tab bar project with login screen - objective-c

I am creating a tab bar controller project but also want to have a login screen before showing this. i also want a settings screen and info screen to be available to view from the login screen. if login is successful, then show the tab bar view. also to log out from the tab bar view.
what is the best way of doing this? what type of project and how to do the login screen?
any help would be much appreciated!

first of all create the viewbased project.In the first viewcontroller add the login screen.After that in loginscreenxib create the object of tabbarcontroller.


Sencha navigation bar issue

I am having problem on navigation bar in sencha :
My code flow is :
1.login page ->click on login button opens one list
2.on click on list items navigate to next page.
Which is ok.
but while getting back I get navigation bar on login page also wich I dont want.
Please, suggest me the proper way which should I follow.
Hide your navigation bar in activate:{}method of login page getnavigationbar.hide();

black bar above tableview after segue

I have an application that has an login-flow. In this login flow you have the possibility to remember your login and password onto your iPhone. When I do this and I restart the app I get a black bar between my tableview and my navigation bar. For mor clarification you see here a screenshot of my storyboard.
And you can see a screenshot of the problem over here.
So when does this happens. When I first start the app and I enter my login and pwd. Everything is OK. But when I save my login credentials on my phone. And restart the app. It skips the login screen and immediately goes to the tabbar. And at that moment the black bar appears.
Does anybody know what the problem can be?
Kind regards
Dont Skip the login screen, just check if the login is saved then show the add a View (Loading View with UIActivity indicator) but on the background of that View use to User save credentials to login again. and when you will successfully login then Hide the added View. This is surely help you

How to deal with a navigation controller inside a tab bar controller?

I have the following situation: I begin with a login screen (which I want to have no toolbars or tab bars.) After the user has logged in, I want to display a tab bar with multiple options each of which can drill down into their own view hierarchy. Thus it is necessary for each of these tabs to have navigation controller capabilities.
Thus, the most immediate solution would be to have a tab bar controller and then have each section (3 in total) have their own navigation controller. However, the issue is that I want each page in the entire app to have a logout button which will bring them back to the very first screen.
I could have segues from every page's logout button back to the beginning but this seems wrong. I could also put the tab bar controller inside the navigation controller; however I've heard that navigation controllers should always be inside tab bar controllers and never the other way around.
Any suggestions
If the root view controller for each UINavigationController is the login screen, why not just make a logout button assigned to self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem for each appropriate view. When clicked, it can call your logout function and then popToRootViewControllerAnimated: to take you back to the login screen.
You can use setNavigationBarHidden:animated: in any view you want or don't want the navigation bar to be shown.
Present your "login" screen as a modal view controller on top of your tab bar controller of navigation controllers. Anytime you logout from anywhere in the app you present a new modal login view and can then reset the state of your other controllers while they are no longer visible. On login you dismiss the modal and reveal the tab bar controller and whatever it contains.

Run time viewcontroller

I am creating an app with a tab bar. However, when the app starts, I don't want it to display the tab bar. Instead I would like to show a login page. After a successful log in, the tab bar based application should be shown.
Is this possible in code? I did it with Interface Builder.
Just create a Window-based Application and create a ViewController with a TabBar that you can show once login is successful.
Modal view controllers is the way you can do what you want. As it is said in the documentation
Modal view controllers are a tool that
you have at your disposal for
interrupting the current workflow and
displaying a new set of views.

Tab Bar application with a Navigation Controller but different tab bar on detail page

I've seen lots of tutorials on how to build a simple app with 2 tabs and a navigation controller - especially when there is a table view where you click a row to see details (and have built this myself). But most apps I've seen have the detail view such that either the tab bar disappears or there is another type of nav bar at the bottom. Does anybody know how to extend the basic navigation controller and tab bar to get it to work to get it to work like this?
Here is the answer to my question
How to hide parent tabbar when pushing controller in navigationController