OS X Notification Center Font - objective-c

I want to have in my app a Notification Center like font, e.g. this white crisp font with the black outline, but I struggle to get it done in IB.
Does anyone know what font type, size, etc apple uses, and how to reproduce them ?

For the app names the text appears to be Lucida Grande 14 bold with a black drop shadow. It was difficult to determine the exact drop shadow parameters but I think it is black with offsets of -1.


Remove selected color from image (grayscale graphic)

enter image description here
enter image description here
Hi guys! I have the following task: I must paint the black and white house, leaning to a result as the colored one.
I figured out, there must be a way to somehow "remove" the white color, so there is only the black outlines left. From there I will make an underlayer and will insert color/materials etc.
The hard part and the essential in my question is: The black outlines are ranging from true black to very light grey. Is there a way I can somehow delete all white (0,0,0) pixels and for the others: the more "black" they have, the more opacity they get. So a grey pixel with a value around (126,126,126) will be left, but with a 50% opacity.
have you tried, copying the same image on top of the original image, change the copied image blending mode to overlay, use the select tool on the white area, and then click the select tab on top menu, from that tab click select similar,so you have all the white area selected, then select the original layer, and then erase, you can also erase delete the copied image. Good Luck!
Yes you can,
Open "Select" menu and choose "Color Range", it will open a dialog box, inside that box you can choose from the drop down at the top if you want to select Reds, Yellows, Greens, etc. or you can select Sampled Colors with the eyedropper tool, so you can select the white color from anywhere at the image then you can handle the color range sensitivity from the slide bar called Fuzziness, the lower number is the lower range of white color and vise versa :)
As Ahmed Alaa said, use the "Color Range" tool, but for coloring in black and white images, see if my Youtube tutorial can help.
P.S. Sorry this post is bad, i'm new-ish.

Filling in Hollow Area Only for Bootstrap Glyphicon

I'm using Bootstrap glyphicons for a web app and love the flexibility of being able to leverage them as fonts, since that's what they are, not graphics. However, I'm running into a challenge with the glyphicon-remove-sign icon, which has a colored circle surrounding an otherwise empty "x". I like the default look of the black surrounding the "x" and want to use it to close a rounded-cornered iframe. But, because that "x" is empty, it displays whatever is behind it:
Ideally, I'd want to have that hollow "x" be a different color like white, easy enough to do with background colors, except that creates a box around the otherwise vectored font and looks unsightly for my usage, which has multiple colors to contend with behind the icon:
The question is: is there a way to just fill in the empty space inside the hollow area of this glyphicon without this kludgy-looking box? I looked at using a clip-path with the background color, but that won't work with IE. I welcome any recommendations anyone may have for a fix here -- thanks in advance.
create a wrapper div of the glyphicon, give it border-radius as to imitate the circle streching it and then give that background color

Custom Titlebar in a Cocoa Application

I need to create a (very) custom titlebar in a cocoa app. I read about the INAppStoreWindow library, but it seems it doesn't have the feature that I need. So here's what I have need to do (see image for clarification):
My titlebar is the thing between the green and red circle
The text (Text1 - Text3) are all images
The black circle with the exclamation mark is also an image
The grey area below the title bar is a webview. It expands from the left border all the way to the right edge of the reddish sidebar. (This is actually where why I think that the INAppStoreWindow won't work, as I cannot specify a width for the title bar)
The images should have an Action
Text1 through Text3 as well as the black circle load some URL into the webview
Red circle closes the app
My app has no borders and no shadows. Right know in order to be able to move the app I drew a Box element at the top where the title bar should be. I think I can draw something in it as well, but as I'm very knew to cocoa development here are my questions:
How can I draw some images in the Box element?
Is there a better element to draw the titlebar in?
I know that are two questions, but they are closely relatated. It's generally: How to draw a simple titlebar like this?
As the problem inside the titlebar is the same for every item I need to draw (they are all images) I belive there is a quite simple solution for that, but because I lack the experience of how to solve this I'd need your help. You can also point me the the right direction in the comments and I'll answer this question myself after I've got it right.

When I pin a custom tile for my app to the Windows Phone 8 start screen how can I control the background color?

When the user pins my app to their start screen I would like to provide my own custom background color rather than use the accent color currently in use. I thought this would work:
<PrimaryToken TokenID="" TaskName="_default">
<SmallImageURI IsRelative="true" IsResource="false">Assets\Tiles\SmallTile.png</SmallImageURI>
<IconImageURI IsRelative="true" IsResource="false">Assets\Tiles\MediumTile.png</IconImageURI>
<DeviceLockImageURI IsRelative="true" IsResource="false" />
When I pin the tile in the emulator currently one of two situation arises:
If provide a transparent background all I see my image, but the fill color is the accent
If I provide my image with the background color baked into the image, I get a while blob surrounded by the accent color.
Please keep in mind this is a Windows Phone 8 app, not Phone 7. Far as I know, there is no ApplicationTile image that I can specify.
Please help.
Thanks in advance
My mistake. You cant specify the AA values of the ARGB when you provide the background color. Too tired

PDFSharp - Report Document Colors and Transparency

I am having some problems with the PDF files that I make using the PDFSharp library. The files are ok as long as I am viewing them normally.
However I need these files to be changed using the accessibility options (Edit -> Preferences -> Accessibility (in the left menu Categories) -> Report Document Colors -> Custom Color). Whenever there is image with transperancy and/or transparent masks and the Background color is set to black everything disappears.
I looked at the PDFSharp code and it seems that they are setting some transparent SMask, which I did not find to do anything noticeable (at least for me), but I am not sure if I disable it will it screw up something that I cannot think of.
Most probably I won't get help on this one, but I hope that someone knows something more about this problem with PDF Transparency and the Accessibility options.
The transparency mask is created for images with transparency only.
So if your images contain black lines and a transparent background and you change the color of PDF pages to black, you will see black lines on a black background - you will see nothing.
If your images contain black lines on a white background, you will see your image as you know it: black lines on a white background.
Transparency is a feature, it's optional.
Maybe there's a bug in PDFsharp. If I watch the output of the Graphics sample with black background color, pages 4 and 5 are completely black (looks wrong to me).
The output of the Hello MigraDoc sample looks correct to me. The image on page 1 does not use transparency and keeps it white background, the chart on page 6 is transparent (which leads to black lines on a black background).
But maybe that's a bug in Adobe Reader - everything looks fine if I do not set a background color, but activate the transparency grid instead.
If you think that your images do not contain transparency, then we'll need files (PDF and image) for further examination.
Edit: I just checked the output of the Graphics sample with Adobe Acrobat 5 - all pages display correctly even with black background color. With Adobe Acrobat 8 and Adobe Reader X pages 4 and 5 are black. Looks like a bug in Adobe Acrobat/Reader to me.