WebStorm : How to import multiple project in same window in WebStorm - intellij-idea

Need help to figure out how to import multiple projects in same window in WebStorm, In IntelliJ we can do this using modules, But I don't see that feature in WebStorm.

From Webstorm 2019.2 - you can open multiple projects in the same Webstorm instance.
File --> Open --> Go to the project directory --> Open:
In the Open Project dialog , select "Attach".

WebStorm doesn't support opening multiple projects in the same frame, however you can add multiple content roots to the same project:

Webstorm supports opening two projects in one window now.
All you have to do is open first project then
File --> Open --> Select second project folder and click open --> Then click Attach from the next dialog box
This is working in Ubuntu

On Newer versions of WebStorm (eg WebStorm 2022.1.1)
From the top options.
File -> Attach project... -> Select project folder -> Click Open
This will "Add" the selected project folder into the workspace.


File created through Intellij IDEA not show on window's file system

I have been used Intellij for couple years, recent I found a weird thing, I use Maven to auto import my dependencies, and Maven downloads all libraries and put under "~.m2\repository\" folder, when I open that folder using window file explorer, the folder is not exist. I manually create that folder, it's empty. but if I right click on the project in Intellij IDEA, and click "show in explorer", then go to "~.m2\repository\" folder, I can see all libraries there, and the folder is a little slow to open, seems like it's from some network storage.
any idea?

How to reformat all the open files in IntelliJ

Is there any shortcut to reformat the code in all the open files in IntelliJ? I'm specifically looking for a way to reformat all the open files inside editor and not all the files in project.
The closest that I could recommend is to select the root folder from the project explorer and press alt+command+L(MAC OS). Reformat Code window pops up. In the pop-up, select the scope as Open files and Click run. It formats all the open files
Intellij Documentation -->https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/reformat-and-rearrange-code.html#reformat_module_directory

IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate project loading issue

So, today in the morning I closed down IntelliJ(2017.3.3) after doing some programming as usual and everything worked great. Now suddenly when I try to open any of my projects this is the view I am greeted with:
After searching for a solution for this issue I managed to get the projects working by doing the following steps:
File -> Project Structure -> Modules -> + -> Import -> The project .iml file
File -> Project Structure -> Project -> Project SDK -> Java 8 in my case
File -> Project Structure -> Project -> Project language level -> 8
File -> Project Structure -> Project -> Project compiler output -> The path to the out folder of the specific project(the whole path from D:\ to it)
Navigate to Main class in project structure and alt+enter to add it to run configurations.
Finally able to run the project
Now this would be fine if I had to do it once, configuration corruption or whatever happens, but I have to do this every single time I open a project for some reason. I tried restarting my PC, reinstalling 2017.3.3, installing 2018.1 and the issue persists whatever I do. Also there were no visible errors in relation to this issue in any of the above scenarios, steps, installs and so on.
Well it turns out the issue was related to me using OneDrive to backup my data. I assume OneDrive updated at some point and activated Files On-Demand. The issue is documented here. For me personally a solution that worked was:
Right click the OneDrive tray icon
Click settings
Click the settings tab
Disable the Save space and download files as you use them option under Files On-Demand.
Wait for your files to sync up completely, IntelliJ project load is back to normal.
I tried disabling Themed status bar in Material Theme Advanced Settings and it started working for me.
From: IntelliJ IDEA > Preferences > Material Theme > Advanced Settings > Other Tweaks Tab
Disable "Themed Title Bar" by unchecking the box here.

How can I add workspaces (tabs groups) to PhpStorm?

Is there exists workspaces like in NuSphere phped (saved opened files) inside one project in PhpStorm?
Maybe any plugin exists? I need opened files profiles within one project (tabs groups)...
Such functionality is called "Contexts" in PhpStorm and you can switch between them using Tools | Tasks & Contexts | Load Context.
More on this in official Help pages: https://www.jetbrains.com/phpstorm/help/switching-between-contexts.html?search=context
P.S. If you are using VCS in your project and you are using integration with an Issue Tracking System in PhpStorm then IDE will load your tabs that you had open when last time worked on that particular ticket/task.

How does one delete a project in webstorm.

I have tried the the following https://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/help/safe-delete.html?search=dele but the safe delete options does not get enabled on the ide.
please try the following:
in WebStorm, close the project
delete it from Recent projects list (in Welcome screen, focus the
project and hit Delete)
shut down WebStorm
delete the project folder completely from your disk
To remove project from Webstorm, go to menu and click on File -> Open Recent -> Manage Projects (at the bottom)
In popop which opens highlight the project you want to delete and click on X beside it