iTextSharp 5.3.3: replace the pages from the 1st document and insert the pages from the 2nd document instead of them - pdf

Forgive me for the bad english.
I want replace the pages from the 1st document and insert the pages from the 2nd document instead of them. I use itextsharp 5.3.3. Pages of the Second document contain pictures.
My code:
reader1:=New iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfReader (file_name_1);
reader2:=New iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfReader (file_name_2);
Document:= New iTextSharp.text.Document();
For i:=4 To reader1.NumberOfPages Do
End For;
Stamper:=New iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfStamper(reader1, New System.IO.FileStream(new_file_name, System.IO.FileMode.CreateNew));
As a result, the images in new document mixed up.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for any help!

Your code is wrong on many levels. You are copying content streams without copying any of the resources. I never want to see such code again, ever!
Please read
The best way to achieve your assignment is to use PdfCopy. Create two PdfReader objects, and add 4 PdfImportedPage objects from the second reader, following by PdfImportedPage objects from the first reader starting at page 5.
Use the following code samples for inspiration:
If you've found a page advising to use your original approach, please let me know so that I can take action to have that page removed. If you've found this page on, please DO NOT USE those examples WITHOUT READING THE DOCUMENTATION!


Problem with line breaks in PDF document generated by BIRT

I have some cell texts in a BIRT report which do not flow as nicely as I hoped.
For example,
The text is Long value resultwithaverylongname whichcannotbreak and I had hoped that it would be displayed like this:
Long value
The render options are as follows:
renderOptions.setOption(IPDFRenderOption.PAGE_OVERFLOW, IPDFRenderOption.OUTPUT_TO_MULTIPLE_PAGES);
renderOptions.setOption(IPDFRenderOption.PDF_TEXT_WRAPPING, true);
renderOptions.setOption(IPDFRenderOption.PDF_WORDBREAK, true);
It seems to me that my desired output is physically possible but I don't know why BIRT does not break on a whitespace and breaks in the middle of the word.
I am using BIRT 4.16 (from Sourceforge). The texts contain normal whitespace (no non-breakable spaces) and are displayed via a data object.
I now have an example project which I am trying to commit to Github. In the meantime here is a screenshot showing breaks which look good and others which are not...
The git repo is here:
If the text "resultwithaverylongname" physically fits, then you are right:
BIRT should not break it in the middle of the word.
Your renderOptions seem right (depending of what BIRT version you are using).
At first glance this looks like a bug.
But: In German language, we often have quite long words, and I've created a lot of (complex) PDF reports with BIRT, but I never saw this issue.
So I guess it is a tiny silly detail which causes this.
Just to double-check:
Are the spaces between "Long", "value", "result..." normal spaces (0x20)? or non-breaking spaces?
Which BIRT release are you using?
Are you using a data item or a dynamic text item and if so, is it HTML or plain text?
Can you create a reproducible simple test case and post the rptdesign file somewhere?
well i don use BIRT , but try to use (\n),
in my case I use PDFFlow library to generate pdf docs, and to make a line-break i just use \n
this is a simple example code to create a pdf file and use line break
var DocumentBuilder.New()
.AddParagraphToSection("Hello world! \n go to the next line")
try it and tell me if it works

How use the one Template for multiple pages in a XWPFDocument with Java

I would like to know, how can i reuse one template (with one page inside and some variables) multiple times a XWPFDocument object.
My idea is:
load the template once in a XWPFDocument as an template-object
clone/create/copy the template-object with all his styles and headers etc
fill the clone with content
add this clone to the destination-XWPFDocument
I got this work for one single page only.
When i try to clone/create/copy the template-object it will lose all his style informations.
How to copy a paragraph of .docx to another .docx withJava and retain the style
How to copy some content in one .docx to another .docx , using POI without losing format?
POI probably does not support this out of the box, but I have done a similar thing in my project poi-mail-merge, it works with the underlying XML to repeatedly replace markers in a template Microsoft Word document and combine the results into one resulting document.
So it basically duplicates the template document multiple times into the resulting document.
See here for how I do it there, basically I work on the XML body text and do replacements/changes there and then append it onto the result document.
POI Mail Merge propably helps in other cases but in my case it doesn't work.
My Workaround is to update my Template-XWPFDocument to the needed structure first, save it temporarily and read it back into a XWPFDocument-object.
Here the steps:
Read the template-file into a XWPFDocument
Read the records from data-file e.g. csv
Calculate the numbers of pages related to the data-records
Get the Bodyelements-Objects from the Template-XWPFDocument
Create new Bodyelements (depending to the numbers of pages) in the Template-XWPFDocument and replace them with the same Objects that we get before
Save the updated Template-XWPFDocument temporarily
Read the temporarily saved Template into a XWPFDocument
Replace all placeholder and fill them with your CSV-Data
Hope this helps somebody

TextControl Images/Watermarks

In version 18 of TextControl ( there is supposed to be the ability to add background images/watermarks to the document, however I find that the behavior of the various overloads, etc is not working correctly and that the documentation is rather scarce on examples. Does any one have a working example of adding watermarks to a Word document through the ServerTextControl object?
This functionality didn't exist in previous versions, so I recognize it's still rather new, I just find it weird that doing something like
tx.Images.Add(draftImage, pageNumber, location, ImageInsertionMode.BelowTheText);
doesn't actually add the images to the document, but if I use another overload beforehand, it adds both?
I just need a loop along the lines of
foreach (TXTextControl.Page page in pages){
var location = tx.InputPosition.Location;
var pageNumber = page.Number;
tx.Images.Add(draftImage, pageNumber, location, ImageInsertionMode.BelowTheText);
where location is supposed to be the beginning of the page.
Any help would be appreciated, this should be simple!
Thank you
Finally got a response to this on their forum, it's not a complete solution, but it works for the most part. Figured I would follow up here, so that anyone who ends up on this page would get the help I wanted.

Set the header for PDF document on second page

I have a jsp page that contains some data(This data may very because it is fetches from the data base) over it.Now I am generating the PDF file for the my jsp page using the ‘Itext api’ . Now I need to set the some specific header on this generated pages started from the Page 2 onwards.
For Ex :-
Jsp test page contains the data for testing purpose.
Jsp test page contains the data for testing purpose.
Page 1 ends
Page 2 starts
My title for the page..(Only needed for the second page onwards)**
Please help me...
Thanks in advance
You can probably make use of setSkipFirstHeader(boolean) of PdfPTable. Which will not print out the first occurrence of the header of your table. You will need to be sure to setHeaderRows on the table.
You could also subclass the PdfPageEventHelper and in the onEndPage event, use the passed in Document object to getPageNumber(). When you determine it is past the first page, you can add your header content to the document.

Create files using list of filenames and add content to each

I need to make a bunch of redirect pages as I've recently updated my web site which previously used .html files and now all the files are .aspx. I have a tab-delimited file containing a list of original filenames and the corresponding new filename.
It seems like there should be a language out there that I should be able to create a file using the first column for the filename and insert the second column as its content with some additional text for the 301 redirect.
Could someone point me in the right direction as to what language(s) would be able to accomplish this? Also, if you could also point out the name of the method/function I would be using so I know where to begin when creating the file.
I've needed to do this type of thing many times and am willing to learn a new language (Perl, Python, or whatever) to accomplish this, but I just need pointed in the right direction. I am using Windows XP to develop on.
Thank you for your time.
This can be done in a few lines of C# if you already are working with aspx you can process this in the codebehind on a dummy page.
System.IO.StreamReader myreader = new System.IO.StreamReader(Server.MapPath("~/Text.txt"));
while (!myreader.EndOfStream)
//9 is Ascii value of Tab bad idea to split if the second set of values might contain tabs but can reconstruct the data if inputString.length >2
string[] inputString = myreader.ReadLine().Split(char.ConvertFromUtf32(9).ToCharArray());
//construct the path to where you want to save the file, or if the filename is the full path all the better
System.IO.StreamWriter filemaker = new System.IO.StreamWriter(#"C:\" + inputString[0]);