WCF Service for Multiple clients with database(each for client) - wcf

We have a WCF service to get data from database and it's working fine with single client.
Now we want to move our application over cloud and share same WCF service there with different clients and databases (database is unique for each client and is hosted on X server).
We set service behavior to ConcurrencyMode.Single and InstanceContextMode.PerSession
There is one private object which connected with Business layer and calls different WCF calls.
We want to this object unique for each WCF service client.
And we want to host this on console application.
Anyone please help us to short out this issue or any other way to get this.
Thank you.


Self-Host WCF single to many host routing

UPDATE 2: Solved the first problem (note below) - reduced the complexity/scope.
NOTE: If migrating from self-hosting WCF services in Cloud Services to Service Fabric using HttpsBinding then you need to change the HostNameComparisonMode from Exact to StrongWildcard.
I have scenario where I have to open many (100+) WCF Service Hosts to receive callbacks from an external service. They have same Contract but with differing credentials (service certificates are unique to each of our customers).
I would like to know if it is possible to route all requests through a single Host/Router that could check the connecting clients expected service certificate and either a) spoof/ignore (preferably) the service certificate or forward the connection onto the correct host.
I want to avoid having to load hundreds of service hosts with different credentials (which are stored in a database) when the service fabric node first comes up so I don't receive traffic to a service that's not loaded yet. Ideally I could load them when needed or not have to load them at all (spoofing certificate or something).
Looking for someone who is a lot savvier with WCF to shed some light on the possibilities. Thanks.

Internal WCF Service on a public facing server security

I need to host a WCF service that will give its clients access to internal business systems on a public facing web server. Obviously I must secure this so that no one from the outside world even knows the service exists, let alone be able to call methods and access the data it exposes.
The overall idea is that the public facing website hosted on the same machine will call the WCF service and then the WCF service will provide it with the required data...
Public Facing Web Site <-> WCF Service <-> Business Systems / Databases
So I need to understand how to secure the service so it can only be accessed via the public facing website.
Ideas I had..
IIS filtering so that the IIS Site hosting the WCF service will only accept requests from a certain IP address.
Obscure port that will not be allowed through the public facing firewall.
Protocol such as NetTCP or NamedPipes
But what about the actual WCF security set up? As both the Public Facing Site and the service are on the same machine is Windows Authentication as option? Questions I have regarding this are...
Should the service client and the service simply use Windows Authentication?
Do I need specific user accounts as opposed to Network Service? If the website runs under network service would this then automatically authenticate to the service?
My objective is that someone in the outside world should not know of the services existance or be able to make access to it.
Thanks in advance.
Technical environment is: IIS7, .Net 4 and WCF 4.
I would suggest you create a http handler '.ashx' and use that as the endpoint for client requests.
If your using asp.net you can secure it by using simple forms authentication and retrieving username and password from the request headers to authenticate the request.
Then execute any requests to your business webservices which is also secured by your forms authentication.

How do I retrieve the address of the client that connects to my WCF service and stores it?

I am currently developing a WCF duplex service that allows a server and a winform app client to connect to it. The server will be pushing a post to the service and the service will then send the post to the winform app client. In order to do this, I need to be able to differentiate the address of each client in order for me to choose which client do I push the data to.
Any idea how to do this?
The solution to this question is just for me to use a publish/subscribe service.

How to find out the address of multiple clients connected to a WCF duplex service?

I am currently developing a WCF duplex Service for 2 clients. The first client would be an asp.net webpage which upon receiving a posting, it will send the data over to the service. When the service receives the data, it will then AUTOMATICALLY send it to the second client which is a winform app through the callback channel...
To make it simpler.
Asp.net will invoke the wcf
The wcf will reside on the iis server, same as the asp.net
WCF will require to send a data to the windows form application that is running on a client side. Only 1 instance of this application will be run at a time.
Your service should know nothing about the clients attached to it. Doing so pretty much breaks the intention of WCF.
A better solution might be to have your clients subscribe to "events" that your service can fire off. Or maybe the client can provide some information in their requests that indicates a service and method to call back to when needed.

All about wcf client

When I deploy the same service on different machines as they have different information that I need , how can I use my client gracely to consume these service .
You need to define the service endpoint you want to connect to in your client's config.
You cannot define a list of endpoints - if you need load-balancing features, you need to implement those on the server side and "hide" them behind a single service endpoint.
With .NET 4 and WCF 4, you have new capabilities you could check out:
WCF 4 has a new routing service which you can use to get called on a single URL, and you have control over how to "distribute" those calls to the actual back-end servers
WCF 4 also supports dynamic service discovery, so you could potentially just "yell out onto the network" and get back one service endpoint address that supports your contract you're interested in
Developer's Introduction to WCF 4
10-4 Show on WCF 4 Routing Service
Content-based routing with WCF 4
WCF 4.0 Routing Service
WCF 4.0 Routing Service - Failover
Using WS-Discovery in WCF 4.0
Ad-hoc Discovery with Probing messages
It sounds like you want to connect to BOTH servers. you say they have different data that you need. Well, if you already know how to make a client to one of them, the easiest way is to define an entire other client to access the second one. You can define as many clients as you want in the config file. Then just call them both in code.