EAR in Eclipse Juno with JBOSS 7 does not publish automatically - jboss7.x

Hi guys previously i was deploying my project WAR on JBOSS AS 7 and whenever resources got changed the eclipse Juno auto republished the war file. But since I added my war into a ear and deployed that ear on JBOSS, now eclipse doesn't auto republish. I also tried changing publishing setting but nothing worked for me. Now I republish manually after every single change. Please help me out.

I had this same issue, but got it to work after checking the 'Deploy projects as compressed archives' box (open up the server configuration and go to the Deployments tab)


configuring my java EE project in intelij with wildfly

I am trying to figure what configuration I should have for my Java EE project so that I can run it inside IntelliJ and instead of packaging with maven and uploading my war file manually, I want to use WildFly plugin to do that inside the IntelliJ for me.
My project is empty and I initially uploaded the war file into deployments in WildFly manually.
For configuring inside IntelliJ I selected a JBoss server configuration. I have a problem with choosing an artifact here. If the artifact tab is empty, my changes will not show when I run this configuration.
(my IntelliJ is the ultimate version)
What should I do so that I don't need to run
mvn package
before building my configuration
Plugin name is wildfly-maven-plugin. You can find more details in below link

Deploy ear file to weblogic 12.1.3 from IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2.5 x64

I have a java EE 5 project. I'm building a project with maven. I use IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2.5 x64.I use weblogic 12.1.3. In the Department of deployment( edit configuration -> Deployment ) specify the ear file. Why doesn't IDEA put ear file in localhost:port/console -> deployments when running ?
Make sure the Runtime Server is added correctly in IntelliJ. Once Added Correctly,You should see the Application servers Tab, where you could Add/Remove Applications effectively.
The Status of the deployment can be seen as Module with a tick Mark in Application Servers Tab.
The answer was simple, the ear file did not deploy due to the fact that I did not enter the domain name and password in the configuration

Eclipse with WebLogic do not redeploy

after I make some editing to few source java files, the weblogic plugin seems to not re-deploy the application because it show me a older version of build.
I've tried to:
Add-remove resource from weblogic plugin
Clean and republish
Reinstall weblogic
Into bin directory I see that the .class are correctly updated!
Any suggestions?
many thanks
Deleting all classes directory folder solved the problem!

Intellij exploded deploy to JBoss EAP

I would like to deploy a maven based multi project to Jboss EAP. According to several article I configured output directory to end with ear, like: C:\project\module-ear\target\module-ear-1.0-SNAPSHOT.ear. Ear project contains a war and jar projects
First deploy works fine, although I'm not able to refresh classes and resources directly. If I modify something in war project, I cannot see deployed.

Has anyone been able to hotdeploy using m2eclipse on Websphere 6.1 with MyEclipse?

I've been looking around for a while how can I hotdeploy my projects when using m2eclipse plugin on MyEclipse and working with Websphere 6.1.
What I've done so far is to deploy my full application using the was6 maven plugin (http://mojo.codehaus.org/was6-maven-plugin/) but that plugin will only deploy the EAR into the Websphere.So whenever I have to change just one line of code I have to redeploy the application again. The server doesn't take the changes just by saving the modified source code or JSP file.
I am working with MyEclipse 8.5 IDE and with the original m2eclipse plugin (Not Maven4MyEclipse).
Has anyone been able to do that? And if so how?
Thanks in advance
JRebel is a commercial solution that would make your life much easier. It's cheap (like $60). I actually bought a personal license intead of waiting for my company to purchase it. There is a free 30 day trial!
JRebel will hotswap your .class files and resources. No need to maven package, just save the resource in Eclipse, and JRebel will put on the server. There a few limitations, but in my opinion, its a life save.
We have used JRebel on Jetty, and I have read it is supported on WAS.