Windows 8 store resolution requirements - windows-8

What are the resolution requirements for a windows 8 store app? Does the app have to be auto fullscreen or am I able to set a size such as 600px * 600px for the apps container?

By default your app should run on any resolution. Below are guidelines from MS:


Flutter web Zoom in and out Issue

Flutter Web APP is not resizing if i increase or decrease the zoom in size in windows OS. If simple flutter Counter app i run in chrome it doesn't resize. But in mac OS it works.
I tried using GetResponsiveView class, LayoutBuilder, Media Query but nothing works.

Text a lot bigger in browser than app mode

When I launch my shiny app in browsers mode, the font is a lot bigger than when I launch it in app mode. The font in the sidebar is too big, looks like 14 or 16px.
I have to zoom browser at 80% to get the same font size as when I launch in app mode.
How can I reduce the font size of my app when it's in browser, or in shinyapps?

Testing on a 720 4.3" Windows Phone emulator

A beta tester of mine has reported a layout issue where my LayoutRoot container has unnecessary left and right margins. He is having this problem on his HTC 8X. This is a 4.3" 720p device.
I've tested the app on all Windows Phone emulators available, and have not seen this problem. But there doesn't appear to be a 720p 4.3" emulator available for me to test against. Is there any way I can test it using these device properties (screen resolution = 720p, and screen size = 4.3") without actually owning the device?
As you can see on this MSDN article, on Windows Phone 8.0, the 720p scaled resolution is the same that the 1080p, which is 480 x 853.
That means that layout of the app should be identical between both resolutions, and that what you see on the 1080p emulator will be the same that on a 720p device (unless you have different image assets for each resolution).
The physical screen size doesn't matter.
As Olivier Payen says, The physical screen size doesn't matter.
So, you're asking to test your application on the device which you've not owned. In that case, you can use Remote Device Access
Remote Device Access (RDA) is a service that allows developers to test their mobile applications and services remotely on various Nokia devices based on Windows Phone, Nokia X, Asha, Series 40, and more.
So, try installing your app on the remote device and see your app's resolution and scaling are.!

Windows 8 apps - what if I use a non-common font in my app?

I'm using this font in my windows 8 app, and since this font isn't come pre-installed in common computers, would this mean they can't see my app using this font (of course when it's available in the store)? Instead they would just see default Windows font. What could I do about it?
Like this:
[Windows 8] Using a custom font in your Windows Store apps

Can you build a Windows 8 Live Tile that Launches A Website Instead of a Metro App?

Live Tiles are the "front door" for metro apps on Windows 8. Can you instead launch a website instead of a Metro app?
Could you write an app that just does one thing, and that is to launch the browser with the specified Uri:
Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(new Uri(""));
That has the advantage that it is represented as a traditional app rather than a pinned site, so you can style the tile as you wish.
The closest thing I could find is pinned sites or site tiles.
It doesn't look like you can customize the look and feel of these site tiles, but you can update them with notification counts.