Open flash in new page - actionscript-2

New to Flash and I am working with Flash 5, actionscript 2.
I have the following code,
b1.onPress = function()
I want the page to be opened in a blank page.
I have tried the usual HTML way, no luck, done some looking, no luck so here I am.
Please change the above code to what it has to be if possible.

By Default GetURL uses the parameter "_self"... you need the parameter "_blank"
You can do this by using
getURL("";, "_blank");
Other parameters include "_parent" and "_top"


CefSharp setEmulatedMedia

I am trying to get my browser to create a screen like pdf. My code, based on MinimalExample.Offscreen works but generates the print image version, which is the default. I know this can be done because pupeteer does it if you are in a node.js enviroment.
I am using:
var scriptTask = browser.EvaluateScriptAsync("Emulation.setEmulatedMedia({ media: 'screen'});");
I've tried a few variations but I'm not getting it right. Thank you.

How do I save the PDF to server? css2pdf#cloudformatter xeponline

I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to save the resulting PDF document to the server, instead of prompting the user to download it locally?
Using this:
Many thanks
I am using the following JS to initiate the PDF.
$('#generatePDF').click(function(e) {
var pdfdata = xepOnline.Formatter.Format('printableInvoice',
render: 'base64'
Leaving the answer in place as the comments below are relevant. The original answer was how to get the source information (using the "base64" option), not the final PDF.
So to get the final PDF that is in memory, if you examine the code in Github:
starting at the "else" at line 602 ... this "else" is executed if you force anything other than a download. If you chose "newwin" or "embed" as the method and the browser sniffing JS did not force it back to download (it does on Safari, IE and also mobile browsers), then this "else" is executed.
On a successful AJAX post, the function "xepOnline.Formatter.__postBackSuccess" is executed. This function starts at line 863. At line 865, the base64 encoded bytes of the actual PDF are loaded. If you debug your site and debug at that line of code, you can get the value of the var "base64" which will be the base64 encoded bytes.
So, if you only had Firefox and Chrome to consider, then you could do some mod to the code to post the result back to the server and not display it. If you have all those browsers to consider, you will need to add some option (like say option:'memory' which skips all browser sniffing, runs the AJAX version but with its own success function.
I can look at adding this to the library but you are free to pull it and make some mods yourself.

Phantomjs no render

I work on a small project with PhantomJS to make screenshot
I use the standard script ( everything works perfectly
but if I change the url (this url : screenshot does not work
I do not understand why it does not work...
var page = require('webpage').create();'', function() {
I reproduced the issue and it seems like only that single page doesn't work.
Looks like that lemon-loving troll added so many "OOOOO"s that it broke the layout to the point that phantomjs is suiciding and refusing to cooperate.
That's my conclusion. My advice for today is to point your scripts to literally anything else.

how begin with appcelerator for desktop (and use the API's)

I've a bit experience with qt+ and creating not so complex web pages, but I don't know how begin with titanium...when I run the default app this work...I can change the index.html like a web page...I can include javascript code and jquery too...very nice...but when I try run api functions I don't know how include these...all examples talk about iphone and a app.js file...I'm trying make a desktop app and don't appear any .js...I can create these but don't work the docs I read things like these:
var win = Ti.UI.createWindow(); var view = Ti.UI.createView({backgroundColor:"red"}); win.add(view);;
I don't know where I've put this code...I try put it inside a javascript inside the html (bad practice!) but it don't work...I put it inside a function onload but don't work neither.....there are any "convention" with the names for the files for this work?...I think this is like create a very dynamic web page but I don't know how work with the api....I see the example "kitchen something" but it wasn't so clear to mee...I see a examples like this:
but seems this work different when is an ipod to when it is a desktp app...I create an app.js (like the tuto) and put my code inside it but it never run...I look the source code and only need create a .js and inside my "home.html" link it..but it don't work...I create a index.js too but it don't work neither
please help..I'm very noob...thanks
This reply kindly brought something that could have been a solution but just made me lose more than 15 minutes of my time, as these first online courses have info about how to create a new project with a default html file, not about the original poster's issue.
The original poster's issue is that he has a new project with an index.html file, but no app.js file.
And he then doesn't understand where he could put the sampe code :
var win = Ti.UI.createWindow();
var view = Ti.UI.createView({backgroundColor:"red"});
... as whatever he puts in app.js is not executed.
The documentation in Titanium Dev Center fails to provide accurate information as it only mentions Titanium Mobile app.js and does not speak of index.html in the application structure.
After some starting experience on Titanium Mobile, I had to work on Titanium Desktop andactually just had the same problem as angel_ang, which brought me here.
So, here is the real answer :
Titanium Desktop applications do not need or start with an app.js file, but with index.html.
Deleting or removing this file never works as it will still be launched from the last build if need be.
Adding anything to app.js will never run as only index.html is run as a starting place.
Something that should have been a solution was found that to the following link:
This video is two online courses further from the link supplied by Aaron. At 0.19 seconds exactly, we see the starting code he has added to index.html.
You need to put a ... in your HEAD section, and add a function() there.
You may put the sample code inside this function.
Then you may even set the function to run when you click a button ().
Unfortunately, this doesn't work with me either.
I tried with the example code above but also with the other example (notification) mentioned in the online course.
It just seems that something is deprecated here and many documentations are outdated.
Anyone that could answer to this situation would be very helpful to us and many newcomers.
We just have an index.html that we can't use, instead of a running app.js file.

Safari Extension - How to respond to Settings changes?

I'm currently working on an Extension for Safari 5 and I want to run a listener function whenever Settings changes are made. Apple provides an example for that, but it doesn't work for me. I currently have this listener function in my global html file:
function numberChanged()
if(event.key == "number")
alert("Number has changed!");
safari.self.addEventListener("change", numberChanged, false);
I hope somebody can help me. Does somebody know what I'm doing wrong?
I believe that you need to include ‘event’ as a parameter in your function so it looks like this:
function numberChanged(event)
if(event.key == "number")
alert("Number has changed!");
however, that said, it’s not working properly for me either (with or without the param), so I might be wrong. Interestingly, every time I change a field or click a button on this stackoverflow form, my alert (similar to yours) IS firing, even though I did not change my setting. totally weird.
update: I got it working, finally. The example that apple provides is just wrong. So there are two parts to the answer. I gave the first part above — you do need to add ‘event’ as a parameter to your function. the second part is that the addeventlistener has to be done on the settings object and not, as apple shows you, using ‘self’ from the global.html page. so the working call would look like this for you: