how to access voice memo in app - objective-c

I know that in your app you can access you ipod music and your camera form an app you make. I was wondering if at any possible way it was possible to use the voice memos app from your app. For example, use voice memos they have to use it as the app's background song or sound, it would be something that would give the user more customization to the way the want there screen to look or sound. Thanks, and if its not possible please let me know. If it is possible then please explain how. Thank you!


Play stream audio in background with notification control using exoplayer

iam learning app development so it is very important for me if you people guide me. I have main activity and and two fragments, 1 for listitem and another for now playing. When clicked list item it pass the url to 2nd(now playing) fragment and start playing the music, everything going normal but i want to do this in background/foreground service with notifications control and i want to use exoPlayer or which one is better to stream deferent types of audio. Please guys i need to achieve this in any how help me. Waiting for yours answer. Thank you

How to open the camera within the size?

I want to open the camera action like below pictures. just like camera open within some area only for focusing particular area of the image.
Please help me. Thanks in advance.
Normal Camera View
My Expectation
If you want to use the CameraCaptureTask, you will have to deal with its possibilities. It uses the built-in camera app of the phone, and available setting are the ones in that app.
If you prefer a customized photo taking app, you should use the PhotoCamera class:
PhotoCamera Class
You will find some guidance here:
How to create a base camera app for Windows Phone

How can I logoff from game center from my app

i'd like to know a way to logoff from game center from my app,
i know to authenticate is
[[GKLocalPlayer localPlayer] authenticateWithCompletionHandler:nil];
is there a similar way to logout?
I've looked through the developer documentation, and it doesn't look like it. You could probably find a private API to do it, but then your app would be rejected from the store, rendering Game Center functionality pointless.

Choose Music from iPhone app? - iPhone SDK

Can anyone give me a head starters on this question. How would I be able to make an app that searches through your music contents that are already synced on your phone and play them. I don't want to do a scroll view, where the user just presses on the options. Instead I want the user to type the song name and if the song is found it will play it.
The class you are looking for is MPMusicPlayerController. It's only available in iPhone 3.0 and above.
Get the instance for your app ([MPMusicPlayerController applicationMusicPlayer]) rather than the iPod instance. You can use this to play the songs once you've located them.
In order to do your own search rather than presenting the typical interface check out MPMediaQuery.
I found this article helpful. It's mostly about iPod player integration, but it touches on these other topics too.

iphone OS 3 Video api

Does anyone know if its possible to open up the new camera/video API for the new 3gs in the app, similarly to the camera API in 2.2.1? recording functions and all?
but in the same token, is it possible to edit the video recording you just took and edit it?
all the best
Yes. There is a view controller to do that. You can query it for what type is available. You assign the delegate and it will call it to let you know when you have selected/created a photo or video with the data. Video has a hard limit of 10 minutes.