Symfony2 Sonata admin make apache goes down on Windows 7 - apache

I'm learning Symfony and installed Sonata Admin Bundle. After opening /admin/login/ first time it opens, but after reload apache goes down. So after every page reload I need to restart apache.
I think it's my code bug, so installed working site on my local, but got same problem.
Don't know what info is important to put with question, please let me know and I'll update question.
I got perl error:
perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
LC_ALL = (unset),
LANG = (unset)
are supported and installed on your system.
perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").
Can find solution for Linux, need to run this commands:
export LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
locale-gen en_US.UTF-8
apt-get install locales
dpkg-reconfigure locales
But nothing for Windows 7.
Also some solutions on StackOverflow:
How to fix a locale setting warning from Perl?
Problem was in APC extension, you can disable it on your dev server, because it just extension for cahce. Works for me without it.


Symfony 5 - "An exception occurred in driver: could not find driver"

I'm currently face to this problem. I am really new beginer at Symfony.
Problem :
When i create a new db with cli symfony console doctrine:database:create, i am getting these errors :
In AbstractPostgreSQLDriver.php line 102:
An exception occurred in driver: could not find driver
In Exception.php line 18:
could not find driver
In PDOConnection.php line 38:
could not find driver
Iam using php 7.4 with xampp and normaly pdo_sql is installed :
extension=exif ; Must be after mbstring as it depends on it
;extension=oci8_12c ; Use with Oracle Database 12c Instant Client
this is my .env file config :
###> doctrine/doctrine-bundle ###
# Format described at
# IMPORTANT: You MUST configure your server version, either here or in config/packages/doctrine.yaml
# DATABASE_URL="sqlite:///%kernel.project_dir%/var/data.db"
###< doctrine/doctrine-bundle ###
And this is my doctrine.yaml file config :
url: '%env(resolve:DATABASE_URL)%'
# IMPORTANT: You MUST configure your server version,
# either here or in the DATABASE_URL env var (see .env file)
#server_version: '13'
auto_generate_proxy_classes: true
naming_strategy: doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.underscore_number_aware
auto_mapping: true
is_bundle: false
type: annotation
dir: '%kernel.project_dir%/src/Entity'
prefix: 'App\Entity'
alias: App
I have been searching for hours but i cant get any solutions to solve my problem, someone has an idea ?
I'm on windows.
Thanks a lot !
If you want to use Mysql , comment this line DATABASE_URL="postgresql://db_user:db_password#"
If not comment the other line
if you are working in Linux, probably some extensions are missing,run those command
sudo apt-get install php-mysql php-pdo
I had the same problem, PHP 7.4.29, xampp, windows.
For the purpose of installing Xdebug I upgraded my PHP version to 7.4.29 (previously 7.4.18), and I guess this errror occured since then. Database connexion worked before. I copied the extensions from the old php.ini to the new one and the error remained.
What resolved the problem : added this line :
extension_dir = "D:\programs\xampp\php\ext"
And activated these extensions :
In my case, I got my .env.local file from a colleague and stupidly saved it without the leading dot, so Symfony was using the values from the .env file, which reads
DATABASE_URL="postgresql://symfony:ChangeMe#" rather than the correct DATABASE_URL="mysql://foo:bar#" from .env.local.
I'm running Homestead/vagrant on windows and my problem was, I wasn't able to execute this command php bin/console doctrine:database:create on windows even though I opened a terminal as administrator
As seen on these 2 pictures I tried Cmder and Git bash and both of them failed, saying an execption occured in driver: could not find driver
I then solved it by SSH into my vagrant box vagrant ssh navigated to the working symfony folder and ran the command from there php bin/console doctrine:database:create and for some reason that worked !
I wish there was an easier way to debug this stuff, but I guess that's how it is working with Windows. Hope this can help someone out there
copy path
find the file then open it
delete the ; in extension=mysqli
I also had this problem, just uncomment the DATABASE_URL that you have on your computer either (sqlite, mysql or postresql).
I had the same problem when I typed the following command:
symfony console make:user User
I solved the problem with the command:
php bin/console make:user User.
Wanting to create a user
step 1 => go to Xaamp control panel then click config of Apache
step 2 => click on PHP(php.ini).browse through the file. you can able to see these extensions.
remove ; from ;extension=pdo_pgsql and save it and close file
step 3 => now come back to your on .env file and comment this line:
this works!
I had the same problem, I am runing a Symofny application with docker.
When you add doctrine-bundle to your app, in Dockerfile will appear this lines what will install drivers for postgres.
You have to remove it and add this line, this will install drivers for mysql
RUN docker-php-ext-install pdo pdo_mysql
I hope that helps to someone.
Delete or comment from .env file the line:
I had the same problem to solve the problem:
type php --ini to see the path to the file php.init
if you are on vscode do ctr + click on the path otherwise follow the path manually on your computer to the file php.init make sure your open php.init file with admin right !!
edit the file and uncomment extension=pdo_mysql
save and retry php bin/console doctrine:database:create
type php -m for check if your're in list pdo_mysql
here an illustration

Elm install always fails with "ConnectionTimeout" error (in WSL)

I'm new to Elm. and I'm not good at English. So, if any ambiguous or wrong thing is there, please let me correct it.
----------- edit -----------
All my problem below is on WSL. when I'm trying on windows, all work fine. then... why elm install doesn't work on WSL? did you have any idea?
-------- problem --------
when I try to elm-test init, it doesn't work like below
$ elm-test init
Here is my plan:
elm/random 1.0.0
elm-explorations/test 1.2.2
Would you like me to update your elm.json accordingly? [Y/n]:
-- PROBLEM DOWNLOADING PACKAGE -------------------------------------------------
I was trying to download the source code for elm/random 1.0.0, so I tried to
But my HTTP library is giving me the following error message:
Are you somewhere with a slow internet connection? Or no internet? Does the link
I am trying to fetch work in your browser? Maybe the site is down? Does your
internet connection have a firewall that blocks certain domains? It is usually
something like that!
but my Browser(Chrome) is working beautifully, and even in WSL (the environment that I run elm-test init command at) is too.
$ curl<body>You are being redirected.</body></html>
then I also try again to redirect the URL
$ curl
Warning: Binary output can mess up your terminal. Use "--output -" to tell
Warning: curl to output it to your terminal anyway, or consider "--output
Warning: <FILE>" to save to a file.
I think there's no Network Problem. My PC can connect with the repo, and I think it will be downloaded well.
I lastly tried just elm install, and that throws the same error too. it seems like Elm can't connect with the repo, even if My PC can.
$ elm install elm/random
Here is my plan:
elm/random 1.0.0
Would you like me to update your elm.json accordingly? [Y/n]:
-- PROBLEM DOWNLOADING PACKAGE -------------------------------------------------
I was trying to download the source code for elm/random 1.0.0, so I tried to
But my HTTP library is giving me the following error message:
Are you somewhere with a slow internet connection? Or no internet? Does the link
I am trying to fetch work in your browser? Maybe the site is down? Does your
internet connection have a firewall that blocks certain domains? It is usually
something like that!
Please help me, what should I do?
I recently had reason to use WSL for elm development. It wasn't much fun and I'm glad to be back on Mac! What I found was that certain disk operations on WSL seemed to go very slowly and that could lead a variety of weird issues.
I was using Webstorm, which does not handle WSL well, so in the end I did everything on C: drive (rather than in /home/...) so that webstorm could run the windows version of elm-format, while my node development environment was run on the linux layer.
That's not a precise answer to your question but just to say that it can be done, but its not an ideal way to write Elm code in my experience
I had same issue and it was solved.
It was due to DNS server settings.
Create a file /etc/resolv.conf and write the following line.
Then WSL will refer to Google Public DNS and works fine.
However, when restart WSL, the settings revert back.
Therefore, the following settings are also required.
Create a file /etc/wsl.conf and write the following line.
generateResolvConf = false
wsl --shutdown and restart WSL.
Reference link

File with foreign characters downloaded from s3 using s3cmd is coming as?

I am trying to download a file from S3 using s3cmd command-line. The file is having foreign characters like (楽曲満載アプリ!!最新曲から懐かしの曲、気になるあの曲も検索できる). But when I download this file in my ubuntu machine and open the file, using vi command, the characters are getting replaced as (??????). I am not sure why this issue is occurring. Any help/suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I have finally resolved the issue. Posting here so that it can help someone in the future. Based on the hint given by Will about the settings of ubuntu terminal, I investigated on the locale of the machine. I saw the locale was en_US. To see the default locale, type locale in your terminal.
**P.S if the locale you want is not available then follow this link to install the locale
$ sudo locale-gen "en_IN"
Generating locales...
en_IN... done
Generation complete.
$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
Generating locales...
en_IN... up-to-date
Generation complete.
In my case the locale was something like
locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory
locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory
I got the locale of the system where the file was opening properly
It was something like
What I did was, I opened the locale file by using the command
sudo vi /etc/default/locale
and replaced the content of the file with
After making this change I restarted the machine and now I open the file and baammmm. The chinese characters were showing up as expected. Thanks #Will for the hint and this link for making my day :)

rvm install fails with or without rvmrc

I'm using rvmrc with the following text:
(on Ubuntu 11.10) but trying to install gives an obscure error:
$ bash < <(curl -s
Successfully checked out branch ''
Current branch master is up to date.
Successfully pulled (rebased) from origin
: No such file or directory
Any ideas?
You have no need at all to set $rvm_path. You're using a multi-user install. Please follow the explicit instructions for the Multi-User install at and remove any existing installations, remove /etc/rvmrc, /etc/profile.d/, and $HOME/.rvmrc. Comment out any RVM sourcing lines in your .bash_profile, and .bashrc and log out of the machine then back in. Then reinstall correctly. Setting the rvm_path has never been a requirement of the installer UNLESS you already have a Multi-User working installation in place, and you want to attempt to use a per-user install with it. THEN you would preset the $rvm_path to $HOME/.rvm in your own $HOME/.rvmrc, log out then back in and then attempt the install again. BUT, that is not a supported installation type. Which is why 99.999% of users will not need to set rvm_path at all.
The real problem was that the git configuration for auto-converting line endings was not set correctly which prevented any installation from working. It had nothing to do with using rvmrc settings.
The fix for this is simple (and comes straight from the github help page):
$ git config --global core.autocrlf input
Line endings are important in linux and by forgetting that setting, everything the rvm-install script was pulling from github had \r\n endings. I made that change so long ago on my work machine, I didn't even remember it -- but it was not set on my home system.
I'll leave it up in case someone else has the same problem.

Apache is "Unable to initialize module" because of module's and PHP's API don't match after changing the PHP configuration

php -v gives this
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: memcache: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: memcache: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match in Unknown on line 0
bogus test name tests/
ps. i've upgraded from php 5.2 to 5.3. before this everything worked okay.
When you update the version of PHP (especially when going from version X.Y to version X.Z), you must update the PHP extensions as well.
This is because PHP extensions are developped in C, and are "close" to the internals of PHP -- which means that, if the APIs of those internals change, the extension must be re-compiled, to use the new versions.
And, between PHP 5.2 and PHP 5.3, for what I remember, there have been some modifications in the internal data-structures used by the PHP engine -- which means extensions must be re-compiled, in order to match that new version of those data-structures.
How to update your PHP extensions will depend on which system you are using.
If you are on windows, you can find the .dll for some extensions here :
For more informations about the different versions, you can take a look at what's said on the left-sidebar of
If you are on Linux, you must either :
Check what your distribution provides
Or use the pecl command, to re-download the sources of the extensions in question, and re-compile them.
pecl uninstall module_name
pecl install module_name
Your problem is within the php5-dev package. I guess you went from php5.2 on an older linux version to php5.3. I did the same thing, and when I managed to install php 5.3 there was a conflict with php5-dev. For some reason it doesn't get upgraded to the new version. Dunno why is that and I don't care, however this makes your extension compiled with the older API version, while php ofc is with the newer api version. What I did to solve this problem was:
I removed php5-dev with
sudo apt-get remove php5-dev, then I ran sudo apt-get autoremove to get rid of the leftovers that were giving me the trouble, and after that I just installed php5-dev again.
sudo apt-get install php5-dev.
Once that was done, I removed my memcache with sudo pecl uninstall memcache and installed it again sudo pecl install memcache. Now both the module and the php had the same api version so I knew right away that I had the issue solved :)
Hope it helps.
It's possible that the modules are installed, but your PHP.ini still points to an old directory.
Check the contents of /usr/lib/php/extensions. In mine, there were two directories: no-debug-non-zts-20060613 and no-debug-non-zts-20060613. Around line 428 of your php.ini, change:
extension_dir = "/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613"
extension_dir = "/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626"
Then restart apache. This should resolve the issue.
I struggled with this issue for a long time and found out that when you run configure, just pass it the path to the correct php-config tool.
In my case, it was
./configure --with-php-config=/usr/local/zend/bin/php-config
... If you're unsure, run a locate php-config on your machine and find the right one amongst the different versions installed.
Hope this helps somebody in the future.
PS. My default php-config was set to 20090926 which is PHP 5.3. The one I manually entered as a param for ./configure was for PHP 5.4 (2010...)
I had this part enabled in my php.ini
memcache.allow_failover = 1
memcache.chunk_size =8192
memcache.default_port = 11211
After commenting these lines composer was installed in my windows 10
I had a similar issue after upgrading from PHP 5.5 to PHP 5.6. The phpize and php-config libraries being used to compile the phalcon extension were still the ones from PHP 5.5. I had to run the command below:
sudo apt-get install php5.6-dev
There will be a long stacktrace, the key information I saw was this:
update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/php-config5.6 to provide /usr/bin/php-config (php-config) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/phpize5.6 to provide /usr/bin/phpize (phpize) in auto mode
I hope this helps someone.
Before you phpize, make sure to update your path ($PS1) to point to the new PHP! phpize uses your environment, and if you still have vestiges of your old PHP in your path or other parts of the environment, things will get hairy!
I'd the same error even after recompiling the modules.
But I solved it you just have to specify the absolute path of your phpize.
Here is the one that works with php 5.5. Download xampp 1.8.3 from here and download memcache dll from here
In my case in php.ini
I removed Codelobster which support different PHP version, so need to update to:
This problem has just happened to me and has been solved simply by increasing
memory_limit from 32 M to 64 M
You can adjust the value on the file where php.ini exists
locate php.ini
then choose the right file and search for memory_limit and after modifying it
you must reboot the apache
/etc/init.d/httpd restart
All the best.
In my case, I used lnmp to install php with version 5.4.45. But maybe because I installed php5-dev after lnmp (which I guess is not necessary if you installed lnmp), my phpize and php-config both point to older version tools than php.
I solved this by change the soft link of /etc/alternatives/phpize and /etc/alternatives/php-config to /usr/local/php/bin/phpize and /usr/local/php/bin/php-config.
Hopes this is helpful.
What worked for me was simply to do the following:
open the php.ini file.
Under the DYNAMIC EXTENSIONS heading, comment out the following line as
Restarted Apache and all was fine