Clear case - Eclipse integration - eclipse-plugin

currently I am having following version of clear case on my local machine.
I downloded plugin "com.rational.clearcase.win32-20081031A" from url: "" which include following files in feature and plugin folders.
3.then I installed this plugin from eclipse Help->Software update-> search and install->given here local path of plugin folder which looks like following screen shot 4. It got installed on eclipse;but when I am trying tu connect through it it's giveing me following error.
can you please suggest whats going wrong in it?

That plugin won't work with CCRC (ClearCase Remote Client), only with a full base ClearCase installation.
CCRC comes with its own Eclipse interface, in which you will find all the necessary ClearCase commands.
If you want a CCRC plugin (which is different from the SCM Adaptor you have downloaded), you need to download it from your CCRC server, as I detail in your last question.


Looking for a MyBatis plugin for IntelliJ Idea 14

I'm looking for a current MyBatis plugin for IntelliJ Idea 14. I previously used one hosted by Seventh7 but that is no longer listed (and its git is a 404). The main thing I'm looking for is decent linking between my classes that extend SqlSessionDaoSupport (my DAO classes) and their matching xml files (not using annotation driven).
Any suggestions?
As far as I know the latest free version was v2.34 and it was applied to IDEA v141.177 till v141.179 (as described in file plugin.xml inside jar). That's why this plugin is no listed in IDEA. After this author released paid version and closes free access to the repo
But there is a free fork here: (I love github and open source :) )
Short instruction how to install it:
Download intellij-mybatis-plugin.jar from repo above or use direct link
In IDEA: File>Settings>Plugins, press button "Install plugin from disk" and select downloaded jar.
Restart IDEA
Note: For me navigation to and from xml files does not work until I disabled another iBatis plugin
In Intellij, Go to Settings-->Plugin-->Browse repositories
Search for mybatis plugin.
Install it and restart.
there is a plugin named MyBatisCodeHelperPro, you can search it in repositories.
or download via

Eclipse-Accurev plugin site not working

I'm using Eclipse Luna(4.4) version & need to install the Accurev plugin. From the support site below, i used the eclipse plugin site URL as : ""
Install instructions link:
But eclipse throws error saying "Unable to read repository at... " when trying to read/load the plugin. Any one installed Accurev plugin recently?, need your help please!
Eclipse : Luna, 4.4
Accurev: 6.1
With the purchase AccuRev by Microfocus, the AccuRev Web site has since been retired. We are working on having the Eclipse plug-in hosted on the Borland site but this is still a work in progress. It's best that you download the plug-in and self host an update site by accessing the download package at the following URL:
These steps solved the problem and now I'm able to access the Accurev plugin inside Eclipse:
Download the .zip plugin from the above link
Unzip & place the folder ("accurev-eclipse-2014.1-updatesite") under the /eclipse/plugins folder.
Took couple of eclipse restarts to have the changes reflected in Eclipse

How to ensure eclipse plugin has required bundles available?

I'm just starting to develop a new eclipse plugin where I want a web application server running in Eclipse. I found a nice blog, OSGi as a Web Application Server, that describes how to do this. The author suggests creating a target environment for my bundle requirements, and some of those bundles get pulled in from the Equinox Project SDK (now called Equinox Target Components in Juno). I notice that the tutorial project runs fine when my target platform is the platform I created in the tutorial, but fails to start when it is the default platform. So, now for my question...
If I need bundles that are not part of the default, how will my plugin project get access to those bundles? Will I need to deploy them along with my plugin? How would I know if the user's eclipse does or does not already have those required bundles?
You was not much clear about what kind of application you are developing. Running a web server in an Eclipse IDE as a plugin don't make any sense to me. This kind of server application is best just running on top of Equinox.
Anyway, the right path is to create a "Product Configuration" file and add categories that contains the needed bundles (go to File/Plug-in Development/Product Configuration).
With this file you can run an instance of the product (inside the IDE) and can export it (create a zip containing all needed bundles)
And if you want to able your user to install plugin inside his IDE you must create a P2 repository (using a Target Definition File) and expose the exported directory within a Http server. You could research about Tycho to build this kind of components in a maven style.
Well, I'm not sure if re-inventing the wheel again is really sufficient.
You might take a look at Pax-Web for inspiration on how to do it, or take a look Apache Karaf as a OSGi-Container (using Pax-Web). Or even better start contributing to one of the two :-)

How do I get a plugin with platform specific code to deploy to the correct platform using an eclipse p2 repository?

I have an Eclipse Feature that I'm building that contains a few plugins. One of the plugins uses the import package statement to declare a dependency on another plugin.
The other plugin has platform specific code and exists in another feature that I'm building. I have two plugins in this feature that have the platform specific code. One for os=win32 arch=x86 and the other for os=win32 arch=x86_64
Both features are being built and using Tycho and they both have p2 repositories that are successfully available.
So, I made a composite repository that points to both of these repositories, and then I use the "Install New Software..." command in my RCP app and point to the composite repository to install the first feature I mentioned.
The issue is that when the installation is done, the plugin that has the platform specific code has failed to install correctly. Specifically, the plugin for the x86 system shows up on my 64bit machine.
In your feature.xml, choose the plugin with platform specific code and add a platform filter. the filters are available on the right side (once you select the plugin). You can choose filters such as:
When your feature is published, p2 will generate the appropriate filters.
I found the answer.
I needed a p2.inf file sitting next to my feature.xml file in the first feature I mentioned in the question.
And in that p2.inf file, I needed this text...
requires.1.filter=(&(osgi.os=win32) (osgi.arch=x86))
requires.1.filter=(&(osgi.os=win32) (osgi.arch=x86_64))
I added this file to the as well to make sure it was included in the deployed feature
Then when I deployed the p2 repository and performed the install into my RCP application, the correct plugin was placed onto my 64 bit machine.
UPDATE: I was wrong here. This is NOT the correct answer. The incorrect plugin still gets installed on some machines.

Eclipse plugin view does not show up after install

I created a sample plugin which includes a simple view in eclipse and ran the plugin from inside the workbench, my plugin is installed and I get my view showing up in Window/Show View/Other... . I packaged the plugin as a jar file and installed it under the plugins directory of eclipse and restarted my eclipse workbench. I am not able to find my plugin view. I dont know whats is wrong
I am using eclipse RCP SR2 (3.6) for developing plugins and my packaged jar file includes the code, META-INF/MANIFEST.MF and plugin.xml files.
I created the plugin from the book 'Eclipse Plug-ins, 3rd Edition'. I followed the steps outright and am not able to set up the plugin as a jar file.
I got it to work somehow? The plug-in project was created using Execution Environment JavaSE-1.6. 'It was given in the book I referred'. Now the manifest editor had the entry 'Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.6'. Now I ran the application with-in eclipse, it was working. But when I bundled the plugin as jar and copied the plug-in jar under plugins folder and restarted eclipse the plugin was not working, I dont know why, I thought my eclipse is not running under JRE1.6, but I checked my Windows->Preferences->Java->Installed JREs-> I have only jdk1.6.0_27 checked (So I assume that the eclipse is running under JavaSE1.6). This is bit confusing for me! I removed the Execution Environment entry in the Manifest editor Overview tab. Now there is no 'Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment' entry in my Manifest, I created the bundle jar again and installed in eclipse plugins folder and restarted eclipse using -clean option. It started working in my eclipse. I got it to work somehow but with no understanding! I am still looking for answers from some one who can help me figure out what went wrong?
Open an OSGI console and type 'ss'. It should list all of the plugins. Can you see it? What is the state of it.
You can use Preferences/plug-in development/target platform edit running 'running platform' content tab to list and check/uncheck plugins. I hope it helps.
You could try copying your jar file to the eclipse/dropins folder.