PopUpMenu Styling in winRT - windows-8

I have created a PopUpMenu using http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/c25b6d/working-with-popup-menu-in-windows-store-apps/
Now I need to style the pop up menu. How to do so in Win8?

I think, there are no way to styling popupMenu. If you want to styled flyouts, perhaps you should use popUp instead popupMenu.


Does anyone know of a way to customize or remove the Callout for the Fluent UI SearchBox?

I'm working on an autocomplete for the React Search Box but because it doesn't have an open interface, the Callout will popup if you have done a previous search. I want to either turn it off or customize it so I don't have to use a separate component.
Thanks in advance.
I know it's a little late but I found setting autoComplete attribute on the SearchBox to "off" works.

Add CSS to individual tab in tab panel Sencha Touch

I'm trying to change the color of a tab in a tabpanel I have when my app goes online or offline. I have the online and offline events already setup but now I need to be able to change the color of the tab from these events.
How do I go about accessing an individual tab and setting it's CSS?
you could use ext component query to get the handle of the component and then add/remove class
You can get the individual tab from tabpanel by referring it as following inside the controller class (inside the refs):
myDesiredTab: '#myTabPanelId container[title=myDesiredTabTitle]'
and afterward you can try:
This idea hasn't been tested but might just work as the tabbar does have cls config and we have a way to access the individual tab.

How can I add FontAwesome "font images" to Popup menu in Extension Library in XPages

I am using the popup menu in Extension Library like this
<xe:popupMenu id="pop">
<xe:basicContainerNode image="/vwicn148.gif" label="Container">
<xe:basicLeafNode label="Child" image="/vwicn148.gif"></xe:basicLeafNode>
And it look like this with an image added before the label
As my site is using only "font icons" from FontAwesome I want to display these instead of normal images. how can I do that?
You have 4 options (and they are not pretty):
use a custom renderer as Tim suggested
subclass the control so label is rendered passthrou
lobby the ExtLib team to add new properties
use an XSP.OnLoad script to add the font awesom tags

ExtJS - Changing default button styles and fonts

I have this requirement where I have to change the default styles on my Ext JS application. I am not talking about changing stuff in CSS files yet. I am not that ambitious yet. Here is what I am looking for:
Suppose I need a Submit and Cancel buttons, I use xtype:button and text:Save ( or Cancel ). This will render buttons with the text on them. What should I do if I want to change the look and feel of the button? Or replace the button with a cool Save or Cancel image?
Right now I have all the texts on the application with the default font that ExtJS shows. What am I supposed to do if I want all the text on the application changed to a different font? Everything right from the data in forms/grids and the titles of each component should be changed to some other font my customer prefers. What am I supposed to do?
I understand these are very basic and a generic questions, but I am looking for a good headsup before I proceed with my task.
Thank you all in advance. Waiting for answers :)
Update: So, I found out how we deal with CSS and change the fonts. Can anyone help about the Chaning the look and feel for Submit/Cancel buttons.
I recommend you to use SASS and compass to build your own themes, or better said to change one the existing themes. In the Ext JS documentation you can find the css variables which you can set according to your needs.
If you are not ready for theming with SASS just yet take a look at this example of button configs from the sencha docs:
Stanadalone Example page: http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.1.3/extjs-build/examples/button/button.html
CSS that adds customized images to the buttons: http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.1.3/extjs-build/examples/button/button.css
JS that shows button configs: http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.1.3/extjs-build/examples/button/button.js
Essentially this shows how to use iconCls property on the button config along with a simple CSS class to add desired image to your button.

H tags in CKEditor

I was simply wondering if there's an easy way of creating H tags through CKEditor (without going to HTML view) ?
I need this in order for SEO as well as making the content nicer to read by breaking it up.
One would have thought there's a button on the toolbar for this but no :)
The Format dropdown allows you to select such options.
You can also customize the Styles dropdown or create a new plugin if you want each option available as a toolbar button, this is a sample of such plugin.