Get MIN MAX grouping by closer distance - sql

id_shop | id_prod_ty | position
id | price | id_prod_ty | distance
table shops contains 2 shops for each id_prod_ty (product type) and a position.
table products contains many records with different prices and a distance
basically i need to have a query that selects price low and high for each product and for each shops grouping by closer prices (and that are not closer to other shops)
so for example
id_shop | id_prod_ty | position
1 | 1 | 3
2 | 1 | 7
3 | 2 | 8
4 | 2 | 4
id | price | id_prod_ty | distance
1 | 10 | 1 | 1
2 | 04 | 1 | 2
3 | 02 | 1 | 4
4 | 44 | 1 | 2
5 | 09 | 1 | 1
6 | 13 | 1 | 7
7 | 15 | 1 | 8
8 | 09 | 2 | 5
9 | 12 | 2 | 8
10 | 17 | 2 | 1
11 | 32 | 2 | 13
12 | 22 | 2 | 2
result shout be like this
id_prod_ty | id_price_low | id_price_high | id_shop
1 | 3 (02) | 4 (44) | 1
1 | 6 (13) | 7 (15) | 2
2 | 8 (09) | 12 (22) | 4
2 | 9 (12) | 11 (32) | 3

I think I understand the problem. For each price, you are trying to assign the shop that is nearest, based on the distance and the position.
The approach starts by joining the positions and shops. It then calculates the difference between the position and distance -- that seems to be the measure you are using. Each price id will appear twice (once for each shop). Using a window function, it calculates the minimum difference for each id.
With this information, the query can determine which is the closer shop. This version returns the prices, rather than the ids of the lowest prices. Here is the final, untested, query:
select id_prod_ty,
MIN(case when diff = minDiff then price) as price_low,
MAX(case when diff = minDiff then price) as price_high,
from (select p.id_prod_ty,
(p.distance - s.position) as diff,
MIN(p.distance - s.position) over (partition by as minDiff
from products p join
shops s
on p.id_prod_ty = s.id_prod_ty
) ps
group by id_prod_ty, id_shop
Here is a variation that gets the ids as well. It uses a window function to find the min and max price, and then compares the price to these values to get the ids:
select id_prod_ty,
MIN(minPrice) as price_low,
MIN(case when price = minPrice then id end) id_price_low,
MAX(maxprice) as price_high,
MIN(case when price = maxPrice then id end) id_price_high,
from (select *,
MIN(IsThisShopPrice) over (partition by id_prod_ty, id_shop) as minPrice,
MIN(IsThisShopPrice) over (partition by id_prod_ty, id_shop) as maxPrice,
from (select p.id_prod_ty, s.id_shop, p.price,,
(p.distance - s.position) as diff,
(case when (p.distance - s.position) = MIN(p.distance - s.position) over (partition by
then 'Y'
else 'N'
end) as IsThisShop
(case when (p.distance - s.position) = MIN(p.distance - s.position) over (partition by
then price
end) as IsThisShopPrice
from products p join
shops s
on p.id_prod_ty = s.id_prod_ty
) ps
) ps
group by id_prod_ty, id_shop


Accounting Balances. Hierarchial Balances and Rollup

Accounts (Master List of Accounts with link to their parent (same table) )
(Accounts table is maintained using nested_set plugin, so the left, right, depth are available in the table and are maintained while adding/editing accounts)
| id | name | parent_id |
| 1 | Assets | null |
| 2 | Current Assets | 1 |
| 3 | Fixed Assets | 1 |
| 4 | Bank | 2 |
| 5 | Bank One | 4 |
| 6 | Bank Two | 4 |
| 7 | Revenue | null |
| 8 | Sales | 7 |
| 9 | Expenses | null |
| 10 | Rent | 9 |
Entries (where the date and description of each transaction stored)
| entry_id | date | description |
| 1 | Mar 3 2020 | Cash Sales |
| 2 | Mar 3 2020 | Cash Paid For Rent |
| 3 | Apr 1 2020 | Owner Withdrawal |
Amounts (where the double entry transactions are stored)
| entry_id | account_id | type | amount |
| 1 | 5 | debit | 10000 |
| 1 | 8 | credit | 10000 |
| 2 | 10 | debit | 1000 |
| 2 | 5 | credit | 1000 |
| | | | |
Given the above structure, here is my requirements
Arrange the accounts in Tree(hierarchical) structure and calculate the individual account balances (balances can be debit_balance or credit_balance)
Hierarchical account balances, rolling up child balances to the parent accounts
I do have the solution for the req 1 above using a combination of
WITH RECURSIVE sql function on the accounts table and arranging the rows hierarchially and then joining the result set with amounts table that is summed up on amount column (after grouping on type) for each accounts.
I am keen to see how the folks over here will solve this. (lemme know if you would like to see what I got so far though)
here is the query that gets me the first result set. (i've omitted the details like normal_credit_blance flag etc for brevity in the original question)
select id, parent_id, name, newdepth as depth, debit_amount, credit_amount, type,
CASE WHEN normal_credit_balance = true THEN credit_amount - debit_amount END as credit_balance,
CASE WHEN normal_credit_balance = false THEN debit_amount - credit_amount END as debit_balance
SELECT id, parent_id, display_name, lft, rgt, type, normal_credit_balance, 0 as newdepth
FROM accounts
WHERE parent_id is null
SELECT, op.parent_id, op.display_name, op.lft, op.rgt, op.type, op.normal_credit_balance, newdepth + 1
FROM accounts op
JOIN children c ON op.parent_id =
FROM children
) accounts_tbl
left join
( SELECT account_id,
SUM( CASE WHEN am.type = 'debit' THEN COALESCE( AMOUNT , 0.0 ) ELSE 0.0 END ) AS debit_amount ,
SUM( CASE WHEN am.type = 'credit' THEN COALESCE( AMOUNT , 0.0 ) ELSE 0.0 END ) AS credit_amount
FROM amounts am
join accounts ac on = am.account_id
group by account_id,, ac.type )
as amount_tbl
on = amount_tbl.account_id order by lft
sample result based on the amounts table entries, the rollup should look like this:
| id | name | balance |
| 1 | Assets | 9000 |
| 2 | Current Assets | 9000 |
| 3 | Fixed Assets | 0 |
| 4 | Bank | 9000 |
| 5 | Bank One | 9000 |
| 6 | Bank Two | 0 |
| 7 | Revenue | 10000 |
| 8 | Sales | 10000 |
| 9 | Expenses | 1000 |
| 10 | Rent | 1000 |
I would start by computing the "direct" balance of each account, with a left join and aggregation. Then goes the recursive query: you just need to traverse the tree from the leafs to the root, conslidating the balance as you go. The final step is aggregation.
with recursive
data (id, name, parent_id, balance) as (
coalesce(sum(case am.type when 'debit' then - amount when 'credit' then amount end), 0) balance
from accounts ac
left join amounts am on am.account_id =
group by
cte (id, name, parent_id, balance) as (
select d.* from data d
union all
select,, d.parent_id, d.balance + c.balance
from cte c
inner join data d on = c.parent_id
select id, name, sum(balance) from cte group by id, name
I don't get how all the accounts in your resultset end up with a positive balance, while some have more debits than credit (and vice-versa). The query treats debits as negative amounts and credits as positive.
Demo on DB Fiddle:
id | name | sum
-: | :------------- | ----:
1 | Assets | -9000
2 | Current Assets | -9000
3 | Fixed Assets | 0
4 | Bank | -9000
5 | Bank One | -9000
6 | Bank Two | 0
7 | Revenue | 10000
8 | Sales | 10000
9 | Expenses | -1000
10 | Rent | -1000
If you were using a closure table instead of nested sets (like I do in then you could use simple JOINs like
SUM(COALESCE(debits.amount,0)) AS debit,
SUM(COALESCE(credit.amount,0)) AS credit
FROM account_tree
LEFT JOIN accounts ON ancestor_id =
LEFT JOIN balances AS debits ON account_id = child_id AND type = 'debit'
LEFT JOIN balances AS credits ON account_id = child_id AND type = 'credit'
GROUP BY,accounts.title
As a side note I would recommend you to keep debits and credits on the same row - as 2 columns in table BALANCES.

count total items, sold items (in another table reference by id) and grouped by serial number

I have a table of items in the shop, an item may have different entries with same serial number (sn) (but different ids) if the same item was bought again later on with different price (price here is how much did a single item cost the shop)
id | sn | amount | price
1 | AP01 | 100 | 7
2 | AP01 | 50 | 8
3 | X2P0 | 200 | 12
4 | X2P0 | 30 | 18
5 | STT0 | 20 | 20
6 | PLX1 | 200 | 10
and a table of transactions
id | item_id | price
1 | 1 | 10
2 | 1 | 9
3 | 1 | 10
4 | 2 | 11
5 | 3 | 15
6 | 3 | 15
7 | 3 | 15
8 | 4 | 18
9 | 5 | 22
10 | 5 | 22
11 | 5 | 22
12 | 5 | 22
and transaction.item_id references items(id)
I want to group items by serial number (sn), get their sum(amount) and avg(price), and join it with a sold column that counts number of transactions with referenced id
I did the first with
select, sum(i.amount), avg(i.price) from items i group by;
sn | sum | avg
STT0 | 20 | 20.0000000000000000
PLX1 | 200 | 10.0000000000000000
AP01 | 150 | 7.5000000000000000
X2P0 | 230 | 15.0000000000000000
Then when I tried to join it with transactions I got strange results
select, sum(i.amount), avg(i.price) avg_cost, count(t.item_id) sold, sum(t.price) profit from items i left join transactions t on ( group by;
sn | sum | avg_cost | sold | profit
STT0 | 80 | 20.0000000000000000 | 4 | 88
PLX1 | 200 | 10.0000000000000000 | 0 | (null)
AP01 | 350 | 7.2500000000000000 | 4 | 40
X2P0 | 630 | 13.5000000000000000 | 4 | 63
As you can see, only the sold and profit columns show correct results, the sum and avg show different results than the expected
I can't separate the statements because I am not sure how can I add the count to the sn group which has the item_id as its id?
from (
from items i
group by
) j
left join transactions t
on (;
There are multiple matches in both tables, so the join multiplies the rows (and eventually produces wron results). I would recommend pre-joining, then aggregating:
sum(amount) total_amount,
avg(price) avg_price,
sum(no_transactions) no_transactions
from (
select count(*)
from transactions t
where t.item_id =
) no_transactions
from items i
) t
group by sn

sum last values and group by

I have "steps" table like this
id | points | game_id | price | user_id | timestamp | some | additional | fields
it contains game information.
I have a code which can group by game_id
SELECT game_id, MIN(timestamp),
(SELECT points FROM steps as t2 WHERE t2.game_id = t1.game_id ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 1) as last_point
WHERE user_id = 1
GROUP BY game_id
but I want to group by price and summarize each last point of the game. my query is
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT game_id) as game_count, COUNT(id) as step_count, SUM(points), price
FROM steps WHERE user_id = 1
GROUP BY price
But this query returns a sum of all points while I need a sum of the last point in each game.
Please point me to the right way
Example result
last_points_sum | game_count | step_count | price
200 | 2 | 3 | 100
400 | 3 | 4 | 200
where table is
id | points | game_id | price | user_id | timestamp
1 | 10 | 5 | 100 | 1 | 100000001
2 | 200 | 5 | 100 | 1 | 100000002
3 | 200 | 6 | 200 | 1 | 100000003
4 | 0 | 6 | 200 | 1 | 100000004
5 | 400 | 6 | 200 | 1 | 100000005
Is this what you're looking for?
This assumes that timestamp is unique, at least for each instance of game_id.
COUNT(DISTINCT game_id) AS game_count,
COUNT(id) AS step_count,
SUM(COALESCE(ltIsLastPoints, 0.0) * points),
game_id ltGameID,
MAX(timestamp) ltTimestamp,
1.0 ltIsLastPoints
ON ltGameID = game_id
AND ltTimestamp = timestamp
user_id = 1
Your description says you want to group by points but your example query groups by price. I went with price.

SQL Select different column values into one row

I have a table with values something like this:
StoreID | ItemID | OpeningClosingBalance | Total
1 | 1 | O | 10
1 | 1 | C | 20
1 | 2 | O | 5
1 | 2 | C | 7
To the first row is an opening balance of 10 for a specific item. The second row is the closing balance of 20 for that same item. Row 3 is opening for another item, and then is closing balance ect. I would like a query with results displayed as follows:
StoreID | ItemID | Openingbalance | ClosingBalance
1 | 1 | 10 | 20
1 | 2 | 5 | 7
Can anyone please assist?
You can do this with conditional aggregation:
select StoreId, ItemId,
max(case when OpeningClosingBalance = 'O' then total end) as openingbalance,
max(case when OpeningClosingBalance = 'C' then total end) as closingbalance
from t
group by StoreId, ItemId;

Select dynamic couples of lines in SQL (PostgreSQL)

My objective is to make dynamic group of lines (of product by TYPE & COLOR in fact)
I don't know if it's possible just with one select query.
But : I want to create group of lines (A PRODUCT is a TYPE and a COLOR) as per the number_per_group column and I want to do this grouping depending on the date order (Order By DATE)
A single product with a NB_PER_GROUP number 2 is exclude from the final result.
Table :
0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | ...
1 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
2 | 1 | 2 | 2 |
3 | 1 | 2 | 2 |
4 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
5 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
6 | 4 | 1 | 3 |
7 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
8 | 4 | 1 | 3 |
9 | 4 | 1 | 3 |
10 | 5 | 1 | 2 |
Results :
0 | 0 |
0 | 1 |
1 | 2 |
1 | 3 |
2 | 4 |
2 | 5 |
3 | 6 |
3 | 8 |
3 | 9 |
If you have another way to solve this problem, I will accept it.
What about something like this?
select max(gn.group_number) group_number, ip.num
from products ip
join (
select date, type, color, row_number() over (order by date) - 1 group_number
from (
select op.num, op.type, op.color, op.nb_per_group,, (row_number() over (partition by op.type, op.color order by - 1) % nb_per_group group_order
from products op
) sq
where sq.group_order = 0
) gn
on ip.type = gn.type
and ip.color = gn.color
and >=
group by ip.num
order by group_number, ip.num
This may only work if your nb_per_group values are the same for each combination of type and color. It may also require unique dates, but that could probably be worked around if required.
The innermost subquery partitions the rows by type and color, orders them by date, then calculates the row numbers modulo nb_per_group; this forms a 0-based count for the group that resets to 0 each time nb_per_group is exceeded.
The next-level subquery finds all of the 0 values we mapped in the lower subquery and assigns group numbers to them.
Finally, the outermost query ties each row in the products table to a group number, calculated as the highest group number that split off before this product's date.