then you should consider filing a bug report.

Antlr: Unintended behavior

Why this simple grammar
grammar Test;
: Int | expr '+' expr;
: [0-9]+;
doesn't match the input 1+1 ? It says "No method for rule expr or it has arguments" but in my opition it should be matched.
It looks like I haven't used ANTLR for a while... ANTLRv3 did not support left-recursive rules, but ANTLRv4 does support immediate left recursion. It also supports the regex-like character class syntax you used in your post. I tested this version and it works in ANTLRWorks2 (running on ANTLR4):
grammar Test;
start : expr
expr : expr '+' expr
INT : [0-9]+
If you add the start rule then ANTLR is able to infer that EOF goes at the end of that rule. It doesn't seem to be able to infer EOF for more complex rules like expr and expr2 since they're recursive...
There are a lot of comments below, so here is (co-author of ANTLR4) Sam Harwell's response (emphasis added):
You still want to include an explicit EOF in the start rule. The problem the OP faced with using expr directly is ANTLR 4 internally rewrote it to be expr[int _p] (it does so for all left recursive rules), and the included TestRig is not able to directly execute rules with parameters. Adding a start rule resolves the problem because TestRig is able to execute that rule. :)
I've posted a follow-up question with regard to EOF: When is EOF needed in ANTLR 4?
If your command looks like this:
grun MYGRAMMAR xxx -tokens
And this exception is thrown:
No method for rule xxx or it has arguments
Then this exception will get thrown with the rule you specified in the command above. It means the rule probably doesn't exist.
System.err.println("No method for rule "+startRuleName+" or it has arguments");
So startRuleName here, should print xxx if it's not the first (start) rule in the grammar. Put xxx as the first rule in your grammar to prevent this.

How to resolve a shift/reduce conflict forcing a shift or a reduce?

When there is a shift/reduce conflict in Yacc/Bison, is it possible to force the conflict to be solved exactly as you want? In other words: is it possible explicitly force it to prioritize the shift or the reduce?
For what I have read, if you are happy with the default resolution you can tell the generator to not complain about it. I really don't like this because it is obfuscating your rational choice.
Another option is to rewrite the grammar to fix the issue. I don't know if this is always possible and often this makes it much harder to understand.
Finally, I have read the precedence rules can fix this. I clueless tried that in many ways and I couldn't make it work. Is it possible to use the precedence rule for that? How?
Though my ambiguous grammar is very different, I can use the classical if-then-else from the Bison manual to give a concrete example:
%token IF THEN ELSE variable
| if_stmt
IF expr THEN stmt
| IF expr THEN stmt ELSE stmt
As far as I can tell, it is not possible to direct the parser to resolve a S/R conflict by choosing to reduce. Though I might be wrong, it is probably ill-advised to proceed this way anyway. Therefore, the only possibilities are either rewriting the grammar, or solving the conflict by shifting.
The following usage of right predecence for THEN and ELSE describes the desired behavior for the if-then-else statement (that is, associating else with the innermost if statement).
%token IF THEN ELSE variable
%right THEN ELSE
: expr
| if_stmt
: IF expr THEN stmt
| IF expr THEN stmt ELSE stmt
: variable
By choosing right association for the above tokens, the following sequence:
IF expr1 THEN IF expr2 THEN IF expr3 THEN x ELSE y
is parsed as:
IF expr1 THEN (IF expr2 THEN (IF expr3 THEN (x ELSE (y))))
and Bison does not complain about the case any longer.
Remember that you can always run bison file.y -r all and inspect file.output in order to see if the generated parser state machine is correct.
Well, the default resolution for a shift/reduce conflict is to shift, so if that's what you want, you don't need to do anything (other than ignoring the warning).
If you want to resolve a shift/reduce conflict by reducing, you can use the precedence rules -- just make sure that the rule to be reduced is higher precedence than the token to be shifted. The tricky part comes if there are multiple shift/reduce conflicts involving the same rules and tokens, it may not be possible to find a globally consistent set of precedences for the rules and tokens which resolves things the way you want.