Adapt existing POCO instance to implement INotifyPropertyChanged - inotifypropertychanged

Say your code receives an instance from an external source, and you had no control over how the instance was created. The instance does not implement INotifyPropertyChanged. Is there an adapter you can pass it to, as in:
var adapter = new ChangeNotifierAdapter( instance );
such that the adapter implements INotifyPropertyChanged and will thereafter raise its PropertyChanged event for all property changes of instance?

If you can guarantee that all changes to the instance will go via your wrapper, then you can use a proxy - either a dynamic one or one generated at design time (nb: if you have to still expose the concrete class rather than an interface it'll have to be a dynamic proxy).
If that's not true (or even if it is, but changes to one property affect the value of another) then the only way to achieve this is via polling. The wrapper has to periodically poll all the properties of the object, determine which have changed and raise events accordingly. This is messy, and can be a serious battery drain on mobile devices.
Both suck of course. Mapping to an object that does implement it is generally a better solution.


Ninject: What happens to non-disposable InRequestScope and InTransientScope objects after the HTTP request is finished?

I have searched a lot about these question, here and a lot of other places, but not getting everything I want to know!
From a WebApi project point-of-view, when are InTransientScope objects Created? In the Ninject docs it is stated that such objects are created whenever requested, but in a web api project that handles HTTP requests, the instance is created at the request start time so in this regard it is the same as InRequestScope then?
In a WebApi project, is it okay to use InTransientScope objects knowing that they will never be kept track of by Ninject? If Ninject never keeps track of Transient objects, then what is the purpose of this scope and what happens to such objects after they have been used?
If I declare an object with InRequestScope and that object doesn't implement the IDisposable interface, what happens to such object after the web request has completed? Will it be treated the same way as an InTransientScope object?
Are different scopes to be used for: WebApi controllers, Repositories(that use a InRequestScope Session that is created separately) and Application services?
There's two purposes for scopes:
Only allow one object to be created per scope
(optionally) dispose of the object once the scope ends.
As said, the disposal is optional. If it doesn't implement the IDisposable interface it's not being disposed. There's plenty of usecases for that.
The InTransientScope is the default scope - the one being used if you don't specify another one. It means that every time a type A is requested from the kernel one activation takes place and the result is returned. The activation logic is specified by the binding part that follows immediately after the Bind part (To<...>, ToMethod(...),...).
However, this is not necessarily at the time the web-request starts and the controller is instanciated. For example, you can use factories or service location (p.Ex. ResolutionRoot.Get<Foo>()) to create more objects after the controller has been created. To answer your questions in short:
When: When a request takes place or whenever your code asks for a type from Ninject either directly (IResolutionRoot.Get(..)) or through a factory. As InTransientScope objects are not being tracked they will not be disposed, however, if they are not disposable and the entire request code requests only one IFoo then practically there's is no discernible difference (apart from the slight performance hit due totracking InRequestScope()-ed objects)
As long as you don't need to make sure that instances are shared and/or disposed this is completely fine. After they are not being used anymore, they will get garbage-collected like any object you would new yourself.
When the scope ends ninject will remove the weak reference to the non-IDisposable object. The object itself will not be touched - just like when bound InTransientScope()
That depends on your specific requirements and implementation details. Generally one needs to make sure that long-scoped objects don't depend on short-scoped objects. For example, a Singleton-Service should not depend on a Request-scoped object. As a baserule, everything should be InTransientScope() unless there's a specific reason why it should not be. The reason will dictate what scope to use...

Change implementation of ninject dependency after singleton instantiation

So, I have a viewmodel class in a xamarin project that I inject some dependencies into via ninject binding on app start. One of these is an IDialogService.
When my MainPage in my application changes it raises a property changed event and I rebind the implementation of the dialog service since it is tied to the MainPage.
If my viewmodel has already been created with lets say DialogServiceA and then when MainPage changes we rebind to DialogServiceB, will my viewmodel be using service A or B? I think it is using A and therefore does not display in the UI because it is tied to a MainPage that no longer exists.
So, if this is the case how can I dynamically change my dialog service but then update classes that have already been instantiated without changing everything to get the current dialog service from the container every time its used (therefore not injecting it at all really, and doing more of a servicelocator)
Also, if this approach is completely wrong, set me straight.
You're right. Re-configuration of the container does not affect already instanciated objects.
If you want to change dependencies without re-instanciating the dependent (parent ViewModel) there's a few possibilities for you:
use a factory to instanciate the service every time. Implement an Abstract Factory (Site by Mark Seeman) or use Ninject.Extensions.Factory to do so
instead of injecting a service directly, inject an adapter. The adapter then redirects the request to the currently appropriate service. To do so, either all service can be injected into the adapter, or you can use a factory as with the possibility above.
instead of inject a service directly, inject a proxy. The proxy is quite similar to the adapter, but instead of coding every method / property redirection specifically, you code a generic redirect by an interceptor. Here's a tutorial on castle dynamic proxy
At the end of the day, however, i believe you'll also need a way to manage when to change the service / which it should be. There's probably a design alternative which doesn't rely on exchanging objects in such a manner.. which would make it an easier (and thus better?) design.
Edit: i just saw that you also tagged the question as xamarin-forms. In that case it most likely won't be an option to use either a dynamic proxy nor ninject.extensions.factory (it relies on dynamic proxies, too). Why? dynamic proxy / IL emitting is not supported on all platforms, AFAIR specifically on Apple devices this can't be done.

Intercepting object creation in RavenDb

I am trying to run some code on objects that are loaded from RavenDB, and I need to do it just after the object has been loaded with its property values.
I've tried intercepting the deserialization process using a CustomCreationConverter and overriding ReadJson, but the object I can access at that point has all the properties set, except the one I need : the Id. Is there somewhere else I can slot into the pipeline in order to do this?
The reason you don't see the Id is because it's not part of the document, it's in the metadata as #id.
If you want to intercept client side, you can register a custom Conversion Listener. Create a class that implements IDocumentConversionListener and register it with documentStore.RegisterListener(). In the DocumentToEntity method, you can run your custom logic. The documentation is lacking on Listeners in general, but there is another topic that also uses them:
The other option would be to add a bundle that intercepts on the server side. For that, you would use a Read Trigger.

Generic DataContract in Agatha WCF

I am trying to use Generic DataContract class so that I don't have to implement several types for a collection of different objects.
Exp :
I have a Profile object which contains a collection of objects.
So I want to have one Profile<Foo> and Profile<Foo1> where profile contains a collection of Foo or Foo1 objects.
I have been reading that WCF does not support generic classes and actually the error that I get is the following.
Type 'GL.RequestResponse.ProfileResponse1[T]' cannot be exported as a schema type because it is an open generic type. You can only export a generic type if all its generic parameter types are actual types.`
Now the ProfileResponse is this Profile object that I am trying to use.
Now in my host I am doing the following. :
This is dhe definition of the handler with the datacontract.
public class ProfileHandler<T> : RequestHandler<ProfileRequest,
The Container is using Windsor Container to register the objects.
The registration works fine but after I instantiated the Service Host for WCF processor, and call Open Method of the host I get the above error.
Is there really no way for me to write generic response requests for wcf with agatha ?
It feels like such a waste to have to define a Profile container class for each type being contained in that collection.
One cannot have open generic handlers, because the server side needs to know what the type is.
One can use so called closed generic methods. This way the server side knows the types for witch to load the handler.
Also, one could potentially configure Agatha so that it allows to receive extra information related to the request. In this case, it would be the type wrapped in the response.
One could do this by defining a a BaseRequest class and having all the request extend this class. This class can have a property which takes the type of the response. Or the type to be wrapped in the response.
In the process, when examining the request, the process can get the type to be wrapped in the Response, so that i knows how to load the class.
I have not implemented this, since it would take too much time and I am not sure I want to be responsible for maintaining Agatha for our application, but this is how I would do it.

Where best to instantiate and close a Silverlight-enabled WCF Service from the Silverlight app?

When using a Silverlight-enabled WCF service, where is the best place to instantiate the service and to call the CloseAsync() method?
Should you say, instantiate an instance each time you need to make a call to the service, or is it better to just instantiate an instance as a variable of the UserControl that will be making the calls?
Then, where is it better to call the CloseAsync method? Should you call it in each of the "someServiceCall_completed" event methods? Or, if created as a variable of the UserControl class, is there a single place to call it? Like a Dispose method, or something equivalent for the UserControl class.
You're better off just having an instance variable for the service. Creating and destroying the service for each call creates a lot of unnecessary overhead. Just create the variable and call the methods, no need to open it since this will be done automatically as of beta 2 (see section #5).
As for close, whether you try to close it for clean up probably depends on how your app is structured. If when the UserControl is closed the whole app is shutting down (the user closed the browser) then you probably don't need to explicitly close it since everything will get cleaned up when the Silverlight host closes. However, if you're creating lots of these user control and closing them while keeping the app open then you might want to create some kind of close method on your control that would clean up by calling CloseAsync.
If all the user controls use the same service, then you could just create a single service wrapper class that is used by all the controls that would handle calling the service. This would keep you from having to close the services when the controls unload as well.
In the case of 2 parallel event handlers in your SL client, you can do the following approach to make sure only one gets invoked:
Assume, we have a global client variable, App.Client, which is being used by everything in the app.
Now, control 1 needs to react on MyOperationCompleted, as does control 2.
Each control uses the eventhandler like this:
App.Client.MyOperationCompleted += Client_MyOperationCompleted;
void Client_MyOperationCompleted(object sender, MyOperationCompletedEventArgs e)
App.Client.MyOperationCompleted -= Client_MyOperationCompleted;
So if you subscribe to the event in one case, as soon as it returns, you remove the subscription to this event. If if you always stick to this, it's quite unlikely (however not impossible) that other controls react to the event. Note that this approach is not 100% concurrency safe. I'm still trying to come up with a really safe method for doing this. But it sure helps.