Deploy ear file to weblogic 12.1.3 from IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2.5 x64 - intellij-idea

I have a java EE 5 project. I'm building a project with maven. I use IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2.5 x64.I use weblogic 12.1.3. In the Department of deployment( edit configuration -> Deployment ) specify the ear file. Why doesn't IDEA put ear file in localhost:port/console -> deployments when running ?

Make sure the Runtime Server is added correctly in IntelliJ. Once Added Correctly,You should see the Application servers Tab, where you could Add/Remove Applications effectively.
The Status of the deployment can be seen as Module with a tick Mark in Application Servers Tab.

The answer was simple, the ear file did not deploy due to the fact that I did not enter the domain name and password in the configuration


configuring my java EE project in intelij with wildfly

I am trying to figure what configuration I should have for my Java EE project so that I can run it inside IntelliJ and instead of packaging with maven and uploading my war file manually, I want to use WildFly plugin to do that inside the IntelliJ for me.
My project is empty and I initially uploaded the war file into deployments in WildFly manually.
For configuring inside IntelliJ I selected a JBoss server configuration. I have a problem with choosing an artifact here. If the artifact tab is empty, my changes will not show when I run this configuration.
(my IntelliJ is the ultimate version)
What should I do so that I don't need to run
mvn package
before building my configuration
Plugin name is wildfly-maven-plugin. You can find more details in below link

Gradle + JRebel + rebel-remote.xml without JRebel IDE Plugin

Can you use standalone + JRebel remote?
I have my IDE on Box A
I have my App on Box B
I want to be able to make gradle build on Box A and automatically have B hot deploy that.
If Possible I'd like all this needs to work without The intelliJ plugin because it's broken and produces the wrong paths to lib locations in our complex gradle project.
Synchronization with remote servers can only done via JRebel IDE plugin.
If you have any troubles with the IDE plugin or the Gradle plugin, please contact support at
It's not possible to use JRebel remoting without the IDE plugin as the remote server does licensing checks during a sync transaction and classes simply copied to the remote .cache folder will be rejected otherwise.
However you can still setup a manual remoting setup. For example you can create a "virtual" workspace on BoxB where classes/jars/wars are copied after the build. In this scenario disable the remoting plugin and use standard rebel.xml-s which map to the workspace on BoxB.
When doing changes, simply copy the files from BoxA to BoxB e.g. using rsync and they will be reloaded as usual. However note that in this setup you must provide the server on BoxB with a valid license.

EAR in Eclipse Juno with JBOSS 7 does not publish automatically

Hi guys previously i was deploying my project WAR on JBOSS AS 7 and whenever resources got changed the eclipse Juno auto republished the war file. But since I added my war into a ear and deployed that ear on JBOSS, now eclipse doesn't auto republish. I also tried changing publishing setting but nothing worked for me. Now I republish manually after every single change. Please help me out.
I had this same issue, but got it to work after checking the 'Deploy projects as compressed archives' box (open up the server configuration and go to the Deployments tab)

How do you deploy a non-web Java app through CloudBees Jenkins "Deploy Now" feature?

With CloudBees now supporting deployment of Java applications, is it possible to use the post-build action in Jenkins "Deploy to CloudBees" to deploy your app? Furthermore, I'd like to use the Maven assembly plugin's jar-with-dependencies goal so that I can simply and automatically deploy my entire app to CloudBees right through Jenkins.
While the current CloudBees deployer Jenkins plugin appears to not support this, in fact it does. Here are the steps that after much trial and error worked for me:
Include the jar-with-dependencies maven plugin in your pom.xml. I used the <goal>single</goal> and <descriptorRef>jar-with-dependencies</descriptorRef> described here. That will put an additional jar file in your target folder {artifactId}-{version}-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Deploy that jar via the CloudBees API. The last line of this page explains how to do that. Specify your runnable jar, make sure the runtimeContainer=java, and the jar file to be uploaded, and it should deploy. Even though CloudBees says to use a zip file, a jar file works just fine.
Once that has been deployed once via the command line, your app ID now "remembers" those settings so that it can be done via Jenkins so long as you're doing the CloudBees Deploy to that same app. In your Jenkins job, add the "Deploy to CloudBees" Post-build action to your configuration. Click "Add Web Application" (strange, I know, since it's not a web-app! CloudBees says they will work to change that...), select First Match (even if it's a Maven project, use First Match), enter your application ID that you deployed your app to in step 2, and then enter the full name of your jar file and try your build again. It should upload your jar file and activate the instance in your CloudBees PaaS. Note that this still hard-codes the version in the jar file - I am working to see how to setup a variable for the version of the jar file so that it corresponds to the Maven build version.
Once you have it setup correctly and deployed initially with the bees sdk, it should just deploy from the deployer plugin on Jenkins as a war normally would.
Once set up, the settings that define where your main class is persist between deploys.

Uploading an intelliJ project to mochaHosting

I am new to using intellij and have created an Java EE application that i want to upload i have am using mocha hosting and want to use the FTP Access type.
i am unsure of the setting that i need to change in the deployment tab in intellij for the connection and the mappings
any information or help on this topic would be grateful
You can add a mapping from the artifact directory produced by IntelliJ IDEA to the directory on the FTP from where applications are deployed. Such configuration should allow to upload an artifact to the target server where it will be automatically deployed.