Set popover height - safari-extension

I would like to be able to dynamically change the height of my popover window when I click on the toolbar item. The toolbar item and popover already work fine. The code is executed in the popovers javascript.
This page suggests that it can be done but they don't provide any examples:
You can change the height and width properties of your popover at runtime.
Does anyone know how to achieve this?

E.g., from a script running in the popover:
safari.self.height = 400;
If you want to set the height from the global page:
safari.extension.popovers[0].width = 600;


How To Make Part of Web View Slightly Translucent?

In Objective-C with Mac OSX Cocoa, is there any way to make a DIV on a WebView slightly translucent so that the desktop applications behind the window bleed through slightly, but only on that DIV and not the rest of the WebView?
Or perhaps I can make the whole WebView translucent, but turn it off for all DIVs except one DIV?
I have a WebView loading a web page. In the web page, I have a sidebar on the left, and then an IFRAME on the right. I click items on the sidebar and they change the IFRAME pages on the right. It's this sidebar that I want to make slightly translucent.
In my AppDelegate.m, I have this so far, and my HTML and BODY tags are set to background:none, and my sidebar is set to background:rgba(0,0,0,0.5), but all I end up seeing is a grey sidebar background. It's like the webview itself wants to ensure that it's background is set to a color other than clear.
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification
// note that _window and _wv are outlet properties to my window and webview widgets
[_window setBackgroundColor:[NSColor clearColor]];
[_window setOpaque:NO];
[_wv.layer setBackgroundColor:[NSColor clearColor].CGColor];
[_wv.layer setOpaque:NO];
Related Step by step Tutorial with examples:
Setting up translucency:
Set the styleMask of your NSWindow subclass to NSFullSizeContentViewWindowMask (so that the translucency will also be visible in the titlebar area, leave this out and the titlebar area will be blank)
Set the self.titlebarAppearsTransparent = true (hides the titlebar default graphics)
Add the code bellow to your NSWindow subclass: (you should now have a translucent window)
let visualEffectView = NSVisualEffectView(frame: NSMakeRect(0, 0, 0, 0))//<---the width and height is set to 0, as this doesn't matter.
visualEffectView.material = NSVisualEffectMaterial.AppearanceBased//Dark,MediumLight,PopOver,UltraDark,AppearanceBased,Titlebar,Menu
visualEffectView.blendingMode = NSVisualEffectBlendingMode.BehindWindow//I think if you set this to WithinWindow you get the effect safari has in its TitleBar. It should have an Opaque background behind it or else it will not work well
visualEffectView.state = NSVisualEffectState.Active//FollowsWindowActiveState,Inactive
self.contentView = visualEffectView/*you can also add the visualEffectView to the contentview, just add some width and height to the visualEffectView, you also need to flip the view if you like to work from TopLeft, do this through subclassing*/
Yes, just set the drawsBackground property of your WebView instance to NO, then make sure to fill the parts of the page you want opaque using CSS.

How to position progress spinner inside the title bar of a Mac application

I am trying to place a progress spinner at the right side of the the title bar of the window of my Mac OS X application, but I can't do that with the Interface Builder, as it doesn't let me drag the view inside it.
So, I tried to put it in the title bar programmatically, with the following code inside the applicationDidFinishLaunching method in AppDelegate.m:
loadingSpinner = [[NSProgressIndicator alloc] init];
[loadingSpinner setFrame:NSMakeRect(485, 0, 17, 17)];
[loadingSpinner setStyle:NSProgressIndicatorSpinningStyle];
NSView *titleBarView = [[_window standardWindowButton:NSWindowCloseButton] superview];
[titleBarView addSubview:loadingSpinner];
However, this is putting my progress spinner view at the bottom of the window instead of the title bar. It appears NSMakeRect() is positioning it relative to the bottom of the window, not the top.
If I change the second parameter of NSMakeRect (y position) to something like 370, it puts the loading spinner in the place I want it to be, but obviously when I resize the window vertically, it brings the progress spinner together to the bottom.
I've never seen something like this before. How can I fix that?
P.S.: Also, I don't know if there's a "more right" way to get the title bar view. As you can see, I'm using the superview of the close button view to get it, which seems a bit "dirty".
Randall Brown has some code to put a button in an NSWindow's title bar on his blog. You were on the right track. The superview of the close button is the entire window including the title bar. Its a little less hacky to get it with [[_window contentView] superview].

Set vertical scroller style in NSScrollView

How can I set the vertical scroller style in NSScrollView?
If you're using Interface Builder, deselect "automatically hide scrollers". The scroll bars then become visible. Click a scroll bar and edit its control size attributes in the inspector.
If you're doing this in code:
NSScrollView* myScrollView = ...;
[[myScrollView verticalScroller] setControlSize: NSSmallControlSize]; // or whatever
Yes you can set the size in Xcode.
Or rather in Interface Builder:
Make sure to expand the objects panel on the left.
Then you can see two NSScroller objects in the scroll view.
Just select them and set the control size in the Inspector Panel to Small or Mini.

Size a UIToolbar to fit its items?

I'm trying to figure out a clean way to make a UIToolbar only as wide as it needs to be to fit the items that it contains. Is there a way to either:
Configure the UIToolbar to adjust its width automatically as its items are changed?
Programatically determine the minimum width required by the items, which can then be used to set the UIToolbar's frame?
I haven't been able to figure this out due to the spacing between the items and the fact that UIBarButtonItems are not UIView subclasses.
After trying some suggestions from other answers that did not work unless I used custom views, or unless everything was loaded, I finally arrived at a way to set the toolbar width based on its items:
//Add bar items to toolbar first.
UIView* v = toolbar.subviews.lastObject;
float newWidth = v.frame.origin.x + v.frame.size.width;
//Set toolbar width
You'll need to override UIToolbar -setItems: or otherwise detect changed buttons to autoresize.
I have included this feature in my refactoring library, es_ios_utils, to set a navigation item's right item with multiple buttons. In the preceding link, see UIToolbar +toolbarWithItems: and UINavigationItem -setRightBarButtonItems.
I just checked the documentation and seems like UIBarButtonItems, even though they are not UIView subclasses, they have an attribute width. I didn't try it myself, but I think you could sum each item's width, including the flexible item, and get the width for your toolbar.
Hope it helps! ;)
Swift 3, 4 update
I have a toolbar with barButtonItem initiated with image. All I need to do is to calculate the total width of the images plus the intervals (margin.)
Margin is by default 11 in width. The code will be:
let width: CGFloat = YourBarButtonItemList.reduce(0) {sofar, new in
if let image = new.image {
return sofar + image.size.width + 11
} else {
return sofar + ADefaultValueIfThisDoesntWork + 11

NSScrollView clipping overlaid UI elements

I have a button that sits on top of an NSScrollView, not within. When the scrollview scrolls, the button get's clipped with part of the button going along with the scrolling and the other part staying positioned.
To better describe the issue here's a video of the issue:
The planned goal was to have a button sit in the top right corner of a text view but stay there when the text view scrolls. So if anyone has any thoughts on how to achieve this it would be greatly appreciated.
You should subclass NSScrollView and override "tile" method to position sub-controls of the scroll view.
- (void)tile
[super tile];
if (subControl)
NSRect subControlFrame = [subControl frame];
// adjust control position here in the scrollview coordinate space
// move controls
[subControl setFrame:subControlFrame];
I have used this way to implement a custom ScrollView with zoom control and background color selector embedded.
Overlapping views isn't recommended for non-layer-backed views. I think Interface Builder will even warn you about this. The easiest way to work around this would be to make your button layer-backed.