customize cursor - actionscript-2

so I have this code for customizing a cursor inside my game.
it works fine but the problem is it cannot click on buttons, and I really need to know why it doesn't work. please help me guys, anyone.

Where is the anchor point of your movieclip mc_cursor? When creating the movieclip, you can choose the anchor point. in case of a movieclip for cursor, you'll need to select the top left anchor point.
This should solve your problem. If it doesn't solve your problem, let me know that problems you are facing.
[In case you wanted to know why, the mouse cursor drags the movieclip for the anchor point. So if the anchor point is set at the center then the cursor drags it from the center.]


Simple wipe animation for image view

I've scoured the internet and I cannot seem to find any help on this. I want to have an image perform a wipe animation. By that I mean I would like the image itself to fade in from the left to right (not move from left to right, but fade, like reveal itself. I hope that's not a terrible description) I've found material on how to transition the image with a wipe, but it's outdated and I don't want to transition the image, I want to straight up fade it in. If anybody could help me on this I would be incredible grateful. Thank you so much, let me know if I can help clarify anything!
First thing that came to my mind is to have a separate UIImageView, with image something like this: (but transparent-to-white).
So - once You want to fade out Your image, You add as a subview a new UIImageView, which has frame like 3 times the width of the original image You want to hide. Once You add it as a subview, visually nothing would change, as the beginning of the hovering UIImageView would be transparent, But then You start animate frame (origin.x) of the hovering UIImageView so that it would be moved to the left side. While this happens, bottom ImageView will be gradually hidden from one side. After animation ends, You remove/hide both UIImageViews.
Not the best solution, but - if You are stuck, and still want the effect... Atleast some option.. Good luck!

Blender points moving each other

I am making a model of a boat in Blender. However, whenever I try to move just one point, all of the points near it are moving too. What setting do I need to change to fix this?
BTW, Whenever I click one point, a circle appears around where I clicked, and stays put, does this have anything to do with my problem?
I have tried
Selecting and deselecting all points
Restarting Blender
Comparing my sidebar to a project that doesn't act this way
None of these worked. As I am still relatively new to Blender I have no Idea what the any of the real functions are or how to change them so any answer needs to be simplified to near caveman level.
there is a icon, on the right side of the selection of vertex, edge, faces.. called Proportional editing. Press O to toggle it.
Make sure this is disabled.

How to avoid QWidget from going out of sight

Is there a way to avoid a QWidget from going out of sight?
I've got a line connecting some points; every point shows a widget (always the same) with some values; if I move the mouse over a point close to the right margin of the monitor, the QWidget will be shown just partially (a part will be out of the monitor).
How can I force the widget to be fully shown when needed, maybe on the left of the mouse?
Thanks to all.
you can compare the QWidgets boundingRect() and the QDesktopWidgets boundingRect() if outside, move the widget back ;)

Tab-Movable Tabcontrol - Get selected tab's item width

I'm recently tried to make a custom tabcontrol that able to move the tab to left or right...
But there's a problem, I'm don't know how to get the tab's item width... What I get with TabControl1.SelectedTab.Bounds.Width is the tabpage's width, not tab item's width...
I need to get tab item's width to know if the selected tab had to be stay, or move left, or move right, when the mouse is moving and holding...
For an example, if the cursor pressed and holding Tabpage1, and it move to Tabpage2, then the Tabpage1 should be move right...
If I can get the tab item's width, then I can know the cursor is on which tab by mathematics... Or if can, I want to get the tab that on the cursor directly...
Maybe my question is weird, my code idea is silly, stupid or even crazy until you can't understand this question... If you have a better code idea, or answer for this question, then please reply...
Use TabControl.GetTabRect() to get the tab rectangle. Pass the index of the tab you are interesting in.

Setting UIMenuController arrow direction not working

I have a UIMenuController which I have added a few extra items to. I would like the menu to be BELOW the text that I select, so I tried:
[UIMenuController sharedMenuController].arrowDirection = UIMenuControllerArrowDown;
That seemed to do nothing, and everything I try, won't put the menu below the text.
How can I do that?
According to the docs, arrowDirection sets the direction the arrow points; it has nothing to do with the location of the menu relative to its target area. It also looks like they don't give you any control over the positioning of the menu beyond setTargetRect:inView.
If you really want to put the menu below the text, you might be able to set a "fake" target area and change the arrow direction to point to the "real" area of interest.
However, there's probably a reason Apple does it this way. My guess? If you select some text with your finger, your hand is probably obscuring the part of the screen below the text... so it's not very helpful if the menu appears there. Going out of your way to break consistency with standard UI conventions isn't usually worth the effort.