What use are SQL dates without date functions? - sql

I've worked with various ORMs and database abstractions designed to make it easy to work with multiple databases, both relational and not. The more comprehensive solutions will usually give you access to some date functions that boil down to actual SQL (or whatever, in the case of non-SQL dbs). On the other hand, many of these abstractions don't provide direct access to SQL functions and you lose the ability to deal with dates directly. Instead, you're expected to use the upper-level language (PHP, Python, whatever) to do your date-wrangling, and finally only insert, select, what-have-you the formatted date.
So my question is this: if the SQL server never gets to do anything with the date itself, am I better off just using an int and putting epoch timestamps in it, or is there additional value to the database server "knowing" it's a date?

If you are using dates, store them as dates.
Not only does this make it easier to translate between the database and application, but when you need to do anything based on the dates (and you will, otherwise why have dates stored at all?).
That is, when you need to sort or query using the dates, you will not need to go trough special effort to re-convert to dates.

Other than what #Oded said, if you never ever use any date related functions, Still there are some issues;
At the moment, you cannot store epoch timestamp in milliseconds into an INT field (overflows).
Timestamp without milliseconds will overflow INT on Tue Jan 19 2038 # 03:14:08 GMT+0000 (GMT) as it will be greater than 2147483647.
BUT, Integer takes 4 bytes and Datetime takes 8 bytes. You are better off 4 bytes if you are within above two limitations.


Store Quarter/Year in SQL Server

I have a table which needs to store the quarter and year, and I need to know which is the best way to do this. I found this answer from 10 years ago on SO: Best way to store quarter and year in SQL Server. However, there are two suggestions given--one is storing quarter and year in separate columns and making them integers, the other being storing as a datetime and using the first day of the month for the day (i.e., 1/1/2021, 4/1/2021, etc.).
Considering this answer is 10 years old and there could be better ways now for storing this data, what is the best method?
FYI, this data will not be used for calculation purposes, but will probably be searched on.
I recommend always storing date related data as the datetime data type.
Storing them separately is the worst possible approach, searching becomes very difficult. Try writing the query returning all quarters between 3Q2019 and 1Q2021 when your year and quarter are separate.
Breaking it into separate parts puts the responsibility on the developer to handle the year boundary appropriately, which many do not.
DateTime data type also includes validation (Q5 2020 would throw an error) to prevent data errors.
Use the right tool for the job. DateTime data should always be stored in a DateTime datatype.

Limitations in using all string columns in BigQuery

I have an input table in BigQuery that has all fields stored as strings. For example, the table looks like this:
name dob age info
"tom" "11/27/2000" "45" "['one', 'two']"
And in the query, I'm currently doing the following
table AS (
"tom" AS name,
"11/27/2000" AS dob,
"45" AS age,
"['one', 'two']" AS info )
EXTRACT( year from PARSE_DATE('%m/%d/%Y', dob)) birth_year,
ANY_value(PARSE_DATE('%m/%d/%Y', dob)) bod,
ANY_VALUE(name) example_name,
EXTRACT( year from PARSE_DATE('%m/%d/%Y', dob))
Additionally, I tried doing a very basic group by operation casting an item to a string vs not, and I didn't see any performance degradation on a data set of ~1M rows (actually, in this particular case, casting to a string was faster):
Other than it being bad practice to "keep" this all-string table and not convert it into its proper type, what are some of the limitations (either functional or performance-wise) that I would encounter by keeping a table all-string instead of storing it as their proper type. I know there would be a slight increase in size due to storing strings instead of number/date/bool/etc., but what would be the major limitations or performance hits I'd run into if I kept it this way?
Off the top of my head, the only limitations I see are:
Queries would become more complex (though wouldn't really matter if using a query-builder).
A bit more difficult to extract non-string items from array fields.
Inserting data becomes a bit trickier (for example, need to keep track of what the date format is).
But these all seem like very small items that can be worked around. Are there are other, "bigger" reasons why using all string fields would be a huge limitation, either in limiting query-ability or having a huge performance hit in various cases?
First of all - I don't really see any bigger show-stoppers than those you already know and enlisted
though wouldn't really matter if using a query-builder ...
based on above excerpt - I wanted to touch upon some aspect of this approach (storing all as strings)
While we usually concerned about CASTing from string to native type to apply relevant functions and so on, I realized that building complex and generic query with some sort of query builder in some cases requires opposite - cast native type to string for applying function like STRING_AGG [just] as a quick example
So, my thoughts are:
When table is designed for direct user's access with trivial or even complex queries - having native types is beneficial and performance wise and being more friendly for user to understand, etc.
Meantime, if you are developing your own query builder and you design table such that it will be available to users for querying via that query builder with some generic logic being implemented - having all fields in string can be helpful in building the query builder itself.
So it is a balance - you can lose a little in performance but you can win in being able to better implement generic query builder. And such balance depend on nature of your business - both from data prospective and what kind of query you envision to support
Note: your question is quite broad and opinion based (which is btw not much respected on SO) so, obviously my answer - is totally my opinion but based on quite an experience with BigQuery
Are you OK to store string "33/02/2000" as a date in one row and "21st of December 2012" in another row and "22ое октября 2013" in another row?
Are you OK to store string "45" as age in one row and "young" in another row?
Are you OK when age "10" is less than age "9"?
Data types provide some basic data validation mechanism at the database level.
Does BigQuery databases have a notion of indexes?
If yes, then most likely these indexes become useless as soon as you start casting your strings to proper types, such as
age > 10 and age < 30
and ANY_VALUE(SAFE_CAST(age AS INT64)) < 30
It is normal that with less columns/rows you don't feel the problems. You start to feel the problems when your data gets huge.
Major concerns:
Maintenance of the code: Think of future requirements that you may receive. Every conversion for data manipulation will add extra complexity to your code. For example, if your customer asks for retrieving teenagers in future, you'll need to convert string to date to get the age and then be able to do the manupulation.
Data size: The data size has broader impacts that can not be seen at the start. For example if you have N parallel test teams which require own test systems, you'll need to allocate more disk space.
Read Performance: When you have more bytes to read in huge tables it will cost you considerable time. For example typically telco operators have a couple of billions of rows data per month.
If your code complexity increase, you'll need to replicate conversions in multiple places.
Even single of above items should push one to distance from using strings for everything.
I would think the biggest issue with this would be if there are other users of this table/data, for instance if someone is trying to write reports with it and do calculations or charts or date ranges it could be a big headache having to always cast or convert the data with whatever tool they are using. You or someone would likely get a lot of complaints about it.
And if someone decided to build a layer between this data and the reporting tool which converted all of the data, then you may as well just do it one time to the table/data and be done with it.
From the solution below, you might face some storage and performance problems, you can find some guidance in the official documentation:
The main performance problem will come from the CAST operation, remember that the BigQuery Engine will have to deal with a CAST operation for each value per row.
In order to test the compute cost of this operations, I used the following query:
Inspecting the stages executed in the execution details we are able to see the following:
FROM bigquery-public-data.austin_311.311_service_requests
TO __stage00_output
Only the Read, Limit and Write operations are required. However if we execute the same query adding the the CAST operator.
CAST(street_number AS int64)
We see that a compute operation is also required in order to perform the cast operation:
FROM bigquery-public-data.austin_311.311_service_requests
$10 := CAST($1 AS INT64)
TO __stage00_output
Those compute operations will consume some time, that might cause problems when escalating the operation size.
Also, remember that each time that you want to use the data type properties of each data type, you will have to cast your value, and deal with the compute operation time required.
Finally, referring to the storage performance, as you mentioned Strings do not have a fixed size, and that might cause a size increase.

What is the benefit of the one "DATE" datatype over another in Laravel/SQLite?

In my app, I'm just using a SQLlite database for development. Now in the migration, I declare a DATE datatype which laravel seems to handle without any problem, and in the database itself creates it as a varchar.
According to this nice article (http://www.sqlitetutorial.net/sqlite-date/) SQLite has basically got three options for handling dates:
Using the TEXT storage class for storing SQLite date and time Using
REAL storage class to store SQLite date and time values
Using INTEGER to store SQLite date and time values
So as I'm trying to formulate my approach, I'm thinking ahead that I will likely end up, at some point, need to step up and move to a higher performance SQL database (mySQL / Postgres / etc. ) And then may have datatype translation challenges.
But then also, at the application layer, Laravel itself has some manipulations.
Now, the question I'm asking is this, What is the benefit of one type over another? Is there some kind of reason to choose one type over another? My thinking is that TEXT is nice and human-readable for backend support, but it may require addiotnal coding to manipulate strings.
INTEGERS are probably more efficient, and would be translatable to a bigger SQL server easier than text.
Does anyone know of a comparison of the pro's and con's of various choices?
Any advice? Thanks in advance.
The size of integer is 4 bytes. The size of a letter in text is 1 byte.
To represent date and time you need 1 UTC number when you use integer. So its much better to user 4 bytes of integer than using 8 bytes of text. I dont see how real can be better than integer for the exact same reason. I would say you should use integer.

SQL equals does not work for timestamps?

My table has a category 'timestamp' where the timestamps are formatted 2015-06-22 18:59:59
However, using DBVisualizer Free 9.2.8 and Vertica, when I try to pull up rows by timestamp with a
SELECT * FROM table WHERE timestamp = '2015-06-22 18:59:59';
(directly copy-pasting the stamp), nothing comes up. Why is this happening and is there a way around it?
FYI, saying "the timestamps are formatted 2015-06-22 18:59:59" is incorrect if you are indeed using a TIMESTAMP type. Such types have their own internal representation of a date-time value, almost always a count since epoch. In your case with Vertica, 8 bytes are used for such storage. The formatting of the date-time value happens when a string representation is generated. Never confuse the string representation with the date-time value. Conflating the two may well be related to your problem/confusion.
A few different thoughts about possible problems…
String Literals
Are you sure Vertica takes strings as timestamp literals? That format you used is common SQL format. But given that Vertica seems to be a specialized database, I would double-check that.
If strings are not allowed, you may need to call some kind of function to transform the string into a date-time values.
Fractional Second
As the comment by Martin Smith points out, the doc for Timestamp-related data types in Vertica 7.1 says those types can have a fractional second to resolution of microseconds. That means up to 6 decimal places of a fraction.
So if you are searching for "2015-06-22 18:59:59" but the stored value is "2015-06-22 18:59:59.012345", no match on the query.
The fractional seconds issue described above is often the cause of problems people have when handling a span of time. If you naïvely try to pinpoint the ending time, you are likely to have problems. Seeing the "59:59" in your example string makes me think this applies to you.
The better approach to spans of time is "Half-Open" (or Half-Closed, whatever) where the beginning is inclusive while the ending is exclusive. Common notation for this is [). In comparison logic this means: value >= start AND value < stop. Notice the lack of EQUALS SIGN in the stop comparison. In English we would say "look for an hour's worth of invoices starting at 2:00 PM and going up to, but not including, 3:00 PM".
Half-Open for a week means Monday-Monday, for a month the first of one month to the first of the next month, and for a year the January 1 of one year to January 1 of the following year.
Half-Open means not using BETWEEN in SQL. SQL's BETWEEN has often be criticized. Instead do something like the following to look for an hour's worth of invoices. Notice the Z on the end of string literal which means "UTC time zone" ("Z" for "Zulu"). (But verify, as my SQL syntax may need fixing.)
FROM some_table_
WHERE invoice_received_ >= '2015-06-22 18:00:00Z'
AND invoice_received_ < '2015-06-22 19:00:00Z'
This query will catch any values such as '2015-06-22 18:59:59.654321" which seems to be eluding you.
Reserved Word
I hope you have not really named your table 'table' and your column 'timestamp'. Such use of keywords and reserved words can cause explicit errors or more subtle weird problems.
Tip: The easy way to avoid any of the over a thousand reserved words in various databases is to append a trailing underscore. The SQL standard explicitly promises to never using a trailing underscore in its reserved words. So use "timestamp_" rather than "timestamp". Another example: "invoice_" table and "received_" column. I recommend doing that as a habit on everything your name in SQL: columns, tables, constraints, indexes, and so on.
Time Zone
You are using the TIMESTAMP which is short for TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE. Or so I presume; the Vertica doc is vague but that is the common usage as seen in the Postgres doc, and may even be standard SQL.
Anyways, TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE is usually the wrong type for most business purposes. The WITH time zone is misnamed and often misunderstood as a consequence: It means "with respect for time zone" where data inputs that include an offset or other time zone information from UTC are adjusted to UTC during the INSERT/UPDATE operations. The WITHOUT type simply ignores any such offset or time zone information.
The WITHOUT type should only be used for the concept of a date-time generally without being tied to any one locality. For example, saying "Christmas this year starts at beginning of December 25, 2015". That means in any time zone rather than a specific time zone. Obviously Christmas starts earlier in Paris, for example, than in Montréal.
If you are timestamping legal documents such as invoices, or booking appointments with people across time zones, or scheduling shipments in various localities, you should be using WITH time zone type.
So back to your possible problem: Test how Vertica or your client app or your database driver is handling your input string. It may be adjusting time zones as part of the parsing of the string using your client machine’s current default time zone. When sent to the database, that value will not match the stored value if during storage no adjustment to UTC was made.
Tip: Generally best practice is to do all your storage and business logic in UTC, adjusting to local time zones only where expected by user.


We had this programming discussion on Freenode and this question came up when I was trying to use a VARCHAR(255) to store a Date Variable in this format: D/MM/YYYY. So the question is why is it so bad to use a VARCHAR to store a date. Here are the advantages:
Its faster to code. Previously I used DATE, but date formatting was a real pain.
Its more power hungry to use string than Date? Who cares, we live in the Ghz era.
Its not ethically correct (lolwut?) This is what the other user told me...
So what would you prefer to use to store a date? SQL VARCHAR or SQL DATE?
Why not put screws in with a hammer?
Because it isn't the right tool for the job.
Some of the disadvantages of the VARCHAR version:
You can't easily add / subtract days to the VARCHAR version.
It is harder to extract just month / year.
There is nothing stopping you putting non-date data in the VARCHAR column in the database.
The VARCHAR version is culture specific.
You can't easily sort the dates.
It is difficult to change the format if you want to later.
It is unconventional, which will make it harder for other developers to understand.
In many environments, using VARCHAR will use more storage space. This may not matter for small amounts of data, but in commercial environments with millions of rows of data this might well make a big difference.
Of course, in your hobby projects you can do what you want. In a professional environment I'd insist on using the right tool for the job.
When you'll have database with more than 2-3 million rows you'll know why it's better to use DATETIME than VARCHAR :)
Simple answer is that with databases - processing power isn't a problem anymore. Just the database size is because of HDD's seek time.
Basically with modern harddisks you can read about 100 records / second if they're read in random order (usually the case) so you must do everything you can to minimize DB size, because:
The HDD's heads won't have to "travel" this much
You'll fit more data in RAM
In the end it's always HDD's seek times that will kill you. Eg. some simple GROUP BY query with many rows could take a couple of hours when done on disk compared to couple of seconds when done in RAM => because of seek times.
For VARCHAR's you can't do any searches. If you hate the way how SQL deals with dates so much, just use unix timestamp in 32 bit integer field. You'll have (basically) all advantages of using SQL DATE field, you'll just have to manipulate and format dates using your choosen programming language, not SQL functions.
Two reasons:
Sorting results by the dates
Not sensitive to date formatting changes
So let's take for instance a set of records that looks like this:
5/12/1999 | Frank N Stein
1/22/2005 | Drake U. La
10/4/1962 | Goul Friend
If we were to store the data your way, but sorted on the dates in assending order SQL will respond with the resultset that looks like this:
1/22/2005 | Drake U. La
10/4/1962 | Goul Friend
5/12/1999 | Frank N. Stein
Where if we stored the dates as a DATETIME, SQL will respond correctly ordering them like this:
10/4/1962 | Goul Friend
5/12/1999 | Frank N. Stein
1/22/2005 | Drake U. La
Additionally, if somewhere down the road you needed to display dates in a different format, for example like YYYY-MM-DD, then you would need to transform all your data or deal with mixed content. When it's stored as a SQL DATE, you are forced to make the transform in code, and very likely have one spot to change the format to display all dates--for free.
Between DATE/DATETIME and VARCHAR for dates I would go with DATE/DATETIME everytime. But there is a overlooked third option. Storing it as a INTEGER unsigned!
I decided to go with INTEGER unsigned in my last project, and I am really satisfied with making that choice instead of storing it as a DATE/DATETIME. Because I was passing along dates between client and server it made the ideal type for me to use. Instead of having to store it as DATE and having to convert back every time I select, I just select it and use it however I want it. If you want to select the date as a "human-readable" date you can use the FROM_UNIXTIME() function.
Also a integer takes up 4 bytes while DATETIME takes up 8 bytes. Saving 50% storage.
The sorting problem that Berin proposes is also solved using integer as storage for dates.
I'd vote for using the date/datetime types, just for the sake of simplicity/consistency.
If you do store it as a character string, store it in ISO 8601 format:
Among other things, ISO 8601 date/time string (A) collate properly, (B) are human readable, (C) are locale-indepedent, and (D) are readily convertable to other formats. To crib from the ISO blurb, ISO 8601 strings offer
representations for the following:
Time of the day
Coordinated universal time (UTC)
Local time with offset to UTC
Date and time
Time intervals
Recurring time intervals
Representations can be in one of two formats: a basic format
that has a minimal number of characters and an extended format
that adds characters to enhance human readability. For example,
the third of January 2003 can be represented as either 20030103
or 2003-01-03.
offer the following advantages over many of the locally used
Easily readable and writeable by systems
Easily comparable and sortable
Language independent
Larger units are written in front of smaller units
For most representations the notation is short and of constant length
One last thing: If all you need to do is store a date, then storing it in the ISO 8601 short form YYYYMMDD in a char(8) column takes no more storage than a datetime value (and you don't need to worry about the 3 millisecond gap between the last tick of the one day and the first tick of the next. But that's a matter for another discussion. If you break it up into 3 columns — YYYY char(4), MM char(2), DD char(2) you'll use up the same amount of storage, and get more options for indexing. Even better, store the fields as a short for yyyy (4 bytes), and a tinyint for each of MM and DD — now you're down to 6 bytes for the date. The drawback, of course, to decomposing the date components into their constituent parts is that conversion to proper date/time data types is complicated.