Write Api for Eventbrite? - api

Is there a way for my user to access their eventbrite account, and post events from my web app?

Yes, as a matter of fact:


Query discord api from webiste

Is there a way to query the discord API without have a bot on a server.
I would like to retrieve my friends and my profile images and put it on a website I created.
I've done some research and only found stuff for discord bots.
Is what I want even possible ?
Yes, this is possible.
Take a look at this API route. You can just make a request there with the user id and get the whole user object.
If you need more information on the API itself and how to use it check out the Discord API Reference

User Mentions Twitter

I was doing a bit of research on the Twitter API and while I could find something for internal user mentions, I couldn't find an API call that grabs the authenticating user's mentions from other users. Is there a way to grab this?
Thanks in advance.
Do you mean GET statuses/mentions_timeline?
That will show you all the mentions of the authenticated user.

How to get twitter accessToken from java?

I'm creating a web application which needs some details of the user's twitter account. How can I get the twitter accessToken and access the twitter API. When I was searching this, I found that I had to create my application in twitter developers site Which I dont want at all. I've created my simple web application in java, in which i need to use twitter API. Is that possible??? Please help me out.
Generally speaking, Stack Overflow / Stack Exchange work best when you have a specific code question that we can clarify for you. This question is very broad so it is less simple to provide you with a direct solution.
In order to access the details of a user's Twitter account, you need to use the Twitter API. Twitter uses OAuth for authentication, so you'll need to code the login flow to get a user accessToken. You also need to register an app with Twitter on apps.twitter.com in order to get a consumerKey and consumerSecret to uniquely identify your app.
Since you're using Java, you might find Twitter4J a useful library for helping you with this. It comes with some pretty good samples that should help you to understand what you'll need to build.

How do sites like Instagress bypass Instagram's API?

I just discovered Instagress.com, and noticed that they ask you for your Instagram username and password to automate certain activity such as likes, comments, follows, etc. on your IG account. However they do this without using IG's official API since their service is obviously against IG's TOS.
So I'm wondering, how are they technically able to do this? I was thinking they use something like Selenium, but this only automates web browsers and (for all I know) it's impossible to perform those interaction through Instagram's web interface.
Any ideas?
I just checked..and actually you CAN Like, Comment, and Follow via Instagram's web interface. So most likely they do use a browser and/or mask it as a mobile device. Also they are not using any IG app to authenticate your profile to any api app. Otherwise it would show up here: https://instagram.com/accounts/manage_access/
the instagram web access can allow you like, comment and follow and unfollow

How to Integrate Google+ API iPhone

I am working on an iPhone application in which i have to implement Google+ API for login and fetching user details.I have used the API for it from this link https://developers.google.com done everything but immediately after login I am getting an error invalid scope.I don't know what i am missing out.Please let me know how to acheive this.
Thank you.
To access certain stuff on behalf of the user, we need to tell google that we are looking for such information (Access calendars, google+ etc).
The way to tell this to google is by defining scope. For google plus use
Refer to the SDK where to pass in the scope. Also make sure that you enable Google Plus in the Google API Console.