Test Case Structure - selenium

I am working on a Selenium project and have certain doubts in coverting a Manual Test case into a Selenium Test Script.
Assume I have 2 Test case as follows,
First case:
1. NAvigate to GMAIL
2. Login to Gmail with valid username and password
3. Check Inbox for New Emails.
4. Read the email
5. Signout
Second case:
1. NAvigate to GMAIL
2. Login to Gmail with valid username and password
3. Compose an email
4. send the email
5. Signout
Is each Test case is one Class in Java ?
Is Each test Step is a method in java ?
Thanks, some inputs would help me.

It Depends on the complexity and usability of your java-selenium code.
Is each Test case is one Class in Java ?
---> In this case, you can write a method for login functinality, where you will pass username and password as arguments to that method. This method can be called inside any class(any class you are writing to test any other test case also) whenever you need to login.
So, a test case can be a class. If it is a single class, it will be helpful for debugging and maintaining purpose. If the test case is too complex, you can split the functionlity into two classes or more.
Is Each test Step is a method in java ?
---> Yes, it can be. when you are checking the login or signout functionality, you will be calling login method or signout method respectively. Sometimes, if the method cannot be reused and it is specific to an application only, then it will not be a method. You need to explicitly write all the logic instead of calling the already existing method.

It's based on your requirement.
public class gmailTest()
public void beforeClass()
1. Navigate to Gmail
2. sign in
public void beforeMethod()
public void testInbox()
Check Inbox for New Emails , Read the email
public void testInbox()
Compose an email , send the email
public void afterMethod()
public void afterClass()
#BeforeClass: The annotated method will be run before the first test method in the current class is invoked.
#AfterClass: The annotated method will be run after all the test methods in the current class have been run.
#BeforeMethod: The annotated method will be run before each test method.
#AfterMethod: The annotated method will be run after each test method.
For more info regarding testng click here

I once had the exact same problem (but I'm using Python).
So this is what I've done:
1) Each class is the Test Case
2) Each method is a Test Step
3) Within the class setup and tear down completely to the initial point. (So it can be used for distribution later)
4) Create the logic of "if one method fails -> the rest of the methods in the class are not run (failed automatically)"
5) (!!) create the logic of "if the method changes the state then add a 'tear down' for it"


Can we actually send out mails during semi-automatic testing?

We are using unit / integration tests during Shopware 6 development.
One technique we use is to disable database transaction behaviour to see the results for example of fixtures in the admin panel, for an easier debugging / understanding:
trait IntegrationTestBehaviour
use KernelTestBehaviour;
// use DatabaseTransactionBehaviour;
use FilesystemBehaviour;
use CacheTestBehaviour;
use BasicTestDataBehaviour;
use SessionTestBehaviour;
use RequestStackTestBehaviour;
Similar to this it would be helpful to send out actual emails during some tests (only for development, not in the CI and so on).
It is already possible to automatically test emails like this:
$eventDidRun = false;
$listenerClosure = function (MailSentEvent $event) use (&$eventDidRun): void {
$eventDidRun = true;
$this->addEventListener($dispatcher, MailSentEvent::class, $listenerClosure);
// do something that sends an email
static::assertTrue($eventDidRun, 'The mail.sent Event did not run');
But sometimes we want to manually see the actual email.
The .env.test already contains a valid mailer URL:
But still no mails get send during the test.
While I guess that this is fully intentional, is there some method to workaround the blockage of getting mails sent during testing?
The reason is the MAILER_URL variable is pre-set to null://localhost in the phpunit.xml.dist of the platform repository:
<server name="MAILER_URL" value="null://localhost"/>
You could set the MAILER_URL environment variable yourself before the tests of the class are executed:
* #beforeClass
public static function setMailerUrl(): void
$_SERVER['MAILER_URL'] = 'smtp://x:y#smtp.mailtrap.io:2525?encryption=tls&auth_mode=login';

Webdriver - Check for exceptions in log files

I have one requirement as follows
- When my #Test method executes, check the log files.
- If there any exception in log files, fail the test case. Else pass the test case
Currently, I have done following implementation
- Clearing the log files (3-4 log files) in #Beforetest code
- Checking exceptions in all log files in #AfterTestCode
But issue is that, when any #Test method pass/fail, control marks that test case execution status as PASS/FAIL and after this althoug there is any exception in my log file, my TC passes.
So can you please suggest me if any workarounds possible for that.
Checking exception in the #AfterMethod will not help because it checks the result of the #Test method.
For example :
Public void testCase(){
public void tearDown(ITestResult result){
In the above sample result is for the #test method class result. If test case is passing it will understand pass in #AfterMethod as well.
Either check in your #Test method and based on that your AfterMethod will work fine considering the fact that #AfterMethod will execute after every test method class.
Create a #AfterClass Method which will check on all test cases whether they are passed or not at the end of the class.

TestNG - run tests in order impossible scenario?

I've tried many ways with no success and I'm starting to believe this is not achievable in TestNG and I just like to confirm with you.
I have web service I'm testing and I need to run few basic scenarios.
My current test methods, each with #Test annotation (each need to be testable as a single test):
I also need to run these scenarios consisting from above tests run IN ORDER:
Test login feature (openURLTest -> dbResetTest -> clearCacheTest -> loginTest)
Test X after login (openURLTest -> dbResetTest -> clearCacheTest -> loginTest -> actionXTest)
Test Y after clearing cache (clearCacheTest -> actionYTest)
The issue is, if I made tests from point 1 & 2 dependant on others I won't be able to run scenario 3 because clearCacheTest does not depend on any other in this particular scenario. I've tried running those test in order through xml and by using dependencies but with no success.
Of course I could make actionYTest to call clearCacheTest directly but then if clearCacheTest fails the report will show that actionYTest was the failing one which is what I try to avoid.
I'm pretty sure now what I need is not achievable in TestNG but maybe I'm wrong...
I think you should change your tactics slightly. Instead of perceiving these ~(dbResetTest, etc.) as test Classes you should make them test methods instead and use dependsOnMethods programatically (not from XML) instead of dependsOnGroups. Then you will be able to implement your required logic rather easily (every test is unique --> #Test annotation, every test is executed in certain priority --> use priority parameter). Then the 1,2,3 tests should be your test classes. So here it is how you do it:
public class LoginFeature {
#Test (priority=1)
public openURLTest(){
#Test (priority=2, dependsOnMethods="openURLTest")
public dbResetTest (){
#Test (priority=3, dependsOnMethods="dbResetTest")
public clearCacheTest (){
#Test (priority=4, dependsOnMethods="clearCacheTest" )
public loginTest(){
This way if something fails in between your tests the rest of scenarios will automatically be skipped and you won't need to call directly clearCacheTest.
Hope this helps!
After OP's comment
Well again I think you kinda have of a design issue. For your methods to be called multiple times they need to sit somewhere that they are accessible. You are almost there with your approach but not quite. So here is how you can call the methods; multiple times and run them every time from scratch (I'll show you the code first and then explain in detail):
parent class
public class TestBase{
//include here all your important methods *without* #Test Annotation
public void dbReset(){
//perform db reset
public void clearCache(){
//clear browser cache
public boolean openURL(){
//try to open test URL
return didIreachTestURLSuccessfully;
child class
public class loginFeature extends TestBase{
#Test (priority=1)
public void attemptToResetDataBase(){
#Test (priority=2, dependsOnMeth0ds="attemptToResetDataBase")
public void clearCacheTest(){
#Test (priority=3, dependsOnMeth0ds="clearCacheTest")
public void verifySuccessfulLogin(){
So, you include all of your test methods in a parent class, called TestBase. Then you create your test (loginTest for example) with a class that extends TestBase. Now you can call your methods multiple times, treat them each time as an individual test and connect them with dependencies according to your needs (i.e I have each one of them depending on the prior method; but you could rearrange them and put them all to depend on one, or to no-one).
Because your test class inherits from TestBase you don't even need to create an object to access the internal methods; you can call them directly instead.
Hope this solves it for you, do not hesitate to write a comment if you need more info.

How to write same codeception acceptance test case with many different set of inputs

In codeception acceptance testing, how to run/write same test case for many different set of inputs.
Here is my sample acceptance test (I am using page object oncept)
loginCept.php code
$I = new AcceptanceTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('perform actions and see result');
Acceptance.php file
class Acceptance extends \Codeception\Module
public function login($I)
How do I run same login with multiple set of inputs in acceptance test.
However, I have tried passing inputs in an array by calling the test case in for loop by passing array values as input parameter. In acceptance.php, multiple set of inputs can be passed using if loop.
This runs the test as only 1 test case with different assertions.
But, it runs the test case until it fails for any inputs/assertion. If it fails for any of the assertions, then test case stops executing further & says test case failed.
You can pass parameters through to your login function just as you would with any php function:
loginCept.php code
$I = new AcceptanceTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('perform actions and see result');
Acceptance.php file
class Acceptance extends \Codeception\Module
public function login($I,$username,$password)
You'd then want to create a separate cept for each aspect of login that you are looking to test.
What you're looking for in relation to one test running through a number of assertions, this breaks the conventions of automated testing. Each test (or cept in this case) should only ever test one aspect. For instance in logging in, you might have one for invalid username, invalid password, too many attempts, etc... Then when/if one test fails, you as the developer knows exactly what aspect has failed and which continue to pass. If all the aspects are wrapped up in one test, then you as the developer don't know the full picture until you start to debug.

Selenium Grid on Multiple Browsers: should each test case have separate class for each browser?

I'm trying to put together my first Data Driven Test Framework that runs tests through Selenium Grid/WebDriver on multiple browsers. Right now, I have each test case in it's own class, and I parametrize the browser, so it runs each test case once with each browser.
Is this common on big test frameworks? Or, should each test case be copied and fine tuned to each browser in it's own class? So, if I'm testing chrome, firefox, and IE, should there be classes for each, like: "TestCase1Chrome", "TestCase1FireFox", "TestCase1IE"? Or just "TestCase1" and parametrize the test to run 3 times with each browser? Just wondering how others do it.
Parameterizing the tests into a single class per test case makes it easier to maintain the non-browser specific code, while duplicating classes, one for each browser case, makes it easier to maintain the browser-specific code. When I say browser specific code, for example, clicking an item. On ChromeDriver, you cannot click in the middle of some elements, where on FirefoxDriver, you can. So, you potentially need two different blocks of code just to click an element (when it's not clickable in the middle).
For those of you that are employed QA Engineers that use Selenium, what would be best practice here?
I am currently working on a project which runs around 75k - 90k tests on daily basis. We pass the browser as a parameter to the tests. Reasons being:
As you mentioned in your question, this helps in maintenance.
We don't see too many browser-specific code. If you are having too much of browser specific code, then I would say there is a problem with the webdriver itself. Because, one of the advantages of selenium/webdriver is write code once and run it against any supported browser.
The difference I see between my code structure and the one you mentioned in question is, I don't have a test class for each test case. Tests are divided based on the features that I test and each feature will have a class. And that class will hold all the tests as methods. I use testNG so that these methods can be invoked in parallel. May be this won't suite your AUT.
If you keep the code structure that you mention in the question, sooner or later maintaining it will become a nightmare. Try to stick to the rule: the same test code (written once) for all browsers (environments).
This condition will force you to solve two issues:
1) how to run the tests for all chosen browsers
2) how to apply specific browser workarounds without polluting the test code
Actually, this seems to be your question.
Here is how I solved the first issue.
First, I defined all the environments that I am going to test. I call 'environments' all the conditions under which I want to run my tests: browser name, version number, OS, etc. So, separately from test code, I created an enum like this:
public enum Environments {
FF_18_WIN7("firefox", "18", Platform.WINDOWS),
CHR_24_WIN7("chrome", "24", Platform.WINDOWS),
IE_9_WIN7("internet explorer", "9", Platform.WINDOWS)
private final DesiredCapabilities capabilities;
private final String browserName;
private final String version;
private final Platform platform;
Environments(final String browserName, final String version, final Platform platform) {
this.browserName = browserName;
this.version = version;
this.platform = platform;
capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
public DesiredCapabilities capabilities() {
return this.capabilities;
public String browserName() {
return browserName;
It's easy to modify and add environments whenever you need to. As you can notice, I am using this to create and retrieve the DesiredCapabilities that later will be used to create a specific WebDriver.
In order to make the tests run for all the defined environments, I used JUnit's (4.10 in my case) org.junit.experimental.theories:
public class MyWebComponentTestClassIT {
public MySeleniumRule selenium = new MySeleniumRule();
public static Environments[] enviroments = Environments.values();
public void sample_test(final Environments environment) {
Page initialPage = LoginPage.login(selenium.driverFor(environment), selenium.getUserName(), selenium.getUserPassword());
// your test code here
The tests are annotated as #Theory (not as #Test, like in normal JUnit tests) and are passed a parameter. Each test will run then for all the defined values of this parameter, which should be an array of values annotated as #DataPoints. Also, you should use a runner that extends from org.junit.experimental.theories.Theories. I use org.junit.rules to prepare my tests, putting there all the necessary plumbing. As you can see I get the specific capabilities driver through the Rule, too. Though you could use the following code right in your test:
RemoteWebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(some_url_string), environment.capabilities());
The point is that having it in the Rule you write the code once and use it for all your tests.
As for Page class, it is a class where I put all the code that uses driver's functionality (find an element, navigate, etc.). This way, again, the test code stays neat and clear and, again, you write it once and use it in all your tests.
So, this is the solution for the first issue. (I know that you can do a similar thing with TestNG, but I didn't try it.)
To solve the second issue, I created a special package where I keep all the code of browser specific workarounds. It consists of an abstract class, e.g. BrowserSpecific, that contains the common code which happens to be different (or have a bug) in some browser. In the same package I have classes specific for every browser used in tests and each of them extends BrowserSpecific.
Here is how it works for the Chrome driver bug that you mention. I create a method clickOnButton in BrowserSpecific with the common code for the affected behaviour:
public abstract class BrowserSpecific {
protected final RemoteWebDriver driver;
protected BrowserSpecific(final RemoteWebDriver driver) {
this.driver = driver;
public static BrowserSpecific aBrowserSpecificFor(final RemoteWebDriver driver) {
BrowserSpecific browserSpecific = null;
if (Environments.FF_18_WIN7.browserName().contains(driver.getCapabilities().getBrowserName())) {
browserSpecific = new FireFoxSpecific(driver);
if (Environments.CHR_24_WIN7.browserName().contains(driver.getCapabilities().getBrowserName())) {
browserSpecific = new ChromeSpecific(driver);
if (Environments.IE_9_WIN7.browserName().contains(driver.getCapabilities().getBrowserName())) {
browserSpecific = new InternetExplorerSpecific(driver);
return browserSpecific;
public void clickOnButton(final WebElement button) {
and then I override this method in the specific class, e.g. ChromeSpecific, where I place the workaround code:
public class ChromeSpecific extends BrowserSpecific {
ChromeSpecific(final RemoteWebDriver driver) {
public void clickOnButton(final WebElement button) {
// This is the Chrome workaround
String script = MessageFormat.format("window.scrollTo(0, {0});", button.getLocation().y);
// Followed by common behaviour of all the browsers
When I have to take into account the specific behaviour of some browser, I do the following:
instead of:
This way, in my common code, I can identify easily where the workaround has been applied and I keep the workarounds isolated from the common code. I find it easy to maintain, as the bugs are usually being solved and the workarounds may or should be changed or eliminated.
One last word about executing the tests. As you are going to use Selenium Grid you will want to use the possibility to run the tests in parallel, so remember to configure this feature for your JUnit tests (available since v. 4.7).
We use testng in our organization and we use the parameter option that testng gives to specify the enviroment, i.e. the browser to use, the machine to run on and any other config that is required for env config. The browsername is sent through the xml file which controls what needs to run and where. It is set as a global variable. What we have done as an extra is, we have our custom annotations which can override these global variables i.e. if a test is very specifically only to be run on chrome and no other browser, then we specify the same on the custom annotation. So, no matter even if the parameter is say run on FF, if it is annotated with chrome, it would always run on chrome.
I somehow believe making one class for each browser is not a good idea. Imagine the flow changes or there is a bit of here and there and you have 3 classes to change instead of one. And if the number of browsers increase, then one more class.
What I would suggest is to have code that is browserspecific to be extracted out. So, if the click behavior is browser specific, then override to it to do appropriate checks or failure handlings based on browsers.
I do it like this but keep in mind that this is pure WebDriver without the Grid or RC in mind:
// Utility class snippet
// Test classes import this with: import static utility.*;
public static WebDriver driver;
public static void initializeBrowser( String type ) {
if ( type.equalsIgnoreCase( "firefox" ) ) {
driver = new FirefoxDriver();
} else if ( type.equalsIgnoreCase( "ie" ) ) {
driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait( 10000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
driver.manage().window().setPosition(new Point(200, 10));
driver.manage().window().setSize(new Dimension(1200, 800));
Now, using JUnit 4.11+ your parameters file needs to look something like this:
firefox, test1, param1, param2
firefox, test2, param1, param2
firefox, test3, param1, param2
ie, test1, param1, param2
ie, test2, param1, param2
ie, test3, param1, param2
Then, using a single .CSV parameterized test class (that you intend to start multiple browser types with), in the #Before annotated method, do this:
If the current parameter test is the first test of this browser type, and no already open windows exist, open a new browser window of the current type.
If a browser is already open and the browser type is the same, then just re-use the same driver object.
if a browser is open of a different type that the current test, then close the browser and re-open a browser of the correct type.
Of course, my answer doesn't tell you how to handle the parameters: I leave that for you to figure out.