When I tried copying a directory recursively to another directory I am getting an error message. If foo is my source and bar is my target directory, I am getting error as
"can't overwrite file "bar/foo" with directory "foo"
and my tcl command is
file mkdir "bar"
file copy -force ./foo bar
Where am I going wrong?
You can use exec:
exec cp -f ./foo bar
It always works for me.
I am trying to build a list of files to be excluded.
The absolute path works fine!
But when I try to use the relative path. I get the following error:
rsync: failed to open exclude file exclude-list: No such file or directory (2)rsync error: error in file IO (code 11) at exclude.c(1178) [client=3.1.2]
the exclude-list is the file name.
It is in the source directory at the root
My syntax is
rsync -av --delete --exclude-from='exclude-list' /source /destination
I would appreciate any help
Great! explanation from Gordon Davisson!
I created a new directory
mkdir mydir
moved file into that directory:
cd command into that directory:
ran command from that directory:
I'm trying to create a bash script to change the titles of my terminal windows so I can identify what they are doing. I spent a few hours on this and cant figure it out. The idea is to be able to execute settitle NewTitle. Thank you.
This is my echo:$PATH. It looks like Users/klik/bin is there twice. Maybe that is the issue?
~ klik echo $PATH
This is the script which was created in textedit in plain text format.
# settitle: set the Mac Terminal title
# usage: to set the titlebar to 'PLAY', type: settitle PLAY
echo -e "\033]0;${1}\007\c"
This is my bash_profile and bin file.
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
source ~/.bashrc
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin
alias desk='cd ~/Desktop/'
alias down='cd ~/Downloads/'
alias github='cd ~/github/'
This is my ls -a output
Current directories
~ klik ls -l $HOME/bin | pbcopy
total 8
-rwx--x--x# 1 klik staff 147 Mar 9 21:39 settitle.sh
Try this:
echo -e "\033]0;FreddyFrog\007\c"
You need to use -e to turn on interpretation of escape characters. You can also use printf.
printf '\033]0;%s\007\015' "Hippo Croco Horror Pig"
This issue above was that the file was saved with .txt extension. I dont know why this was the case given the ls command showed a .sh ext. At any rate, this is the process I used for creating this script and and executing it.
Open Finder -> Applications->TextEdit in Mac.
Select New Document at bottom left.
From menu select Format -> Make Plain Text
Paste in this code:
# settitle: set the Mac Terminal title
# usage: to set the titlebar to 'PLAY', type: settitle PLAY
echo "\033]0;${1}\007\c"
Thanks to Alvin Alexander for the code.
Still in TextEdit select menu File -> Save
Uncheck "If no extension is provided, use ".txt" "
When I chose my file name I saved it with no extension so i could just type the command settitle NewTitle without having to type the extension every time.
Note the folder the file is being saved to. It defaults to desktop on my machine.
Open Finder -> Go -> Go to Folder
Type in the path to your User Bin folder: mine was /Users/klik/bin
You can check to see if you have a User/bin folder by running: ls -l from your home directory.
If you don't have a bin folder in this directory you can create one by going to your $HOME directory and executing:
mkdir bin
To find out what is your home directory see this
You can then open the directory by executing:
open bin
This will open the folder in Finder.
Drag the script file you created into this folder.
Make sure the script is executable by executing the following command from the folder the file is in or by including the path to the file in name of file:
chmod +x <name of file>
Make sure that the script is in your executable $PATH by executing:
echo $PATH
You will get something like this:
If you dont see the path of your script, ie /Users/''/bin, then the script file is not in your executable path and you need to put it in your .bash_profile. Execute ls -l to see if you have a .bash_profile file.
ls -l
If you don't have one, make sure your are in your $HOME directory then create one by executing:
mkdir .bash_profile
Open your .bash_profile file in your default editor:
open .bash_profile
Or open with nano (to save and close nano see this link):
nano .bash_profile
Add the following line to the .bash_profile then save/close:
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin
Exit the terminal to reset by executing:
Open the terminal then type:
settitle <whateveryouwant>
I hope this saves someone some time. Thanks to Mark Setchell for his constructive help.
I just installed Home-brew and now I'm trying to insert the home-brew directory at the top of my path environment variable by typing in two commands inside my terminal. My questions are these:
What is a path environment variable?
Are the two codes provided me correct?
echo "export Path=/usr/local/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile && source ~/.bash_profile
After this I am to type in brew doctor. Nothing is happening as far as I can see.
Can anyone offer me some advice or direction?
I installed brew in my new Mac M1 and ask me to put /opt/homebrew/bin in the path, so the right command for this case is:
echo "export PATH=/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile && source ~/.bash_profile
echo "export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile && source ~/.bash_profile
is what you want.
To answer your first question; in order to run (execute) a program (executable) the shell must know exactly where it is in your filesystem in order to run it. The PATH environment variable is a list of directories that the shell uses to search for executables. When you use a command that is not built into the shell you are using the shell will search through these directories in order and will execute the first matching executable it finds.
For example when you type: mv foo bar the shell is almost certainly actually using an executable located in the /bin directory. Thus fully the command is
/bin/mv foo bar
The PATH environment variable therefore saves you some extra typing. You can see what is in your PATH currently (as you can with all environment variables) by entering:
So in this instance:
echo $PATH
As I mentioned earlier, ordering is important. Adding /usr/local/bin to the beginning of PATH means that the shell will search there first and so if you have an executable foo in that folder it will be used in preference to any other foo executables you may have in the folders in your path. This means that any executables you install with brew will be used in preference to the system defaults.
On to your second question. What the command you have provided is trying to do is add a line to your .bash_profile and then source it. The .bash_profile is a text file stored in your home directory that is sourced (read) every time bash (your shell) starts. The mistake in the line you've provided is that only the first letter of PATH is capitalised. To your shell Path and PATH are very different things.
To fix it you want:
echo "export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile && source ~/.bash_profile
To explain
echo "export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
simply prints or echoes what follows to stdout, which in the above instance is the terminal. (stdout, stderr and stdin are very important concepts on UNIX systems but rather off topic) Running this command produces the result:
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/opt/local/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/opt/X11/bin
on my system because using $PATH within double quotes means bash will substitute it with its value. >> is then used to redirect stdout to the end of the ~/.bash_profile file. ~ is shorthand for your home directory. (NB be very careful as > will redirect to the file and overwrite it rather than appending.)
&& means run the next command is the previous is successful and
source ~/.bash_profile
simply carries out the actions contained in that file.
As per the latest documentation, you need to do this:
echo 'eval "$(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)"' >> /home/dhruv/.bashrc
eval "$(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
Now you should be able to run brew from anywhere.
When you type in a program somewhere and click enter, it checks certain locations to see if that program exists there.
Linux brew uses locations different from the normal linux programs, so we are adding these locations to the ~/.profile file which sets the paths.
Run this in your terminal, and it will place the correct code in the .profile file, automatically.
echo "eval \$($(brew --prefix)/bin/brew shellenv)" >>~/.profile
Don't use .bash_profile because when you use something different from bash, like zsh, it may not work. .profile is the correct location.
I've added Fabric/Crashlytics framework into my project manually (not via Cocoapods) before, and then deleted both manually too. This error showed up at the compile time:
/Users/myUserName/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ProjectName-hgnmlcwlcxdbmqdzjjegfjbdmxsy/Build/Intermediates/ProjectName.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ProjectName.build/Script-800A33631A8B53890076A7E8.sh: line 2: ./Fabric.framework/run: No such file or directory
I found the .sh file in the path and tried to delete it, but that file got generated automatically every time I run the project:
Please help me fix this hour burner...
Here's the entire error message if needed: dropbox link
This still happens in
[Crashlytics] Version 3.7.0 (102).
You have to change file permissions for both the script
chmod 755 ./YourApp/SDK/Fabric/Fabric.framework/run
and the executable
chmod 755 /YourApp/SDK/Fabric/Fabric.framework/uploadDSYM
If the script doesn't need to be executed (which I'm guessing since you tried to delete it). You can always try this workaround:
$ script="/Users/myUserName/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ProjectName-hgnmlcwlcxdbmqdzjjegfjbdmxsy/Build/Intermediates/ProjectName.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ProjectName.build/Script-800A33631A8B53890076A7E8.sh"
$ awk 'NR==2 { print "exit 0;" } { print }' "$script" > .tmp && mv .tmp "$script"
Which adds an exit between the first and second line of the script. If the file gets regenerated you can also work around that by changing permissions:
$ sudo chmod 111 "$script"
This way the file should be protected from being overwritten or re-created.
Hope this helps:
Step : 1 : open your path (/Users/myUserName/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ProjectName-hgnmlcwlcxdbmqdzjjegfjbdmxsy/Build/Intermediates/ProjectName.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ProjectName.build/Script-800A33631A8B53890076A7E8.sh) with go to folder from finder.
Step : 2 : There open your "Script-800A33631A8B53890076A7E8.sh" file
Step : 3 : Modify .sh file as shown below
exit 0; chmod 111 //add this after building has started and save
./Fabric.framework/run <FABRIC API KEY> <FABRIC API SECRET>
Using ditto command we are archiving folder. When folder contains some files which does not have read permission. It fails to archive. That time ditto command logs error message saying " ditto: "Path" : Permission denied. How to get this error message.
As with any UNIX command, errors are written to stderr, which can be captured by adding 2> file to end of the command:
$ ditto src dst 2> error
$ cat error
ditto: /Users/andy/tmp/src/./x: Permission denied
If you are running ditto from a shell script, then something like this should work:
(cd ~/tmp; ditto src dst 2> $errfile)
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo There was a problem:
cat $errfile
echo Everything is cool