Why do I get, "ElementAtOrDefault' is not a member of 'System.Data.EnumerableRowCollection"? - vb.net

I am trying to get a VB solution to run (just took it over to maintain). When I try to run it via F5, I get several errors, the first of which is:
Error 13 'ElementAtOrDefault' is not a member of 'System.Data.EnumerableRowCollection(Of System.Data.DataRow)'. C:\MemberOrderEntry\MembersOrderEntry\MembersOrderEntry\App_Code\commonClass.vb 908 16 MembersOrderEntry
But 2-clicking it in the Error List pane takes me to this line (line 908):
Return dset.Tables(0)(0)("Result")
The string "ElementAtOrDefault" appears nowhere in the code. How does the line above wreak this havoc?
BTW, some of ther other err msgs seem very odd, such as "'String' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level" and "Type 'Exception' is not defined"
It seems something fundamental is flawed in this code or its configuration. The Project's Bin folder contains DAL05.dll (and DAL05.pdb), as well as four Telerik DLLs.


How to Call package successfully

got error when calling package
error is
Error starting at line : 1 in command -
Error report - Unknown Command
Session state protection violation is definitely an Apex error, relating to your page settings. It seems your package is trying to change the state of a read-only page. See this other question.
The item identifier in the error message P164_COURSECOUNT has the same prefix as the parameters you pass to the package (:P164_APP_ID) so presumably they relate to the same page. We know nothing about your application or its architecture, so it's hard to offer concrete advice. Maybe you need to change the page or item settings, maybe you need to change what the package does. Only you can tell the right course of action.
As you didn't post the whole command, a note: you have to enclose it into begin-end block, e.g.
PKG_Generate_GRNo.GenerateGR (TO_NUMBER ( :P164_APP_ID, '9999999'),

Why is my Deployment script causing me errors?

I am working on a project in visual studio 2012. Recently, I added a database project to the solution. The database already existed before I added it to the solution and everything worked fine.
Now, however, when I try to run the application I get errors. The errors are being caused by a computer-generated file called [database name].sql. At the top of the tile, it reads:
Deployment script for [the database name here]
This code was generated by a tool.
Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
the code is regenerated.
This file gets re-created every time the application runs. The errors that occur appear to be syntax errors. I cannot fix them because any changes I make to the file are irrelevant because a new file gets generated with each run and the errors re-appear.
I tried looking into this more online but had trouble. This is all rather new to me.
Here are some of the errors being created:
:setvar DatabaseName "(the database name is here)"
which gives me three errors that read:
Error 88 SQL80001: Incorrect syntax near ':'.
Error 89 SQL80001: 'DatabaseName' is not a recognized option.
Error 90 SQL80001: Incorrect syntax near '"(the database name is here in the code)"'.
Also, there is a line of code that reads:
CREATE USER [(the domain)\(the username)] FOR LOGIN [(the domain)\(the username)];
which gives the following error:
Error 119 SQL72014: .Net SqlClient Data Provider: Msg 15401, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Windows NT user or group '(the domain)\(the username)' not found. Check the name again.
From the errors you have posted it looks like there are two issues:
Windows NT user or group '(the domain)\(the username)' not found. - The user being used to access the database doesn't exist. As it's a Windows user I'm guessing that it uses the current user's credentials.
Make sure that your instance of SQL can accept Windows logins and that you (and anyone else building the software) has the necessary access rights.
'DatabaseName' is not a recognized option. - This is more than likely also caused by the first issue, but double check that the database exists.
The error message caught me out recently as it did not relate to the cause of my problem at all. It turns out my SQL script was incorrectly written (for my case - I forgot to add IDENTITY (1,1) to my PK column) to begin with.
Moral of the story for me was to test out the SQL data file in SSMS first.

DBNull error - 'System.InvalidCastException'

Using Visual Studio 2008 and generating .net 2.0 framework with VB.net for a web application.
I encountered a very strange problem currently. After I build a solution and click a link in a web page, I got an error message as following. The same thing happened when I tried to run in debug mode.
*************************************** ERROR Message ******************************************************
"An exception of type 'System.InvalidCastException' occurred in Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll but was not handled in user code"
"Additional information: Operator '=' is not defined for type 'DBNull' and string "". "
The problem part is simply as below in a vb file. The value of dataview(0)(“name”) is NULL and my_name is a variable string. The strange is thing I didn't change any code in this vb file. This vb file was built previously and used for a long time ago without any problem. It just suddenly happened today. I have this syntax all over the program without causing any problem. I have tried to restore the whole solution back to original but still have the problem.
Can anyone please advise why all the sudden and how to fix?
If dataview(0)(“name”) = my_name then …
Try to determine NULL value first ..
If NOT IsDBNull(dataview(0)(“name”)) Then
If dataview(0)(“name”) = my_name then
'codes here
End If
End If

Unhandled Exception using DotNetZip

I've been using DotNetZip for a month or so now and i like how it has worked but today my program started having a new issue that I'm clueless on.
During the zipping process it throws this error up and windows displays their "program name has stopped working" box.
Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: s:\(file path)\filename.pdf
at Ionic.Zip.SharedUtilities.GetFileLength(string fileName)
at ionic.Zip.ZipEntry.MaybeUnsetCompressionMethodForWriting(int32 cycle)
at Ionic.zip.Zipentry.WriteHeader(Stream s, Int32 cycle)
at Ionic.zip.ZipEntry.Write(Stream s)
at Ionic.zip.zipfile.save()
at ZipAJob_Instant.ConsoleMain.Main() in C:\users\(my name)\Documents\visual studio 2012\projects\zipAjob_Instant\zipAJob_Win32.vb:line 71
Line 71 refers to where i call zip.save()
From your comments, I take that what happened is exactly what happened to me a while ago.
I was getting a list of files to zip and stored into memory. The I would go zipping them one by one until this exception was thrown. The cause was someone removed the file after I got the list, but before I got the opportunity to zip it. This occured on a shared folder, btw.

Method 'add' in COM object of class 'Documents' returned error code 0x800A175D (<unknown>) which means: <unknown>

I am trying to open word Template from AX 2012 Reports. It works fine in the env I have developed but when I try to execute the same from different login I face the "COM error"
Please help.
You can always find help for these mysterious Office error codes by decoding the error code. COM error codes contain three major parts:
the top 4 bits indicate the severity of the error. 8 means "warning", one you can't ignore
the next 12 bits is the facility code, the origin of the error. 10 means "automation"
the lower 16 bits is the internal error code, the one that you really care about.
Switch your calculator to hex mode, 0x175d is error code 5981. Now turn to Google and query "word error 5981".
Lots of good hits, you can read them at your leisure. But clearly there's a problem with macros on that machine. Best left to the IT staff at your site, use superuser.com if you need more help with that.