How to populate a Extjs4 grid - extjs4.1

I'm new to ExtJS4, I have been reading the doc and a book but can't have everything to work how I would like.
I have a form that is submited via AJAX, a JSON response is returned which migh contain none, one or more records. I want to show these records in a new window with a grid component, so the user can select just one record.
I can't make the JSON response to be populated into the grid, for starters,
Where is the JSON response stored?? I have the corresponding success and failure functions.
How I make the grid loads this data into it?
Best Regards,

I'll do something among these lines:
...//This is the form onsuccess
succes: function(response) {
var json = Ext.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
var win Ext.create('Ext.window.Window', {
width: 600,
height: 400,
items: [ {
columns:[ ... ],
store: Ext.create(',Store',{
fields: ['field1', 'field2'],
data: json })
Hope that helps.


dgrid inside ContentPane - Scroll error

I have a problem with dgrid.... I have an AccordionContainer, and in each ContentPane of it,
I place a dgrid. The problems with the dgrid are:
1- Error with scroll: when scrolling down, in certain moment the scroll "skips" and jumps into the end and there's no way to scroll up and show the first records.
(I have seen in Firebug the error TypeError: grid._rows is null when the scroll fails).
2- Trying to change a value: sounds like no dgrid-datachange event is emitted,
no way to capture the event after editing a value.
I think these errors has to do with having dgrid inside layouts (dgrid inside ContentPane, inside AccordionContainer). I also included the DijitRegistry extension but even with this extensions I can't get
rid of this errors.
I have prepared this fiddle which reproduces the errors:
var grid = new (declare([OnDemandGrid, DijitRegistry,Selection, Selector, Editor]))({
collection: tsStore,
selectionMode: 'none',
{id: 'timestamp', label:'Timestamp', formatter: function (value,rowIndex) {
return value[0];
{id: 'value', label: 'Value',
get: function(value){
return value[1];
editor: "dijit/form/TextBox"
showHeader: true
console.log('Change: ' + JSON.stringify(event));
//Add Grid and TextArea to AccordionContainer.
var cp = new ContentPane({
content: grid
Any help will be appreciated,
There are a couple of issues with this example that may be causing you problems.
The store used in the fiddle is being created with an array of arrays, but stores are intended to work with arrays of objects. This is the root of the scrolling issue you're seeing. One property in each object should uniquely identify that object (the 'id' field). Without entry IDs, the grid can't properly keep track of the entries in your data set. The data array can easily be converted to an object array with each entry having timestamp and value properties, and the store can use timestamp as its ID property (the property it uses to uniquely identify each record).
var records = [];
var data = _globalData[0].data;
var item;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
item = data[i];
timestamp: item[0],
value: item[1]
var tsStore = new declare([Memory, Trackable])({
data: records,
idProperty: 'timestamp',
name: 'Temperature'
Setting up the store this way also allows the grid column definitions to be simplified. Using field names instead of IDs will allow the grid to call formatter functions with the corresponding field value for each row object.
columns: [{
field: 'timestamp',
label: 'Timestamp',
formatter: function (value) {
return value;
}, {
field: 'value',
label: 'Value',
formatter: function (value) {
return value;
editor: "dijit/form/TextBox"
The fiddle is using declarative widgets and Dojo's automatic parsing functionality to build the page. In this situation the loader callback does not wait for the parser to complete before executing, so the widgets may not have been instantiated when the callback runs.
There are two ways to handle this: dojo/ready or explicit use of the parser.
parseOnLoad: true,
deps: [
callback: function (..., ready) {
ready(function () {
var _t = this;
var _globalData = [];
parseOnLoad: false,
deps: [
callback: function (..., parser) {
parser.parse().then(function () {
var _t = this;
var _globalData = [];
When adding widgets to containers, use Dijit's methods, like addChild and set('content', ...). These typically perform actions other than just adding a widget to the DOM, like starting up child widgets.
var cp = new ContentPane({
content: grid
instead of
var cp = new ContentPane({
content: grid
}, "accordionContainer");
In the example code a ContentPane isn't even needed since the dgrid inherits from DijitRegistry -- it can be added directly as a child of the AccordionContainer.
This will also call the grid's startup method, so the explicit call in the code isn't needed.
It also often necessary to re-layout the grid's container once the grid has been initially rendered to ensure it's properly sized.
var handle = grid.on('dgrid-refresh-complete', function () {
// only need to do this the first time

Event handling on images displayed in datagrid

I have a dojo datagrid displaying records. I am displaying image on each row. On click of the image, a request to delete the record should sent to the server. I am setting structure to the grid in Js class file. I have formatted the column to display the image as below.
GridStructure= [
name: "Name",
field: "Name",
width: "100px",
rowSelector : '20px'
name: '',
width: '20px',
field: "",
formatter: function(inValue) {
return "<img src='images/delete.jpg'/>";
how should I handle the onclick event of image and call another JS method which will pass the row details to the business layer for further processing.
Thanks in advance.
I got it working but with a twist. Instead of writing event handling on images, I wrote it on the cell holding that image. So that way I get all the details about row index, the data in the row, everything. that served my purpose. :)

Dojo Enhanced Grid with JSONREST issues

I'm trying to use a enhanced grid with Dojo JSONREST and i'm running into some issues.
I've been looking up some examples but can't figure out how to do what i need.
In the code below my rest service takes two parameters, and the query on the service works.
The problem is that when grid.startup() is called it seems to call the Rest service again, since there are no parameters passed the rest service falls over. What am i doing wrong here?
Also is there any way to update to the store so that is only contains the queried results?, so that when the grid appears it just contains these values?
Appreciate any help or pointers..
var grid;
var store = new JsonRest({
target: "rest/search"
store.query({term: "test", category: "category"},
start: 10,
count: 10,
// how do i update store with queried results?
dataStore = new ObjectStore({ objectStore: store });
/*set up layout*/
var layout = [[
{'name': 'Name', 'field': 'col1', noresize: true, 'width': '100%'},
/*create a new grid:*/
grid = new EnhancedGrid({
id: 'grid',
store: dataStore,
structure: layout,
selectable: true,
selector: false,
selectionMode: 'none',
escapeHTMLInData: false,
}, document.createElement('div'));
Have you tried setting the query parameter of the grid? A link to the docs. And a link to an example.
And by looking at the code in the question, it seems that the grid should display chunks/pages of data - an example using the pagination plugin for the grid.
The filter plugin might also be of interest to you.
when you define a new grid you have to pass it to dojo:
/*create a new grid:*/
grid = new EnhancedGrid({
id: 'grid',
store: dataStore,
structure: layout,
selectable: true,
selector: false,
selectionMode: 'none',
escapeHTMLInData: false,
}, document.createElement('div'));
/*append the new grid to the div*/

How To reset the OnDemandGrid

I am using OnDemandGrid with JSONrest store in my application.For the first time,the grid is loading fine , if i search again for other data,the data already in the Grid is getting overlapped with new data.Can someone tell me how to reset or refresh the OnDemandGrid?
Here is my code,
function (request, Memory, OnDemandGrid,JsonRest) {
var jsonstore = new JsonRest({target: url,idProperty: "srno"});
grid = new OnDemandGrid({
store: jsonstore,
columns: Layout,
minRowsPerPage : 40,
maxRowsPerPage : 40,
keepScrollPosition : true,
loadingMessage: "Loading data...",
noDataMessage: "No results found."
}, "grid");
Here's an Example taken from
var newStore = new{data: { identifier: "", items: []}});
var grid = dijit.byId("grid");
to clear the Results of a Grid.
We use an similar case to delete our used ItemFileReadStore:
var emptyStore = clearStore();
dijit.byId("selectGemarkung").store = emptyStore;
Hope this helps.
Look at this : delete item from a
I think jsonstore.remove() will do it.
Regards, Miriam
Collection data should be set to null; else refresh() wont work. Also collection data should not be assigned blank store object
Since we are removing collection from OnDemandGrid internal dstore errors will be logged in console for below js files.

Extjs4 - Reloading store inside itemselector

I have an itemselecor inside a grid, and i have an combobox that should reload only the store inside the itemselector( the value fields should remain intact)
Here is the itemselector
var grid = Ext.widget('form', {
id: 'grid',
title: '',
width: 600,
bodyPadding: 10,
renderTo: 'itemselectorproduto',
items: [{
xtype: 'itemselector',
name: 'itemselector',
id: 'itemsel',
anchor: '100%',
imagePath: '/ux/images/',
store: store,
displayField: 'Nome',
valueField: 'ID',
value: vitrine,
allowBlank: true,
msgTarget: 'side'
I tried to call the normal store.load(), but it have no effect and it shows no error on the console
If needed i will post more of the code, but i think just this should be enough
Looking through the code if ItemSelector it doesn't look like it supports any changes in the store once it's been binded. It basically creates local copies of the data. And if you call bindStore method to assign different store - it will erase your selection.
You can always improve code in ItemSelector to allow such behavior. It should not be a problem. You can subscribe to datachanged or load event of the store when binding to it, and then handle situation when store data is changed.
Actually i think the best way to do such thing is using ItemSelector`s "populateFromStore". Sure except of extending item selector. In case of extending you should look on the "onBindStore" function of the ItemSelector.
onBindStore: function(store, initial) {
var me = this;
if (me.fromField) {;
// Add everything to the from field as soon as the Store is loaded
if (store.getCount()) {
} else {'load', me.populateFromStore, me);
So as you see in case of the empty store it hooks to the load event. And it should be like this:
onBindStore: function(store, initial) {
var me = this;
if (me.fromField) {;'load', me.populateFromStore, me);
// Add everything to the from field as soon as the Store is loaded
if (store.getCount()) {