iphone OS 3 Video api - api

Does anyone know if its possible to open up the new camera/video API for the new 3gs in the app, similarly to the camera API in 2.2.1? recording functions and all?
but in the same token, is it possible to edit the video recording you just took and edit it?
all the best

Yes. There is a view controller to do that. You can query it for what type is available. You assign the delegate and it will call it to let you know when you have selected/created a photo or video with the data. Video has a hard limit of 10 minutes.


Agora Live Stream Dual Camera

I am currently trying to produce an android app that can do live broadcasting. May I know if Agora has the functionalities to access both the rear and front camera of the broadcaster at the same time? If yes, which part of the code do we need to modify (based on Open-Live-Android)?
Agora does offer a demo that directly displays the code you are looking for, but if you can get both camera frames (which some devices may not support that), you can take a look at this demo app: https://github.com/AgoraIO/Advanced-Video/tree/dev/win-screenshare/Screensharing/Agora-Screen-Sharing-Android. In this demo app, the SDK is sending both camera view and screen share view at the same time. In order to achieve that, you need to make screen share as a standalone service. Following a similar logic, you can change the screen sharing part to one of the camera view.

Agora WebRTC Change video call view

I am working on a react-native project which uses Agora.io for video calling.
In a video call it shows my camera feed as fullscreen and the reciever's feed as thumbnail which is the opposite of the correct way.
I want to know, Is this the way agora works or is it possible to fix this..?
Because even in their website they have put the images in that way.
image on the home page
I appreciate any help regarding to fix this.
So it seems like you are presenting the local video stream to the larger view. You would need to switch this. Render the remote video stream on the larger view and the local video stream on the thumbnail view.

Restrict Fast Forward iPhone video.js

I'm having a hard time trying to figure out how to restrict fast forwarding for videos playing in an iPhone. Does anyone have any advice?
Unfortunately you can't. iOS doesn't allow customisation of controls in full screen playback, and playback is always full screen on iPhone.

iphone app that takes photo or video in one view

i am looking for some sample code/tutorial that will demonstrate taking a photo or video using one view in an iPhone app, with a toggle switch. Similar to the built-in iOS camer app.
any help is greatly appreciated!
This library includes the functionality for both photo and video taking. Also, it allows you to present a popup for the user to select photo/video.

Can an iOS app access the subtitles or closed captions of a video in the device's Videos library?

Is there a way to do this, by using the Media Player Framework or any other means?
I would like to build an app that allows the user to work with the subtitles of a store-bought video.
Starting from iOS5, UIAccessibility protocol specifies a method UIAccessibilityIsClosedCaptioningEnabled() to get the value of Settings->Video->Closed Captioning switch value.