Resources for beginners to develop with Zope 2 - zope

I'm planning to write an application using Zope2; it's not going to be a CMS-ish application but let's say it's a rudimentary "accounting and finance" application. From what I could understand so far (mostly by reading Zope 2 Book), this is not an “instance-space” application and should be written in “Python packages” form.
I've been searching the net for many hours to find a tutorial or a guide on how to start such a project with no luck. What I need, basically, is:
How to create the initial structure of the project? I'm looking for some tool equivalent to grokproject for Zope2.
A very simple example application so I can understand how things are put together. I have absolutely no idea about this and I couldn't find any reference to this topic in Zope 2 Book.
I've already checked Zope 2 Wiki, which hardly looks like a wiki BTW :-), but couldn't find anything useful for my case.
So I'd really appreciate if you could share anything useful in this regard with me.

The following, though bumpy, got me started:
Zope 2 Developer's Guide
Zope 2 Book
ZopeSkel for project creationg and doing the initial boilerplate
Zope-ers' priceless help on StackOverflow :-)
Not sure if I should recommend it but reading other products' code (specially SilvaForum and OFS.Folder) really helped me clear thing up in my mind.


How does a Dapp integration works?

I am pretty much new in Dapp, I know python, and apart from it I have learned how to make a website on React with backend as Django Rest. But while starting with web 3, I am pretty much confused as if it is possible to make a frontend on React and connect it with file some how? Or is it some other way to interact in both of the types.
As a newcomer myself I have found an absolutely amazing course online that will help you in all things related to Web3. I am not a shill for the content or in any way affiliated with the project but merely want to recommend it to fellow newcomers.
Please find the following link: Blockchain Course
This course goes into great detail starting from the absolute basics of web3 (including Solitidy for the creating of smart contracts) and ending with a full stack development using React/NextJs. I hope this helps!
Good luck on your endeavors.

Need a comprehensive tutorial on OpenERP 7.0

I am working on OpenERP. But I am not getting its stuff. Please help me. I have Google a lot but nothing meaningful. I Need to understand the flow of information in OpenERP.
This Document will help you to learn OpenERP. Here you can get Technical Documentation, Tutorial, Ebooks, for version 5.0 onward. just discover it!
I totally agree with user 2310840! There's a lot of information for OpenERP 'out there' but it's often too overwhelming, complex or irrelevant for end users. As a result, it's just unclear how all the pieces of the puzzle work together...
For instance, the link of Atul Arvind to the 'Document' is idd a good starting point. However, this is not just a 'document' but rather a link to the official online 'knowledge base'. The table of content for the OpenERP Tutorial alone consists of more than 16 pages! This approach is similar as being forced to read your car manual from top to bottom, before even being able to start your engine...
That's the main reason we recently launched our website 'OERPtuts'. We'll provide easy to follow, step-by-step tutorials for OpenERP end users. You can read our first 'official launch' post at If you want to receive automatic updates on future posts, please subscribe to the newsletter on our website.

How to make a localized application?

I would like to make my app localized but I don't know where to start from. I gave a look to the msdn guide but I didn't really understood. My app would be localized for italian, french and english. Could someone help me?? Thanks!
There's lots of tutorials for this found with a quick web search. Including Step-by-Step tutorials like this one. In the future you might include what you've tried or look into some other resources before asking such a broad question. If I remember right there's also step-by-step video tutorials available at the usual places.

Webkit-sharp example applications

Could anybody suggest a good open source (as in I can see the source, license irrelevant) webkit-sharp-based application? I've been wanting to jump into development with webkit-sharp and gtk-sharp, but I haven't found much of any documentation on webkit-sharp. I thought a good application example is as good as any documentation.
For anybody else that has this issue, a good application I just found is the sample app included with the source. For anybody answering, I didn't think about checking the source for samples when I posted this. The name of the sample is called FunnyBrowser.cs.
Here's mine:
There don't seem to be many examples around of anyone using this. I've been looking through the docs at to figure it out.

Where Can I Find Demo/Sample Code For Perl 6?

I've got myself a copy of Rakudo and I'd love to give it a test drive. After looking around the Internet I found some code snippets of cool Perl 6 stuff, but no complete scripts. Any sites that make practical Perl 6 scripts available would be appreciated.
Thanks guys, Ehtyar.
Please check out the perl6-examples repository from, it contains many nice examples.
Also don't hesitate to join #perl6 or if you have any questions (or if you're more the email user).
Sometimes there are also very nice examples on the Perl 6 blogs out there, most of them are collected on
See also Perl 6 examples on Rosetta Code.
This page at the Perl foundation covers new features very well. Specifically "The Long Perl 6 Super-Feature List" (Which isn't actually very long, it explains what new features will be coming in bullet points). If you are specifically looking for new features only, that is the place to look as opposed to sifting through mounds of sample code and dissecting new features.
There are some good smaller examples on this page that will demonstrate new features without an elaborate amount of code.
A great place for other perl6 stuff is the Perlgeek blog; there are several articles and examples there, including a functional grammar for JSON parsing...very cool.
As Robert mentioned, the Perlgeek blog has some great articles. I've written a couple articles myself, but they mostly cover specific things of Perl 6 (classes, methods, etc).
You can look at the Using Perl 6 book, which is freely available as a pdf here. It has lots of code examples for the concepts and features it covers. The book is also available in the docs directory of the latest Rakudo * release.
Also, I'd recommend looking through the spec tests. If you have Rakudo * installed they should be in rakudo/t/spec. They are organized by the synopsis, which can be a little confusing. However, the benefit from looking through them is great, you'll get a chance to see multiple examples of how to use concepts in Perl 6 that you know work in your current build because you can run the test.
Resources I think helpful at the time of writing this comment (June 2015), listed from most to least QA'd:
Short one liners article.
Perl 6 advent calendars.
jnthn's talks eg "Perl 6: what can you do today?". Good resource for examples of concurrency.
Perl 6 entries at Rosetta Code. Many of these are written by Larry Wall.
Modules on
Perl6Maven. Contains snippets and a long, incomplete, partly bitrotted P6 tutorial, but the site's owner (Gabor Szabgab) has said he intends to build out his P6 content this year (2015) so it's worth at least a quick visit.