How to restore a locally deleted file in RTC source control - rtc

I deleted a file & package from my local source dir and I'm trying to replace it using RTC. When I view 'pending changes' the file is not appearing so as to add it again. Also when I right click on the project and select 'Compare' there is no option to compare to the latest in the repository. Right clicking and viewing 'Team' also does not seem to have an option to compare. How do I restore a locally deleted file ?

You need to reload your repo workspace, except you can select the part of the project you want to load.
From "Loading Content from a Jazz Source Control Repository in Rational Team Concert 2.0, 3.0 and 3.0.1":
That will restore the latest checked-in version of your file in your local workspace.
You will see more options (for other cases of deletion) in the article "Finding Lost Content with Rational Team Concert".

If its just a few files you need to reload, you can right click on that component and then select Show->Repository File
In the Repository Files browser, you can look for the file to restore. Right click and select "Load" or "Load As" (if you need to specify where to load it.


how to properly remove files added under "My Project" in solution explorer?

I deleted the file Form1.vb on folder/explorer because I accidentally created it under MyProject in the solutions explorer. but when I tried to rebuild it I'm having below error already.
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error Unable to create a manifest resource name for "My Project\Form1.resx". Could not find file 'C:\Users......\My Project\Form1.vb'.
all data of files is stored in the solution itself, Go to Solution Explorer, Select the file
1.) Right click the folder, Click Delete, Confirm Deletion Process if prompted.
2.) Left click the folder and hit the Delete key on your keyboard.
Do either of these will remove it from your solution and thus, the project. If you have folders being sync'd with git hub it will also update it this way, don't just straight up delete folders from the actual windows explorer though, this could cause pointer issues for reference.
I found the solution.
I created same file with same filename confirmed to replace this with the missing.
then added it again on "MyProject". Project -> Show All Files from the main menu.
I think what I needed was just the Project > show all files.
thank you to everyone who answered above it made me search for this

VS2019 : adding or renaming file in core project terribly slow

When we add a file, create a folder, rename a file or folder it lasts for seconds until this is done.
Even when directly doing those changes on the folder structure, it takes seconds in VS2019 to see them.
In other projects, part of the same solution we do not have this problem.
Any suggestions?
STEP 1 Clear Cache
Win+E to open File Explorer
Click tab "File" and "Change folder and search options"
Click Clear
STEP 2 Minimize Index scope
I. Open Windows Settings and Select "Indexing Options"
II. Click "Modify"
III. Unselect Driver C:// and others
You can do the dotnet restore in a command prompt in the web application directory. This solved the long freezes.
Clean this directory:
%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\versionNumber\Temporary ASP.NET Files
You can exclude extra folders by adding the property to the .csproj file, like <DefaultItemExcludes>$(DefaultItemExcludes);ClientLib\node_modules\**</DefaultItemExcludes>
references here:
ASP.NET Temporary files cleanup
I had slow file add, delete, save, and slow folder add.
I just fixed mine, however my project also has React frontend, the culprit was the "node_modules" folder. I had moved the project from another drive and VS2019 included it as an active folder. Excluding it from the project brought everything back to normal. Since my project is .Net Core 3.1 + React - doing this might serve others - not sure if the OP is using node.js
In Solutions Explore --> Right click node_modules folder --> select "Exclude from Project"
If you are using source control (git) will still work ok as will the rest of your application.

SQL Developer source control option

I have switched from Toad to Sql Developer and was just looking for certain features in SQL developer which I really found beneficial in Toad.
It had a team coding viewer option which is nice to keep a check on the source codes and versioning, though it had nothing to do with subversion.
Do we have any such feature in SQL developer. How can we manage team coding in SQL developer?
Thanks a lot.
SQL Developer allows the source code control feature which can full fill your requirements, here are the steps:
1. First connect to oracle database(using sql developer) by providing following info:
username, password, hostname, port(1521 by default), sid (orcl by default)
2. Create a repository:
versioning>create local repository>give local folder for the repository path and also provide connection name that you have created in sql developer application.
Next, expand the subversion node in the versioning navigator.
Next, right click on connection and choose new remote directory and provide sql files then click on Ok.
3. Import the files to be versioned:
In the files navigator, select the directory where you unzipped the files from the prerequisites under the files tab.
Next, versioning > import files
4. veiw the files which you want to be versioned:
view> files> choose the file for inside the navigator> then click on Next.
Now, confirm that connection name is mapped to the local directory and select the node sql files, then click on Next.
Click Browse and select the directory where you unzipped the files from the Prerequisites as the source directory, then click Next.
in the filter page, click next.
In the Options page, deselect the Perform Checkout check box and click Next.
Review the options for the Import operation and click Finish.
In the Versioning Navigator, expand hr_orcl > SQLFiles.
Please follow the link for the details along with the pictorial reference:
There are commercial options such as Red Gate's Source Control For Oracle if your employer is willing to stump up some hard cash (and it is well worth the money IMO). But failing that, I've found another guide which is for SQL Developer 3 - it's probably not that different to Suresh's but it is specifically for 3 which is the version you are more likely to be using so I'll include it here. The author seems to be anonymous, but kudos to them for writing it up. I haven't been able to find a guide for version 4 and I haven't used it yet so I can't say if it's changed much.
The essence of this guide is as follows. Note that I have omitted anything relating to setting up an SVN repo as that information is easily available elsewhere.
Integrating SQL developer with SVN
In sql developer, choose, View > Team > Version Navigator
In Version Navigator, right click on Subversion, and select New Repository Connection and Provide the following details:
Repository URL -> http://ipaddress/svn-repos/project-repos
Connection Name -> Any user defined name.
User Name -> User name of user who is allowed to login into the repository.
Password -> Password of the above user.
Click Test Read Access, to ensure that connection to repository was successful.
Adding Files to repository.
Initially the repository (project-repos) is empty. To add files to the repository follow the steps below.
Choose View > Files. Files tab will appear in Sql developer.
In the Files tab, expand My Computer and select the folder which contains the files to be added.
Choose Versioning > Import Files. Follow the six steps of the import files wizard, by selecting destination(svn repository), source (your hard disk files), filters, options.In step 5 of the wizard (options step), check the “Perform Checkout” check box.
Finally click Finish. All the files of the selected folder (step 2) will be imported to svn repository.
In the versioning Navigator, select the connection name for the repository and click the refresh button. All the files that you have added will appear with their version number in brackets.
Accessing the repository.
Now the repository has been created and files have been imported to repository, other users will need to access the repository.
Create the connection to repository as shown in section 1.
In Version Navigator,expanding the connection name will show all the files imported in Section 2.
Under the connection name select the folder containing the files.
Right click the folder and select Check-out.
Select the destination folder where you want the files to created on your hard drive.
Click ok.
Go to Files tab and click refresh.
Expand the tree and look for the folder the you selected in Step 5. This folder will now contain all the files that you have exported from the repository to your hard drive.
Making changes to files and committing changes to repository.
Any user can make changes to files (files that he has checked out (exported) from repository in section 3 or he has added to repository in section 2).
From the Files tab, go to the folder that you have imported/exported to/from the repository.
Select the file to modify,by double-clicking.
File will open in edit mode. Make the required changes and save it. After you save the file, an asterik(*) will appear near the name of file in Files tab.
Right click the file/folder that contains modified files, and choose Versioning > Commit.
In the dialog box, give your comments for the changes and click Ok. When the commit is successful, the version number of the file will increase by one. All the changes made are now saved in the repository and other users can take these changes as explained in next Section.
Updating changes from the repository.
If a file has been changed and committed by any other user, you can update your local file from the repository version of the file.
In the Files tab, select the file/folder to update.
Right click and choose Versioning > Update.
In the dialog box, choose required options and click ok. Now the file on your hard drive is in sync with the repository file.

Moving Reports in Salesforce using IDE

I'm trying to mass move reports to different folders in salesforce using the IDE.
I've followed the instructions provided by SarathPM here:
I update my package.xml, move the corresponding files and then try to save to server.
However, I keep getting the following errors:
When deploying:
Save error: DeveloperName: This Report Unique Name already exists or has been previously used. Please choose a different name.
When saving to server:
Unable to save resource '' to server: IllegalArgumentException: Project and/or project package list cannot be null.
There must be a way to move reports in salesforce other than manually saving each report to a different folder. Thanks in advance.
I did a fresh checkout of the reports folder only.
package.xml before
package.xml after
Save package.xml, move to Utility_Reports. Refresh in Eclipse, I see the changes. I try to "Save to Server" and it tells me the "Project is not synchronized with the associated Salesforce organization." I bypass the message and try to save anyway, which is when the "Unable to save resource 'Utility Reports' to server" message shows up.
I tried Synchronizing everything with the server before making any changes. Still get the same error messages.
I can confirm that the method described by Sarath, when followed exactly, works. You'll need a more specific repro scenario. I'd suggest trying to move just a single report. Just to be clear, the steps are:
download a fresh copy of your reports metadata via Eclipse
manually edit the package.xml to change the folder of a report. (I think you need to make sure the folder exists on the server, and that you are referring to the developer name of it, e.g. Folder_A/My_report)
in the underlying file system, move that report to a folder of that name
in Eclipse, do a project refresh from the local file system (NOT the server)
in Eclipse, do a save to server
the report should move
If this also does not work, post your package.xml before and after, and the exact steps you followed.

Notepad++ workspace refresh?

How do i refresh the workspace / project in notepad++ when the file-system changes ( files and folders added or removed ).
at the moment it does not keep up with the local file system and i have to re-create the project each time!! frustrating..
I followed Rechtar's suggestion.
I had a similar issue. Notepad++'s Project pane doesn't update when I change or create new files. What I ended up doing was downloading the explorer plugin through
Then install the explorer plugin.
After it's installed go to PLUGINS > EXPLORER and select the explorer.
It's not really comparable to something like Eclipse's project navigation.
In Notepad++ 7.5.8, this issue has been fixed. I suggest you update your notepad++ to the latest version.
In order to do this, go to ? -> Update Notepad++ and it will automatically detect a new update package. Update Notepad++ normally.
Otherwise, you could download the update from here:
In case you're curious, here's the changelog for 7.5.8:
Notepad++ v7.5.8 bug-fixes:
1. Remove annoying "no update" notification.
2. Fix Folder as Workspace not updating regression.
3. Fixed crash issue by checking & unchecking "Disable extension column" option in preferences dialog.
4. Fixed a crash when trying to launch a secondary instance with command line arguments.
5. Fix "Explorer Here" from "Folder as Workspace" problem if folder name contains comma.
Included plugins:
1. NppExport v0.2.8 (32-bit x86 only)
2. Converter 4.2.1
3. Mime Tool 2.1
4. DSpellCheck 1.3.5
Updater (Installer only):
* WinGup (for Notepad++) v5.0.2
I'm currently running version 6.3.3 of notepad ++ and instead of adding the entire project all over again, you can right-click the folder in your project that has the new file and choose: "Add files...". From there, you can select your new file and open it. This will add it to your project in the appropriate folder.
There doesn't seem to be a proper way to do this in Notepad++. The Project panel was born just 2 or 3 releases ago, so it's naturally immature. I suggest that you install either the Explorer plugin or the Light Explorer plugin - they are much more usable.
Or better yet, go learn Vim and fall in love with the NERDTree ;-)