I want to know if there is a possibility to get the value of the counter which is used for the TickCounter interrupt.
I want to know the current Tick and the value of this register.
So that I can evaluate this.
For example,
the tick is 12 and the register is 1526. So I can implement a Virtual Clock which use the Tick counter ( base 1ms) and the register so that I have a more precise Clock.
I found this implementation
> #ifndef CERT /*******************************************************************************
> *
> * tickGet - get the value of the kernel's tick counter
> *
> * This routine returns the current value of the tick counter.
> * This value is set to zero at startup, incremented by tickAnnounce(),
> * and can be changed using tickSet().
> *
> * RETURNS: The most recent tickSet() value, plus all tickAnnounce() calls since.
> *
> * SEE ALSO: tickSet(), tickAnnounce()
> *
> * There should be no need to lock interrupts on this one; the compiler should
> * only generate a read from one half of the UINT64 which means that the read
> * can never be interrupted.
> */
> ULONG tickGet (void)
> {
> return (ULONG) (vxAbsTicks & 0xFFFFFFFFull);
> }
> #endif /* !CERT */
But I can not access the vxAbsTicks value
The simple and correct answer is to just call tickGet().
* > 20 && * %% 5 used in grep seems wrong, does is equal to a WhateverCode lambda that takes 2 arguments? As this explain on SO
> my #a = 1,12,15,20,25,30,35,37;
> #a.grep: * > 20 && * %% 5 # The result seems strange, expected (25 30 35)
(15 20 25 30 35)
> #a.grep: * %% 5 && * > 20
(25 30 35 37)
> #a.grep: { $_>20 && $_ %% 5 }
(25 30 35)
> #a.grep: all(* > 20, * %% 5)
(25 30 35)
> #a.grep: -> $a { all($a > 20, $a %% 5) }
(25 30 35)
> #a.grep: -> $a {$a > 20 && $a %% 5}
(25 30 35)
my &or = * == 1 || * == 2 ;
my &and = * == 1 && * == 2 ;
say .signature, .(1), .(2)
for &or, ∧
(;; $whatevercode_arg_1 is raw)TrueFalse
(;; $whatevercode_arg_4 is raw)FalseTrue
I still don't know what's going on [ed: that is, I didn't at the time I wrote this paragraph; I kept what I wrote in this answer as the mystery unfolded], but it's clear that the signature is for just one arg and the result is as per just the right hand expression for the &and and the left hand for the &or which means the code doesn't seem to have, er, left the result that's, er, right. Investigation continues... (and no, I'm not det remiker).
Mystery solved
So, it looks like the logical ops (&&, ||, and, or, etc.) don't do Whatever-currying. Which is fair enough given that "not all operators and syntactic constructs curry * (or Whatever-stars) to WhateverCode". Logical, even, given their nature. They probably ought to be added to the table of exceptions on that page though.
In the meantime, operators like == do Whatever curry. Again, that's fair enough given "subexpressions may impose their own Whatever star rules".
So it makes sense that &or and &and turn in to...
Aha! Got it. The * == 1 and * == 2 are evaluated at compile-time and turn into WhateverCodes. As WhateverCodes they are just bits of code. They are defined. They are True. (This ignores calling them at run-time.) Then along comes the && and evaluates to the right hand WhateverCode. (The || would evaluate to its left hand WhateverCode.)
Hence the behavior we see.
A solution
Per prompting by #HåkonHægland, the code that would work is therefore code that doesn't rely on logical ops Whatever-currying, i.e.:
my #a = 1,12,15,20,25,30,35,37;
say #a.grep: { $_ > 20 && $_ %% 5 } # (25 30 35)
Now what?
Now we have to figure out what doc edits to propose...
Actually, before we do that, confirm that logical ops are supposed to not Whatever-curry...
And to start that ball rolling, I just trawled the results of a search for TimToady comments on #perl6 about "currying" (there were none on #perl6-dev), looking for ones pertinent to the case we have here.
First, one from 2017 that's arguably relevant to any doc edits:
the design docs actually try to avoid the word "currying" ... but it's hard to get people to use words differently than they do
Next, one from 2015 about && and || and such:
|| and && and such are really control flow operators, turned rather rapidly into 'if' and 'unless' ... those ops can be curried with .assuming, I assume
And finally a couple from 2010 that also seem potentially important (though perhaps one or more are no longer applicable?):
all operators autocurry a WhateverCode, whether or not they curry a Whatever
I think we can keep the current mechanism as a fallback for operators that still want to curry at run time
> my $d = * + * + *
> $d.arity
> my $e = * == 1 || * == 2 || * == 3
> $e.arity
as the doc say:
Returns the minimum number of positional arguments that must be passed in order to call the code object.
so I think the all three star in * == 1 || * == 2 || * == 3 is the same thing.
> my $e = * == 1 && * == 2 && * > 3
> $e(1)
> $e(2)
> $e(3)
> $e(4)
I'm working in virtual network embedding, and I'm creating a model with glpk to embed the networks.
I have this following objective function:
minimize cost: sum{(i,j) in VEdges} sum{u in SNodes, v in SNodes} weight[u,v] * fw[i,j,u,v] * secSupEdge[u,v] + sum{u in SNodes, v in SNodes} r[u,v] * secSupEdge[u,v];
Then I have the following two restrictions (among others)
s.t. relConst2{(i,j) in VEdges, u in AllNodes, v in AllNodes}: bwDem[i,j] * phiw[i,j,u,v] >= fw[i,j,u,v];
s.t. linkSecConst0{(i,j) in VEdges, u in SNodes, v in SNodes}: phiw[i,j,u,v] * secDemEdge[i,j] <= secSupEdge[u,v];
"phiw" is a binary variable
"fw" and "r" are variables that take any value >= 0
all the others ("weight", "bwDem", "secDemEdges", "secSupEdge") are just params
I want to relate phiw with fw. When fw > 0, phiw should take the value 1. When fw == 0, phiw should take the value 0.
Normally it does what I want, but sometimes phiw takes the value 1 when fw has the value 0, which is not what I want. This happens because the restrictions are met:
Example 1:
s.t. relConst2: 4 * 1 >= 0
s.t. linkSecConst0: 1 * 2 <= 2
Is there a way to minimize the value of phiw variable but not putting it in the objective function? Or putting it in the objective function but not changing the value of the result neither the value of all other variables?
The question is about minimizing phiw, however, the description of the problem suggests that what you want to do is link the values of phiw and fw, and specifically to have phiw = 1 when fw > 0, and phiw = 0 otherwise (i.e., fw = 0).
I would suggest that you add constraint that directly maps the conditional on fw to the value of phiw, such as:
s.t. LinkConstraint { (i,j) in VEdges, u in AllNodes, v in AllNodes }:
if fw[i,j,u,v] > 0 then 1 else 0 = phiw[i,j,u,v] ;
So Im using a simple if statement to increase an object's speed when an score is reached. Im using a very simple if statement that doesnt work. In this context, "pigSpeed" controls the velocity of the object.
float difference = (self.view.bounds.size.height/4) - flyingPig.center.x;
score += -(int)difference;
if (score % 1000 == 0 & score > 0)
I know the score works properly, as it is displayed, as it appears, but the if statement just wont work and nothing happens. What am I doing wrong. I can add more code if needed.
& is the bitwise and operator; && is the logical and that you mean to use here. Your if statement should actually read:
if (score % 1000 == 0 && score > 0)
Further to what #victor ronin said...
float difference = ( self.view.bounds.size.height / 4.0f ) - flyingPig.center.x;
int newScore = score + difference ;
if ( newScore > 0 && ( newScore / 1000 > score / 1000 ) )
// did thousands place increment?
score = newScore ;
I agree with andyvn22 - you should use && instead of &. However, there is one more problem.
Let's say you have score = 999
after you calculate difference and it's difference = -5
Your score will become 1004. 1004 % 1000 will be 4 (not a zero)
I think you should change your condition some way that even if you jump over 1000 you still increase a speed.
I had to give just a bit of leeway so 'if (score % 1000 == 2 && score > 999)'
I am writing my first GNU MathProg (AMPL) program to find the minimum switch (vertex) count instances of a HyperX topology (graph) for a given radix, number of hosts, and bisection bandwidth. This is a simple first program because all of the equations have been described in the following paper: http://cal.snu.ac.kr/files/2009.sc.hyperx.pdf
I have read the specification and example programs, but I am stuck on a very simple syntax error. I need to have the following two variables: L, the number of dimensions in the network, and an array S of length L, where each element of S is the number of switches in each dimension. In my MathProg program, I express this as:
var L >= 1, integer;
var S{1 .. L} >= 2, integer;
However, when I run $ glpsol --check --math hyperx.mod, I get the following error:
hyperx.mod:28: operand following .. has invalid type
Context: ...isec ; param radix ; var L >= 1 , integer ; var S { 1 .. L }
If anybody can help explain how I should properly express this relationship, I will be grateful. Also, I am including the entire program I have written for reference and extra help. I expect there to be many syntax errors in my program, but until I fix the first one, I have no way of finding the rest.
* A MathProg linear program to find an optimal HyperX topology of a
* given network size, switch radix, and bisection bandwidth. Optimal
* is simplistically defined as minimum switch count network.
* A HyperX topology is a multi-dimensional network (graph) where, in
* each dimension, the switches are fully connected. Every switch
* (vertex) is a point in an L-dimensional integer lattic. Each switch
* is identified by a multi-index I = (I_1, ..., I_L) where 0 <= I_k <
* S_k for each k = 1..L, where S_k is the number of switches in each
* dimension. A switch connects to all others whose multi-index is the
* same in all but one coordinate.
/* Network size in number of hosts. */
param hosts;
/* Desired bisection bandwidth. */
param bisec;
/* Maximum switch radix. */
param radix;
/* The number of dimensions in the HyperX. */
var L >= 1, integer;
/* The number of switches in each dimension. */
var S{1 .. L} >= 2, integer;
* Relative bandwidth of the dimension, i.e., the number of links in a
* given dimension.
var K{1 .. L} >= 1, integer;
/* The number Terminals (hosts) per switch */
var T >= 1, integer;
/* Minimize the total number of switches. */
minimize cost: prod{i in 1..L} S[i];
/* The total number of links must be less than the switch radix. */
s.t. Radix: T + sum{i in 1..L} K[i] * (S[i] - 1) <= radix;
/* There must be enough hosts in the network. */
s.t. Hosts: T * prod{i in 1..L} S[i] >= hosts;
/* There must be enough bandwidth. */
s.t. Bandwidth: min{K[i]*S[i]} / (2 * T) >= bisec;
/* The order of the dimensions doesn't matter, so constrain them */
s.t. SwitchDimen: forall{i in 1..(L-1)} S[i] <= S[i+1];
* Bisection bandwidth depends on the smallest S_i * K_i, so we know
* that the smallest switch count dimension needs the most links.
s.t. LinkDimen: forall{i in 1..(L-1)} K[i] >= K[i+1];
# TODO: I would like to constrain the search such that the number of
# terminals, T, is bounded to T >= (hosts / O), where O is the switch
# count of the smallest switch count topology discovered so far, but I
# don't know how to do this.
/* Data section */
param hosts := 32
param bisec := 0.5
param radix := 64
Fixed number of variables in a problem is a common assumption in solvers and algebraic modelling languages including AMPL/MathProg. Therefore you can only use constant expressions, in particular parameters, not variables in indexing expressions. One possible solution is to make L a parameter, resolve your problem for different values of L and select the one that gives the best objective value. This can be done with a simple AMPL script.
I am trying randomly generate a positive or negative number and rather then worry about the bigger range I am hoping to randomly generate either 1 or -1 to just multiply by my other random number.
I know this can be done with a longer rule of generating 0 or 1 and then checking return and using that to either multiply by 1 or -1.
Hoping someone knows of an easier way to just randomly set the sign on a number. Trying to keep my code as clean as possible.
I like to use arc4random() because it doesn't require you to seed the random number generator. It also conveniently returns a uint_32_t, so you don't have to worry about the result being between 0 and 1, etc. It'll just give you a random integer.
int myRandom() {
return (arc4random() % 2 ? 1 : -1);
If I understand the question correctly, you want a pseudorandom sequence of 1 and -1:
int f(void)
return random() & 1 ? 1 : -1;
// or...
// return 2 * (random() & 1) - 1;
// or...
// return ((random() & 1) << 1) - 1;
// or...
// return (random() & 2) - 1; // This one from Chris Lutz
Update: Ok, something has been bothering me since I wrote this. One of the frequent weaknesses of common RNGs is that the low order bits can go through short cycles. It's probably best to test a higher-order bit: random() & 0x80000 ? 1 : -1
To generate either 1 or -1 directly, you could do:
int PlusOrMinusOne() {
return (rand() % 2) * 2 - 1
But why are you worried about the broader range?
return ( ((arc4random() & 2) * 2) - 1 );
This extra step won't give you any additional "randomness". Just generate your number straight away in the range that you need (e.g. -10..10).
Standard rand() will return a value from this range: 0..1
You can multiply it by a constant to increase the span of the range or you can add a constant to push it left/right on the X-Axis.
E.g. to generate random values from from (-5..10) range you will have:
rand will give you a number from 0 to RAND_MAX which will cover every bit in an int except for the sign. By shifting that result left 1 bit you turn the signed MSB into the sign, but have zeroed-out the 0th bit, which you can repopulate with a random bit from another call to rand. The code will look something like:
int my_rand()
return (rand() << 1) + (rand() & 1);