Method 'add' in COM object of class 'Documents' returned error code 0x800A175D (<unknown>) which means: <unknown> - com

I am trying to open word Template from AX 2012 Reports. It works fine in the env I have developed but when I try to execute the same from different login I face the "COM error"
Please help.

You can always find help for these mysterious Office error codes by decoding the error code. COM error codes contain three major parts:
the top 4 bits indicate the severity of the error. 8 means "warning", one you can't ignore
the next 12 bits is the facility code, the origin of the error. 10 means "automation"
the lower 16 bits is the internal error code, the one that you really care about.
Switch your calculator to hex mode, 0x175d is error code 5981. Now turn to Google and query "word error 5981".
Lots of good hits, you can read them at your leisure. But clearly there's a problem with macros on that machine. Best left to the IT staff at your site, use if you need more help with that.


BG95 Can't Activate - AT+QIACT=1 returning error

I'm trying to get a BG95 to activate on hologram.
Here are my commands:
AT+QCFG="band",F,180A,180A OK
AT+QCFG="iotopmode",2 OK
AT+QCFG="nwscanseq",020301 OK
AT+QCFG="nwscanmode",0 OK
AT+QCFG="snrscan",0 OK
AT+QICSGP=1,1,"hologram","","",1 OK
At first I thought it was antenna/signal related so I ran AT+CSQ and got this:
+csq: 11,99
This tells me I have a good signal I believe.
Next I tried AT+QNWINFO and get this:
+QNWINFO: "eMTC","311480","LTE BAND 13",5230
In my mind this is saying it's connected to a network.
After trying that I tried to activate again and got this:
The weird thing is it activated just fine about a week ago with pure AT commands. I did try and use an Arduino library with it (WisLTEBG96TCPIP) which may have changed a setting in it. I've done a factory reset but the it still woln't activate.
Another strange thing is the hologram dashboard. Every once and a while it will show the SIM as connected, even though I can't activate.
I have tried with 2 different SIM cards any get the same activation error.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Verizon has cut off all non ODI products. If your hardware has not been Verizon ODI 'certified' it will no longer be allow to be connected to their network, I have 5 new pet rocks thanks to them. The solution is to purchase new modems from vendors that have been through the Verizon ODI program or switch carriers.
I had the same problem before, after a lot of maling with network operator I find out that there isn't a LTE-CAT-M1 (eMTC) network in my area, I tested in another area successfully
Also before setting AT+QCFG commands try AT+CFUN = 0
and after setting AT+QCFG commands try AT+CFUN = 1 .
before sending AT+QIACT, try 'AT+CEREG?' command several times and tell me what is the return of it

LabVIEW to TRNSYS communication through type 62 error

I am trying to transfer data from TRNSYS (heating simulation program) to LabVIEW 2013 32 bit in real time through type 62 (in TRNSYS). Type 62 is an Excel file that transfers real time data from TRNYS to LabVIEW (and other way round). My LabVIEW program works on two different Windows 10 PCs and is not working on a Windows 7 although Excel versions are the same. It says there is an
Error 14012 occured at DDE Request
I have not attached the TRNSYS file but I can send it if you need to. 
Do you have any recommendation? 
Thank you enter image description here
enter image description here
Error 14012 is "Transaction Failed Error" Did you try troubleshooting your excel? also what's your excel version?
Here's a link:
I hope this helps...

NodeJS + Express "Error: -2006,\, Can not bind parameter(s)"

My company is working on converting from ColdFusion to NodeJS with Express, I'm running into an error trying to update some data in SQLAnywhere.
I have one update function working with 5 pieces of data. I'm working on my second, with 23 data points, but I'm running into an error stating:
"Error: Code: -2006 Msg: Can not bind parameter(s)."
I can't find any information about this online, not even using the error code. Any help, or pointing me in the right direction, would be appreciated.
Turns out it was trying to save integers into "char" fields on the database. Odd that we never had this issue with ColdFusion, but using "String(…)" around the values seemed to solve the issue.

Why do I get, "ElementAtOrDefault' is not a member of 'System.Data.EnumerableRowCollection"?

I am trying to get a VB solution to run (just took it over to maintain). When I try to run it via F5, I get several errors, the first of which is:
Error 13 'ElementAtOrDefault' is not a member of 'System.Data.EnumerableRowCollection(Of System.Data.DataRow)'. C:\MemberOrderEntry\MembersOrderEntry\MembersOrderEntry\App_Code\commonClass.vb 908 16 MembersOrderEntry
But 2-clicking it in the Error List pane takes me to this line (line 908):
Return dset.Tables(0)(0)("Result")
The string "ElementAtOrDefault" appears nowhere in the code. How does the line above wreak this havoc?
BTW, some of ther other err msgs seem very odd, such as "'String' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level" and "Type 'Exception' is not defined"
It seems something fundamental is flawed in this code or its configuration. The Project's Bin folder contains DAL05.dll (and DAL05.pdb), as well as four Telerik DLLs.

VBA Error - Reflection.FTP.3

I had this error pop up on exactly the 3rd line of code below. There seem to be no explanation on the Internet for this behaviour.
I'm looking at why this error came up, and fixed itself after few minutes.
Set Ftp = CreateObject("Reflection.FTP.3")
Ftp.Open "", "username", "password"
Ftp.SetCurrentDirectory "DirectoryName/DirectoryName/DirectoryName"
What was the error?
Run-time error '-2147418113 (8000ffff)':
Method 'SetCurrentDirectory' of object 'IReflectionFTP' failed
More details:
Application: Excel Macro
Language : VB (VBA)
*Is this because of a coding error? *
Not likely. The macro has been long running and this came up for the first time.
*Is it because of a FTP service disruption? *
May be. But logs have a recording for every second and there seems to be no outage.
It seems to me there is a connection problem here - maybe a timeout? I assume that your three lines of code don't execute one after another (ie the SetCurrentDirectory is after some more code). This error will come up if the Ftp object doesn't have a valid connection that is logged in. Change the IP for the Open command to an invalid one and you'll see you get the same error.
Try setting the following line of code before SetCurrentDirectory command.
If FTP.Status = rcLoggedIn + rcConnected Then
Ftp.SetCurrentDirectory "DirectoryName/DirectoryName/DirectoryName"
'Error handle
End If
Note, that you are late binding the object so for it to work for you, you'll need the If statement to be:
If FTP.Status = 17 Then
Also, if it is a timeout problem then I'd set the Timeout period for the session to be longer, ie FTP.TimeoutSession = 300.