black bar above tableview after segue - objective-c

I have an application that has an login-flow. In this login flow you have the possibility to remember your login and password onto your iPhone. When I do this and I restart the app I get a black bar between my tableview and my navigation bar. For mor clarification you see here a screenshot of my storyboard.
And you can see a screenshot of the problem over here.
So when does this happens. When I first start the app and I enter my login and pwd. Everything is OK. But when I save my login credentials on my phone. And restart the app. It skips the login screen and immediately goes to the tabbar. And at that moment the black bar appears.
Does anybody know what the problem can be?
Kind regards

Dont Skip the login screen, just check if the login is saved then show the add a View (Loading View with UIActivity indicator) but on the background of that View use to User save credentials to login again. and when you will successfully login then Hide the added View. This is surely help you


Dismiss Alert in React-Native

I was wondering if it is possible to dismiss an Alert in React-Native from the main application itself, programmatically?
As an example, my application shows an Alert. When the user stays on that screen for a while and the session of the app expires, the user gets redirected to the login screen but the Alert stays open and I'd like to close it while this happen.
Is there a way to do something like this?
You can't. You have to use a custom alert box or a modal and than close it if needed.

Admob view does not present a full screen ad on click

I'm trying to figure out why its happening to my banner view, it should present a full screen ad on click, it does not do that.
my banner view is a subview of a viewcontroller witch is a part of a tabbar view controllers
what should I do, does anyone know whats my banner problem?
on click I get an ad in the bannerview and not a fullscreen down to top animated banner
//Additional info
I found out that after my second ad request it does not open a full screen on touchup inside
I found the error, because I reload the banner by requesting another ad without initializing the bannerview
Thanks everyone
What happens when you touch ad banner depends upon admob. You only must be sure that ad banner is touchable. Not always get a full screen on click, also can redirect tu app store, for example.
So seeing some code on your implementation would help us diagnose this issue. Without seeing this code though, I'm assuming that if your banner is displaying properly and the full screen modal won't show it's a rootviewController issue.
Are you setting the rootViewController to be your tabBarController?

iOS: Restoring the previously visible view when the app returns to the foreground?

I'm developing an iPhone (iOS 5+) app using storyboards. The first screen of the app is a splash/login screen that checks for Facebook credentials and enables you to read and accept Terms And Conditions. In case there are valid stored credentials and the TOC has been previously accepted, this view automatically makes a modal segue (using a cross dissolve effect) to the first "real" application view, a tab bar controller with three tabs.
I'm currently implementing backgrounding and foregrounding logic. The problem is that when pressing the home button and then coming back, the login screen is briefly shown before the correct pre-backgrounding view is restored. (The Default.png of the app is of the login screen background, so it might be either that or a backgrounding-time screenshot of the actual login screen; I haven't tested replacing Default.png yet to tell the difference.)
Why is this? As far as I can tell, backgrounding the app should just take a screenshot of the view that is visible on the screen when, say, hitting the home button, and restore that prior to restoring the actual view functionality when coming back to the foreground. In this case that would be one of the tabs of the tab bar controller. Is the modal segue between the login screen and the tab bar controller the culprit here, or something else?
(I've always felt that the cross dissolve modal segue from the login screen to the first "useful" screen is a bit dirty, since IMHO a modal segue seems to imply that what your segueing to is something you'll later dismiss to get back to the "from" screen. What I'm doing now is just leaving the target of the modal segue visible indefinitely. If that is the problem here, I'd love it if someone would suggest a better method of displaying, transitioning away from and "jettisoning" the login screen.)
OK, turns out this was just a simulator/device discrepancy regarding Default.png. This comment on another question made me think to check. Time to file a bug report.
If I recall correctly, Apple has some old demo code which "remembers" which view a navigation controller was showing before it went into the background.
By way of disclaimer, I haven't worked with storyboards, so I don't know the specifics of doing what you're trying to do.
If it were me, I'd create the view controller or controllers at launch, and then only add the login screen if deemed necessary by the app delegate's logic. Only then, after setting up the view hierarchy, do I present everything.
This accomplishes two things. My login screen only exists and is visible if necessary. Additionally, the login screen won't flash unessecarily. Oh, and as a third benefit, you can present any view you like.
I'd suggest, assuming the aforementioned demo code doesn't work for you, that you'll want to save some sort of reference, tag, or ID of the currently visible view in NSUserDefaults and read that out when setting up your view hierarchy on launch.

Run time viewcontroller

I am creating an app with a tab bar. However, when the app starts, I don't want it to display the tab bar. Instead I would like to show a login page. After a successful log in, the tab bar based application should be shown.
Is this possible in code? I did it with Interface Builder.
Just create a Window-based Application and create a ViewController with a TabBar that you can show once login is successful.
Modal view controllers is the way you can do what you want. As it is said in the documentation
Modal view controllers are a tool that
you have at your disposal for
interrupting the current workflow and
displaying a new set of views.

tab bar project with login screen

I am creating a tab bar controller project but also want to have a login screen before showing this. i also want a settings screen and info screen to be available to view from the login screen. if login is successful, then show the tab bar view. also to log out from the tab bar view.
what is the best way of doing this? what type of project and how to do the login screen?
any help would be much appreciated!
first of all create the viewbased project.In the first viewcontroller add the login screen.After that in loginscreenxib create the object of tabbarcontroller.