Fullscreen slideshow with vertical carousel.Fading in of fullscreen image issue - slider

I made a vertical carousel which consists of images that when clicked should be visible fullscreen. But the problem is i'm not able to figure out how to make sure the fullscreen images are preloaded or something and works like the thumbnail images(getting preloaded).
I'm not sure what approach to follow for preloading the fullscreen images using css background and how to make sure the images fadeIn or just some transition when i click on the thumbnail in the carousel.
Please have a look at the following link where my code is uploaded.
If its convenient,feel free to check the script by checking the source.
Help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Found this post and figured it might help you, Preloading images with jQuery
Try and post some of the code in your body for future reference. :)
Quick and easy:
function preload(arrayOfImages) {
$('<img/>')[0].src = this;
// Alternatively you could use:
// (new Image()).src = this;
// Usage:
Or, if you want a jQuery plugin:
$.fn.preload = function() {
$('<img/>')[0].src = this;
// Usage:
Alternatively, if you want to stick purely with CSS check out this page: http://perishablepress.com/3-ways-preload-images-css-javascript-ajax/ You can just have the background image be positioned off screen then come on screen when needed.
#preload-01 { background: url(http://domain.tld/image-01.png) no-repeat -9999px -9999px; }
#preload-02 { background: url(http://domain.tld/image-02.png) no-repeat -9999px -9999px; }
#preload-03 { background: url(http://domain.tld/image-03.png) no-repeat -9999px -9999px; }


How to disable sticky toolbar in classic editor when page is scrolled?

I want to disable sticky toolbar which appears on top of page when page is scrolled. How it can be done ?
I resolve this problem by CSS
.ck.ck-editor__top.ck-reset_all {
z-index: var(--ck-z-modal);
position: sticky;
top: 0;
.ck.ck-sticky-panel__placeholder {
display : none !important;
.ck.ck-sticky-panel .ck-sticky-panel__content_sticky {
position: unset;
The fact that the toolbar appears in the wrong place when the editor is in an overflowed container is a bug that we are aware of. But in this case, I'd recommend you to not use the classic editor at all. If you want to have more control over where the toolbar goes, e.g. the DecoupledEditor (demo) allow controlling the toolbar. This editor type doesn't do anything with the toolbar itself – it just creates it and it's up to you where you're gonna insert it.
Another option would be implementing your own custom editor, but that'd be necessary only if you wanted to make even more customizations
I'm having same issue with the classic-editor, the position of the .sticky_panel is changing on the event of focus in the .editor_editable.
at some point when it's not visible within the display and click inside it goes all up to first element .
CSS only:
ck.ck-sticky-panel .ck-sticky-panel__content_sticky {​​​​​​​​​​​
    position: absolute !important;
In my editor build, I did a hack like this:
const stickyUpdateInterval = setInterval(() => {
}, 100);
editor.on('destroy', () => {
This is just a crude hack that will update sticky balloon all the time.
If you know exactly in which overflow container your editor will be mounted, you can do something more clever, like listen to scroll events and update only then (this is what CKEditor is doing for the window, BTW, that's why it's not working when you put it in a container).
I have spent some time trying to get the CKEditor Classic component "sticky toolbar" to work nicely in Angular with a scrolling pane and there are 2 issues I had to overcome.
The position of the toolbar when sticky this defaults to the top
of the browser page (view port) - so (in Angular) you need to
configure this setting in the HTML template :
[config]="{ui:{viewportOffset:{ top: 58, right: 0, bottom: 0, left:
Making the editor respond to scrolling. This was a more difficult
one to resolve for me. The solution I have is (thanks to panta82
above) is to catch the scroll events and call a function in the
editor to check if the toolbar should be sticky or not .. it's
called checkIfShouldBeSticky :)
Here is a working sample in StackBlitz
I faced the same issue,
if you have header then below css will also help
#media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
.ck-sticky-panel__content {
top: 180px !important;
#media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
.ck-sticky-panel__content {
top: 128px !important;
document.getElementById('main')?.addEventListener('scroll', () => {
setTimeout(() => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle
}, 100)

Ionic 2 - Property Binding to make app invisible

I'm a bit of a noob to ionic so this may be a dumb question.
On the press of a button I want to overlay my entire app with a black image (or make everything invisible) but still have the buttons working underneath.
My app is based on the tab sample app.
So far I've tried the following
.dark-overlay {
background-color: #000 !important;
opacity: 1;
<ion-content class="dark-overlay" (ng-hide)="showOverlay">
<div tappable (click)="stealthMode()"><img src="assets/img/stealthMode.png" width="100%" scroll="false"></div>
stealthMode () {
this.myElements = document.querySelectorAll("dark-overlay");
for (var i = 0; i < myElements.length; i++) {
myElements[i].style.opacity = 0;
Even if i can get this to work it's not going to be the final answer as setting the opacity in app.scss to 0 still leaves the tabbar visible but I need that to go black too.
I think it's related to property binding.
Any ideas?
you need to use pointer-events to let events go through your dark overlay.
I have demonstrated that in this Plunkr (go to second tab which shows home page)
pointer-events: none;
and have this in home.html
<button (click)="stealthMode()">Tint</button>
<div class="dark-overlay" [hidden]="showOverlay"></div>
and this in home.ts
showOverlay:boolean = false;
this.showOverlay = !this.showOverlay;
You can make a binding to render that part dynamically using angular directives.
Check this for clean implementation:

How to stop slide from showing all slides vertically when loading

My logo slider shows every slide vertically when loading and it looks terrible when loading and then when loaded it forms correctly.
Can someone please let me know how to get rid of this problem please? Here's where the slider is located http://www.customlogoshop.com/logo-design
You could try to hide the images like this:
.logo-slider img {
display: none;
and make them visible again as soon as slickjs initialized the slider:
.logo-slider.slick-initialized img {
display: block;

Dynamically setting max-height of Bootstrap modal body

I'm trying to dynamically set the max-height of Bootstraps modal-body elements for all modal dialog boxes. I've written the following, which seems to work when the dialog is opened. I'm depending on the enforceFocus method to exist and to be called once the dialog is rendered. I realize there may be moment before the CSS property is set where the dialog will not be rendered exactly right, but I'm okay with that. Is there anything wrong with this solution? I know I have yet to account for resizing the screen with a modal open, but that seems the easier problem to solve.
(function ($) {
$.fn.modal.Constructor.DEFAULTS.backdrop = 'static';
$.fn.modal.Constructor.DEFAULTS.keyword = false;
var oldEnforceFocus = $.fn.modal.Constructor.prototype.enforceFocus;
$.fn.modal.Constructor.prototype.enforceFocus = function () {
var $element = this.$element;
var maxHeight =
$("body").height() // full page
- $element.find(".modal-header").outerHeight(true) // modal header
- $element.find(".modal-footer").outerHeight(true) // modal footer
- ($element.find(".modal-dialog").outerHeight(true) - $element.find(".modal-dialog").height()) // dialog margins
- 5; // fudge factor
$element.find(".modal-body").css("max-height", maxHeight);
edit: To give credit where credit is due, this is based on
Correct way to extend Bootstrap Modal - lock, unlock.
If you don't want to use javascript, you can use CSS media queries and get close-ish to the height you need by using min-height. For example, define a media query on min-height: 540px, and set the max-height of the modal to something like max-height: 500px. Then define a media query at say min-height: 680px and set the modal to max-height: 640px. It's not fluid, and it requires several media queries to inch up to the largest size you want to plan for, but it will get you there.
#Josh solution is good with CSS and media queries but writing so many media queries where small devices has different screen heights e.g Iphone and SamSung G and N series, required alot of media queries to even calculate close-ish modal height on different screen sizes.
so setting height of modal (modal-body) dynamically according to media screen size and on small devices where there will be 2 types of media screen landscape and portrait, following few lines of code will put you very close-ish to your goal
Rendering modal HTML according to screen size with-in sec and later if screen size changes adjust it's height according to screen size
$(document).ready(function () {
setInterval(Dimension, 100);
function Dimension() {
var doc = $(document).height(); // document height
var head = $(".modal-header").height(); // modal header height
var footer = $(".modal-footer").height(); // modal footer height
var modheight = doc - head - footer - 65; // 65 is extra margins and it will not effect the height of modal any way if not changed.
$('.modal-body').css('height', modheight);
Few Changes required in Modal CSS
.modal-dialog {
margin: 0px auto !important;
.modal-body {
overflow-y: scroll; // In-case the content in modal-body overflow so it will have scrolling.
You can check the modal height adjust itself by increasing and decreasing the fiddle result window's height and width.

Magnific Popup - taller mfp-bottom-bar causes max image height issue

I am customizing the title of the Magnific popup/lightbox to include more than one row of content by using the 'change' callback, and modifying the content of
within the callback. It is working correctly, except for the fact that if the image within the popup is very tall, or the window re-sizes to a smaller height, the calculation that Magnific is doing to adjust the 'max-height' of the image seems to only take into account a single row of text for the title.
Does anyone know what is needed to adjust the max-height calculation of the image to take into account a taller title box?
Thank you
** Edit
A quick hack to jquery.magnific-popup.js around line 461 in the "updateSize:" callback has allowed me to get around this problem. It seems reasonable to for this popup/lightbox to accept a max height in percentage so that it doesn't fill the screen.
Here's my change, I'd appreciate some feedback if possible. Thanks!
updateSize: function(winHeight) {
if(mfp.isIOS) {
// fixes iOS nav bars https://github.com/dimsemenov/Magnific-Popup/issues/2
var zoomLevel = document.documentElement.clientWidth / window.innerWidth;
var height = window.innerHeight * zoomLevel;
mfp.wrap.css('height', height);
mfp.wH = height;
} else {
mfp.wH = winHeight || _window.height();
// ########################################
// ########################################
mfp.wH *= 0.8;
// Fixes #84: popup incorrectly positioned with position:relative on body
if(!mfp.fixedContentPos) {
mfp.wrap.css('height', mfp.wH);
You can limit the max height of the image in the resize callback, which will allow more room for the title:
type: 'image',
callbacks: {
resize: function() {
var img = this.content.find('img');
img.css('max-height', parseFloat(img.css('max-height')) * 0.95);
I'd like to add my contribution. As I wanted to include both titles and descriptions to images. This meant that I couldn't fit all this information in the viewport space. The description was cut off and I was left with a scrollbar.
#alexantd - I tried your callback addition which only works when the window is being resized.
#ajhuddy - Your solution worked perfectly for me. I was able to fit the text in fine. Though the image was considerably small with a lot of space at the top.
I adjusted the padding as to regain 40px space to display a slightly larger image. Here's my CSS to do so. The CSS below allowed me to reduce images to 0.85 (85%).
.mfp-img {
padding: 0px 0px 40px !important;
.mfp-close {
margin-top: -40px;
else b.wH=a||v.height()**,b.wH*=.9**;b.fixedContentPos