how do I kill idle redis clients - redis

I want to timeout and kill idle redis clients. Is there a setting I can set to do this? I seem to remember setting a configuration somewhere but I can't seem to find it again.
I want this to be done automatically, rather than manually calling the client kill command.

Have a look into the Redis configuration file (the one you use to launch Redis).
# Close the connection after a client is idle for N seconds (0 to disable)
timeout 0
Just check the parameter is not commented out, and change the timeout parameter to put a non zero value in seconds. The instance should be restarted to take this parameter in account.
To change this parameter on a running Redis instance, you can use a client command:
> src/redis-cli config set timeout 10
> src/redis-cli config get timeout
1) "timeout"
2) "10"


How Do I Make Ansible Retry on SSH Errors?

I am occasionally getting SSH failures in my Ansible 2.6.19 playbook during operations that that use file or copy with large with_items. Several items will succeed then at some point I will get
Shared connection to closed
sudo: PAM account management error: Authentication service cannot retrieve authentication info
Then 2 seconds later there is a SUCCESS message for each of the rest of the files. This suggests to me that something must have happened on the server to cause the issue and then it resolved itself.
I have pipelining = True in my ansible.cfg.
How do I make Ansible playbook try again on SSH errors like this so the playbook doesn't fail?
EDIT: To address the comment, I am investigating the source but since I don't have control of it I need a backup. The retry/until is at the task level, however, there are too many tasks to put it on each one. I really need something at a playbook level. e.g. in ansible.cfg
One option at configuration level is use retry files. This will allow you to rerun the playbooks with the --limit #path/to/retry-file option.
Excerpt from ansible.cfg:
retry_files_enabled = True
retry_files_save_path = ~/.ansible-retry
This will cause a <playbook>.retry file to be created (in ~/.ansible-retry/ directory) when a playbook failure occurs. Though it doesn't make Ansible automatically retry, the playbook can be rerun with --limit option to cover the hosts on which failure occurred. This can be combined with error handling (as #Zeitounator commented).
The other option is to use the wait_for_connection module.
- name: wait for connection to host for 2 mins
timeout: 120

Configuration of Running Redis Instance in Swisscom CloudFoundry

I am trying to read the configuration of the running Redis instance. I want to better understand how Redis is configured, especially in regard to persistence settings.
I have successfully connected to the running Redis instance (SSH tunnel) and try to execute the following command:
CONFIG GET appendonly
However, I get the message
ERR unknown command 'CONFIG'
If I invoke the command "CONFIG GET" without any parameters I get the message
Invalid input argument for command: 'CONFIG GET', passed 0 arguments, must be in range 1 - 1
So the command is known. Seems to be a permission issue!? Is there a way to get the configuration?
The current Redis offering (march 2019) has the following settings for persistency:
appendonly yes
appendfsync everysec
It runs with 2 replicas.
Please note that this allies to the current service offering of Swisscom and might change in the future.

Google Cloud VM instance SSH connection ~60 seconds timeout with 30 second keepalive

I've been connecting to a Google Cloud VM instance via gcloud ssh from my macOS:
$ gcloud compute ssh [username]#[instance]
Starting from a week ago, the connection will just drop after ~60 seconds of idle connection and returns:
Connection to [my_external_ip] closed by remote host.
Connection to [my_external_ip] closed.
ERROR: (gcloud.compute.ssh) [/usr/bin/ssh] exited with return code [255].
I configured the TCP keepalive time to 30 seconds on both my macbook and the VM. But that did not solve the problem.
Any idea how do I extend the connection duration?
This is unlikely an issue with your timeout setting, but more likely an issue with your firewall rules or routes.
Firstly I would suggest checking your firewall rules and ensure you have an ingress firewall rule opening port 22. If you have, check the configuration of this rule, in particular:
Check the IP range in 'Source filters'. Does the range include the IP address of your home computer? For testing purposes, to ensure it does, you could temporarily set this to to include all IP addresses.
Check the 'Targets' drop-down. Is this set to apply to 'All instances in the network' or is it set to 'Specified target tags'? If you have set it to 'Specified target tags', make sure that the same tag is added to the 'Network tags' section of the instance, otherwise the firewall rule will not apply to the instance and allow SSH traffic.
Ensure this rule has a higher priority than any other rules that could counteract it (when I say higher priority I mean lower number, for example, a a rule with a priority of 1000 is a higher priority than a rule with a priority of 20000).
If the above doesn't resolve the issue, run the following command to check the routes:
gcloud compute routes list
Ensure there is an entry which contains the following:
default default-internet-gateway
If you are able to sometimes SSH into the instance but then the connection drops, there may be some useful information in the logs, or the serial console.
You can access the serial console by clicking on the instance name in the GCP Console, then clicking on "Serial port 1 ".
When you SSH into the instance, information about the SSH session populates the serial console output (this can be refreshed by hitting the 'Refresh' at the top of the page.) Information about the session ending also populates the serial console. There may be some useful information/clues about why the session ends in this output.
It might also be worth checking the status of SSH daemon on the instance and giving it a restart to see if that makes a difference:
Check status of sshd:
systemctl status sshd
Restart sshd:
sudo systemctl restart sshd

Causing SSH to Time Out (client side)

I have a little Raspberry Pi that I'm playing with. I've got it running headless, and I need to make it forward one of its ports to a remote server when certain conditions are satisfied.
However, I don't want the connection to sit indefinitely until the server closes it. Is there a way to close an SSH connection (from the client, I have no root to the server) after a certain amount of time? Ideally I'd do it directly via the ssh command, but I'm writing in Python 3, so if there's a way to do this in Python, then I'm all ears.
In your /etc/ssh/sshd_config:
ClientAliveInterval <time interval in seconds>
ClientAliveCountMax 0
So using 300 in the first directive will kick the connection after 5 minutes idle. You'll need to restart sshd to make it take effect.
try ssh -o ServerAliveInterval=10
Unless you run ssh with the "-N" option, it normally launches some kind of command or shell on the remote system (the Pi in this case). Ssh disconnects when this remote command exits.
If you're running ssh just to create some port forwards, you may be running with "-N", or you may be letting the ssh session sit at a command prompt. Instead, you could launch a command on the Pi which exits after the desired period of time. You could use the sleep command, for example:
ssh -Lwhatever -Rwhatever user#pi "sleep 3600"

Delay restart of processes in monit

Can I modify montrc so that it will not restart process immediately. The process has to be down for a full cycle before a restart is triggered. This is so I can keep my existing capistrano deploys.
you can use something like :
check process x with pidfile /var/run/
every y cycles
start program = "/etc/init.d/x start" with timeout 90 seconds
I do not think it is currently possible to do that if you're monitoring only the PID file. If however, you are also monitoring the service by listening in on a port, you can add a if failed port 8080 X times within Y cycles then restart clause. Monit will then curl that port every cycle, and when the count of failures reaches X across Y cycles, it will attempt to restart the service.
Keep in mind that this only affects the port monitor. If monit notices the PID file is gone, it will immediately try to restart it.
check process x with pidfile /var/run/
if does not exist for 2 cycles then start
This will wait a minimum of 1 full cycle before restarting the dead process.